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  • Application of the SDS-PAGE method for the characterisation of winter wheat flour quality

    The principle, development and importance of the SDS-PAGE method are presented in this article. The SDS-PAGE method has become one of the basic methods of molecular biological research, because it is widely applicable and its sensitivity is excellent in the separation of wheat storage proteins.
    We have shown the application of this method with a concrete example. It was also tested whether, it was possible to obtain a better baking quality product from a large amount of poor quality less valuable wheat by fractioning the flour according to particle sizes after grinding. We studied the rheological properties of flours with different particle size fractions from the original flour. The baking quality of the original flour was B2. The 125-90 and 90-63 μm fractions have significantly better baking quality (B1) than the original flour. The protein contents of these flour fractions were also significantly higher than the protein content of the original flour. We had a question: what has influenced the baking quality: the protein content or other factors? We searched for an explanation on these results in the protein composition of the flour samples. We studied the distribution of glutenin-fractions by SDS-PAGE method and evaluated them. We found with correlation analysis that the amount of LMW-Glutenin D-group (52-60 kDa) is in a strong, negative correlation to the baking quality (r = – 0.855*). Therefore, the baking quality of flour samples was influenced by this glutenin fraction.

  • Effect of weather conditions on the protein content and baking value of winter wheat flour

    We searched for connections between weather conditions (with its sub-parameters as precipitation and average temperature) and the yearly formation of two quality parameters (protein content and baking value) on three levels of mineral fertilization, based on the results of a variety comparison experiment on chernozem soil, to select those weather parameters and critical periods which have significant effects on the quality of winter wheat flour.
    We established that the protein content of winter wheat flour can be increased with increasing levels of mineral fertilizers. Protein content is lower and has higher deviation during non-fertilized conditions in different cropping years than on higher fertilization levels. Thus, it seems proved again that quality (as protein content) is mainly formed by the crop year, but can be improved with adequate agricultural engineering (with mineral fertilization in the present case). The higher sum of precipitation in May, and the lower average temperature after flowering, have the highest increasing effect on the protein content of flour of the examined parameters. Based on the results of the examined period, the rainier and warmer term than average before flowering and lower – average amount of precipitation and colder circumstances are favourable for higher baking values. The analysis with data of decades, proves the importance of the first half of May and the middle of June as especially important periods for quality formation. An increasing nutrient supply has different effects on the varieties; mineral fertilization increased the baking value of GK Öthalom winter wheat variety in almost every case, but the second level of fertilization decreased it in half of the examined years. Additionally, mineral fertilization played a role in the stabilization of the quality of highlighted varieties.

  • Comparison of the alveographic qualification and the baking quality of winter wheat

    On the basis of the operative French regulations, we qualified the alveographic qualification and the valorigraphic qualification respectively for each of the 10-14 winter wheat varieties grown each year between 2002-2005, and used in a field experiment at the Karcag Research Institute of the University of Debrecen. The field experiment at the Látókép Research Institute of the University of Debrecen allowed us to examine the alveographic and valorigraphic values of the samples of GK Öthalom and Fatima 2 winter wheat varieties taken from an 8 year period (1997-1999 and 2001-2005).
    Throughout the experiments on samples from the Karcag Research Institute and Látókép Research Institute of the University of Debrecen, we tried to find whether the alveographic W value or the P/L value provides the safer method for the qualification of wheat samples, instead of the qualification commonly used in Hungary. We found that in terms of the samples from the Karcag Research Institute, the baking quality and the W value in each of the examined years, while in terms of the Látókép Research Institute, most of the years showed a close positive correlation, contrary to the close negative relationship between the baking quality and the P/L value. The correlation index varied depending on the year, the variety, and fertilizer doses, which require further examinations.

  • Comparison of chemical parameters of enzyme active and inactive malt types

    Nowadays there is an increasing emphasis on the use of raw materials. Typically, raw materials – in this study malt – are used in animal feeds and used in the brewing industry. However, in terms of quality (eg. high fibre content), these can be included in human nutrition, we have limited information on this possibility. The aim of our work was to compare different malt flours and examine the possibility of using malt in the baking industry. We were to investigate some of the most relevant parameters, such as dietary fibre content, crude protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, dry matter content, moisture content, salt and energy content. In the future, we aim to conduct a research on some of these parameters with different malt types as the brewing industry uses novel ingredients different cereals, pseudocereals such as amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), oat (Avena sativa L.), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in addition to the spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Based on brewing studies, malt has a high fibre and protein content. Having these advantageous qualities, malt should be part of humans’ healthy diet. Using malt flour in the baking industry can be a new direction which can lead to creating a healthier lifestyle and healthier eating habits than suggested by the WHO (World Health Organization).

