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Search Results

  • Situational picture of the educational attainment of people living in settlements in Nyíregyháza

    In our study we examine the education of people living in two separate settlements in Nyíregyháza focussing on the type and level of completed school(s) and qualification, what they think of their future studies and getting a qualification so that similarities and differences between the two settlements can be compared. In the analysis, we present data gained in the Husar and Eastern settlements and alsocompare them with data on education from the Quality of Life Research 2018 in Nyíregyháza and the 2016 Micro Census Research by KSH. One-variable and two-variable methods were used to analyze data. Our results show that in terms of education people living in settlements lag far behind the town, county, regional and national data.

  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education

    The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education. The sociology of intellectuals offers us a special approach to the phenomenon of dropout. The rate of students with lower parental educational level (’non-traditional students’) has been changed during the process of the expansion. These students have deficiencies in several fields and these deficiencies can rise the chance of drop-out. In the frame of „Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education” project (led by Prof. Gabriella Pusztai, OTKA project, no. 123847) a database was created in 2018 (N=605). The respondents were earlier students after the drop-out process. We tried to identify the features of the sociocultural background, the main factors of the drop-out and compare the patterns of the first generation intellectuals and students with intellectual background. Our empirical findings have showed that in the case of lower parental level the elements of compulsion seems to be more typical and voluntary withdrawal seems to be more frequent in the other case.

  • A sport, mint a depresszióval szembeni védőfaktor

    The study examines the relationship between sport and depression among athletes in leisure and competition. A total of 436 people completed a questionnaire measuring the factors examined (Beck-Depression Questionnaire Abbreviated Version), of which 139 responders were leisure time athletes and 297 professional athletes. The aim of my study was to map out whether sport appeared as a protective factor for young people engaged in leisure sports, and whether the protective effect of sport on competitive athletes could prevail over the various symptoms of depression. Furthermore, whether there is a correlation between gender, education, occupation and consumption of legal drugs and depression. From the results we can see that the depression value of athletes at competition level is higher than that of the athletes in leisure sports. In addition, I was able to experience a significantly higher depression value among the people aged between 18-20 than those aged 30 and over. I also found a significant difference in terms of gender in favour of women. People with a low level of education and those who do not have a full-time job have witnessed more depressive symptoms on themselves. By examining the consumption of legal drugs, I could show a correlation between alcohol and depression.

  • Lemorzsolódás - Magyar tapasztalatok a szakiskolai képzés területén

    Az alacsony iskolai végzettséggel rendelkezők aránya továbbra is jelentős Magyarországon, ami nemcsak megnehezíti számukra a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacra való belépést, hanem hosszú távon tartósan kiszorulnak onnan. A növekedést kiváltó egyik leggyakoribb ok a lemorzsolódás. A megelőzés, mint meghatározó intézkedés választ adhat erre a problémára. A tanulmány a középiskolai lemorzsolódás kérdéskörére fókuszál kérdőíves felmérés és félig strukturált interjú módszereket alkalmazva. A tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a szakképzésből való lemorzsolódás körülményeit, valamint a kompenzációs intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eredményeket. A kutatás eredményei rámutatnak az iskola és a család jelentős hatására, beleértve a korábbi iskolai tapasztalatokat, a lakóhelyet és a munkaerő-piaci helyzetet. Az eredményekből levont következtetések gyakorlati módon foglalkoznak a témával, és lehetőséget adnak egy esetleges cselekvési terv kidolgozására a lemorzsolódás megelőzése érdekében.

  • Lifestyle and socio-economic inequalities in diabetes prevalence in Madadeni Township, South Africa

    Rapid urbanization, social inequalities, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits are contributing factors to the increasing prevalence of diabetes in South Africa. Data was collected from 99 residents in Madadeni, South Africa. The analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) V.29. The sample had a mean age of 67.4±9.4 years, with 73.74% females and 26.26% males. Majority had Grade 10 as their highest level of education (31.31%) and were retired (51.52%). The average number of household members was 6.35±2.57. The average estimated total income was R5681.82±R2585.73 per month, with 2.13±0.92 members contributing to household income. Majority (72.72%) had T2DM, while 27.27% had T1DM. The quantitative results highlight the importance of increasing awareness and providing health education to empower the affected population with self-management knowledge.

  • Freeloaders, anomic students, ritual persistent students and goal-oriented persistent students. Unusual risks in higher educational students’ dropout

    The question of our study is measuring the relationship between the risk of dropout and the belief in the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort to obtain it. In our analysis, the student database of the HERD research (N=1295) was used. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis. 1) Among the anomic students (the group described with anomie), the level of belief the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort toward that is the lowest while the risk of dropping out is the highest. 2) The ritual persistent (i.e. tenacious) students are able to make strong efforts but do not believe in the degree. Their diligence does not offer them the same level of protection against dropout as 3) the goal-oriented persistence which means that the student believes in the degree as well besides the diligence. 4) The freeloaders are less diligent, but aware of the value of the degree, offering them bigger protection than the disappointed diligence of the ritual persistent students. Among the target-oriented persistent group is higher the proportion of students who learnt in an elite secondary educational institution and who has a graduated householder, while among the ritual persistent group the proportion of those having priority admission points due to disadvantaged/cumulative disadvantaged (HH/HHH) position is higher.

  • Income situations, income conditions among the residents of two settlements

    The monthly net income of settlement residents is much lower than in the town of Nyíregyháza or nationwide. Poor employment stands in the background, which naturally stems from the education level of settlement residents. Almost 80% of them completed 8 grades of primary school only or even fewer, while the number and rate of those who gained any qualification is very low. When examining income disparities in Nyíregyháza, it can be seen that the majority of settlement residents, 76.6%, belong to the 2 lowest deciles, and the rate of income poor also exceeds what is measured in the town or across the country. Considering the 60% of median income, 78% of the residents are poor. Regarding the costs of living, housing expenses cause the biggest trouble and many households have been struggling with arrears.

  • Research at the Husar and Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza – Methodology of the research

    This study contains the methodology description of settlement research carried out in Nyíregyháza. A description of geographical location and distinctiveness of the two surveyed places, Husar and Eastern settlements, is followed by an introduction of the main block of the questionnaire used in our research. The surveyed sample is described by its geographical distribution then by the main socio-demographic indicators. 271 households were examined at the two locations by questioners. 69% of the respondents were women, 31% of them men, the average age was 43.5, and rate of those with completed 8-grade primary school was prominent. The majority of the respondents lived in cohabitation or were unmarried. It is estimated that our data collection covered the 25-35% of the population in the two settlements. Regarding gender, age, level of education, marital status and economic activity there were no statistical differences between the two settlements.

  • Az óvodáskorú gyermekek társas megküzdésének és szüleik szocioökonómiai hátterének összefüggései

    The research investigates how parental socioeconomic background (level of education, financial situation, labor market activity and the type of settlement) affects the preschooler’s coping skills in social conflicts. The focus is on the most effective coping strategies in kindergarten: negotiation and seeking help from an adult and the inadaptive one: physical aggression. We obtained measures on Coping Mechanism Questionnaire both from the teachers and children, and 306 parents answered the questionnaire about home environment. Regression analyses was applied to find out if there are independent variables with an explanatory role. According to our findings, SES has its relevance in the development of social coping mechanisms. Educational achievement and the activity of parents on the labour-market have been proved to have a moderator role in formation of coping skills among other demographic and psychosocial factors. Children with a more favorable social background cope more effectively.