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Search Results

  • The health status of people living in Roma settlements in Nyíregyháza

    Some former research have shown that Roma people living in settlements in Hungary generally rate their health status worse than the majority society, and do not really feel they could do anything to improve their health status. Our research, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods, was done in two settlements in Nyíregyháza with the aim to examine the subjective health status and health behaviour of people living there. This study presents the health status of the Husar and Eastern settlements and these data are compared with that of the general population of Nyíregyháza. The health status of persons in the sample was significantly impacted by their disadvantageous socialeconomic situation which must be tackled. Therefore further targeted and special health promotion programs of high priority are needed.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.

  • A multi-level approach for the research background of subjective health condition in view of social inequalities

    In Hungary, as well as worldwide, one of the main objects of health sociology research is social inequality, focusing mainly on the inequalities stemming from health conditions. The main question is where and how these inequalities appear and evolve during the whole life-history, and how they sustain. In modern societies these differences clearly appear in the markers of health conditions like subjective well-being. The rate of inequalities are defined by essential sociocultural and sociodemographic variables like residual environment, geographical location, age or gender. A very important attribute of social research is to examine these phenomena on different stages and from various aspects. In my study I investigate these stages and aspects using the relevant theoretical literature.

  • Ötven év felettiek egészségi állapota és egészségmagatartása

    This study presents the results of mapping health status, health behavior and nutritional habits onto a group of aging adults. The data was collected in 2021 using a questionnaire with 684 individuals at the age and over the age of 50. Results indicate that one third of the respondents suffer from some chronic disease and that one out of four is overweight. The health awareness of the group was good. Health literacy showed a significant correlation with education, gender, subjective health, and the presence of a chronic disease.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Fogyatékossággal élő serdülőkorú fiatalok tápláltsági állapota és testképe Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg vármegyében

    From the point of view of learning a healthy lifestyle, adolescence is a very sensitive period, characterized by risk-seeking behavior and risk-laden period. This period is characterized by the appreciation of peer relationships, which can also be observed in children with disabilities. An incorrect lifestyle, obesity/overweight is a predictor of adult health. Persons with disabilities often live with co-morbidities and can count on a shorter lifespan. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of young people aged 12-18 with disabilities in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. According to the results, two-thirds of young people have an inadequate nutritional status, more than 30% are overweight or obese. Obesity/overweight occurs at a lower rate among children of families with above-average financial status.