  • Effect of the fertilization on some quality parameters of winter wheat

    We studied the different mineral fertilizer rates effect on the baking quality of five different winter wheat genotypes (GK Öthalom, Lupus, KG Széphalom, GK Békés, Mv Mazurka) on chernozom soil in 2008.
    The bigger fertilizer doses increased the wet gluten content, gluten elasticity and the protein content. The high doses of fertilization has got a moderate effect on the valorigaph value, water absorption, and falling number. The optimum level of the fertilizer doses were the N90-120+PK.
    The Pearson’s correlation analysis proved strong relationships between the fertilization and gluten content, the quality of the gluten, a valorigraph value, and the protein content. The analysis verified a strong correlation between genotype and falling number, and the protein content.
    The variety Mv Mazurka has got the best baking quality parameters.

  • Effects of ingredients and processing conditions on the quality frozen dough bread made from diferent wheat flour

    A laboratory scale no-time frozen dough procedure that approximates Romanian commercial practice has been
    developed and used to study the effects of ingredients and processing conditions on the bread quality of a straight
    grade wheat flour during prolonged storage (2 days to 26 weeks). All treatments (baking absorption level, mixing
    energy input, mixer type, fermentation and intermediate proof times, removal of oxidant and/or dough
    strengthening conditioners and partial freeze-thaw cycles) had significant effects (P<0.05) upon bread quality (loaf
    volume and/or bread score). In general, these effects were more pronounced with extended frozen storage time.
    High baking absorption, undermixing, bulk fermentation (> 1 h) and removal of oxidant and/or surfactants had
    the most dramatic effects. Addition of a very strong flour at 30% to strengthen the wheat flour had no significant
    effect (P>0.05) upon bread quality under optimum conditions.

  • The relationship between gluten proteins and baking quality

    Wheat, one of the most important cereals, is grown on the largest area in Hungary. During hydration of storage proteins of wheat – gliadin and glutenin – the gluten complex is evolved. The gliadin is responsible for the extensibility of gluten complex as well as the glutenin for the strength of gluten. The structure, composition and rheological properties of gluten proteins influence significantly the baking quality. The gliadin/glutenin ratio and the quality and structure of glutenin fraction play the most important role in evolving gluten complex. Changes in the steps of breadmaking technology also have effect on the quality of product. Several tests proved that the higher glutenin content increases the strength of dough while the higher gliadin content increases the extensibility of dough and decreases maximum resistance to extension. The monomer gliadins play a great part in plasticity of glutenin polymer. The quality of glutenin fraction significantly influences the evolving gluten complex, because of the spiral structure of glutenin which deforms under stress conditions, then the β-spiral structure resumes their original conformation by releasing from stress.
    The final quality of product evolves as a result of complex characteristics of wheat proteins, so detailed knowledge on the roles of different protein compounds is the base of the quality oriented product development.

  • Baking quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the long-term experiments on chernozem soil

    Agriculture has traditionally an important role in Hungarian economy and rural development. About 75 % of Hungary’s total territory
    is under agricultural land use. Because of ecological conditions and production traditions cereals (wheat, maize etc) have the greatest
    importance in Hungarian crop production. In the 1980’s the country-average yields of wheat were about 5,0-5,5 t ha-1 („industrial-like”
    crop production-model). In the 1990’s the yields of wheat dropped to 4,0 t ha-1 because of low input-using and wide application of the issues
    of environmental protection and sustainability. Winter wheat production for quality has a decisive role in certain regions of Hungary
    (eastern and middle-parts).
    The quality of wheat is complex and different. Three major growing factor groups determine the quality of winter wheat: genotype,
    agroecological conditions and agrotechnical factors. In wheat production for quality the selection of the variety is the most important
    element. Our long-term experiments proved that the quality traits of a variety means the highest (maximum) limit of quality which could not
    be exceeded in fact. During the vegetation period of wheat the different ecological and agrotechnical factors could help or on the contrary
    could demage the quality parameters of wheat.
    The agrotechnical factors determining the baking quality of wheat can be divided into two groups: the first group means the factors with
    direct effects on quality (fertilization, irrigation, harvest); the second group contains the elements with indirect effects on quality (crop
    rotation, tillage, planting, crop protection).
    Appropriate fertilization could help to manifest the maximum of quality parameters of a wheat genotype and could reduce the qualityfluctuation
    in unfavourable ecological and agrotechnical conditions.

  • Advancement of a Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Selection System

    All the research in Hungary and other countries in Europe focus on improving the quality of crops and increasing the competitiveness of production.
    In this respect, we have to advance the conventional technological elements, reduce the application of pesticides and fertilizers, and produce new varieties suitable for environmentally-sound production. In our crop breeding programs, we applied conventional and biotechnological methods (embryo rescue and double haploid methods) in order to get somaclonal and gametoclonal variations.
    We produced winter wheat lines (HP-31-95, HP-82-96) by traditional way, which have high baking qualities and high nutrient efficiency. Some diseases can limit the quantity and quality of a wheat crop. We examined several wheat diseases in our winter wheat candidates, and we found that our progenies have resistance to leaf rust.
    With respect to a serious problem was the small quantity of applied fertilizers and the other externals, our research focused onto advance a common wheat selection system, with the help of it, we can handle these problems. We have summarized that our selected progenies can compete with the registered varieties with quality and environmental respect.

  • Effect of mineral fertilizers with different sulphur content on the yield of winter wheat in a small plot experiment

    We can find more and more references on the importance of sulphur and sulphur fertilization, mainly in the case of most important field crops, as cereals, maize, and the oilseeds. The traditional sulphur sources continuously lost their importance by the stringent air pollution orders and nowadays they are not able to meet the demands of plants. Besides, the application of superphosphate, as phosphorus mineral fertilizer, decreased in several countries. Sulphur fertilization is required in most cases to reach the required yields and quality parameters. The lack of
    sulphur causes decreased nitrogen utilization and yield by cereals as winter wheat, moreover, results less favourable baking parameters.
    We have examined the N and S content of different parts of winter wheat plants in a small plot experiment at the University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, Látókép Experimental Station. We have also studied the effect of different sulphur fertilization forms and doses on the baking quality parameters and yield. Our aim was to contribute to the development of yield and quality improving sulphur fertilization methods, adaptable by practice.
    We have measured the lowest yield in the case of one of the control plots, and 100 kg/ha nitrogen, 80 kg/ha potassium and 70 kg/ha phosphorus nutrient supply resulted the lowest yield (8.7 kg/plot). The maximum yield, 10.2 kg/plot was also experienced on superphosphate fertilized plot by the application of 140 kg/ha phosphorus dose. Application the first dose of both Biofert and FitoHorm 32 S leaf fertilizers raised the yield from
    9.1 to 9.9 kg/plot. ANOVA proved that Biofert and FitoHorm 32 S had no significant effect on the amount of yield, the increase is only a tendency.

  • Effect of the Cropping Year on the Quality of Winter Wheat

    We examined the formation of quality parameters of winter wheat in a small plot variety comparison experiment from four cropping years. Our aim was to estimate the year effect on several quality parameters of winter wheat.
    We established in relation to the distribution of precipitation of the examined years that the years 1997 and 2000 were behind the thirty year average typical precipitation of this site both in the case of the whole vegetation period and the spring and summer. It was unfavourable for qualitative wheat production. 1998 and 1999 were good for cropping considering the amount and distribution of rainfall.
    Examining the formation of quality parameters we found that the baking value was maximum in 1997, with a moderate amount of normal distributed rainfall for the examined varieties. The mid-late maturating varieties showed better baking value in drought years than in wet years. In the case of the wet gluten content, we established higher values after a rainier spring-summer period. There is a conspicuous difference between the falling number of extensive and intensive varieties and the year had significant effect on the formation of values. We established with correlation analysis that both the precipitation of vegetation period and the maturing rainfall had considerable effect on the value of falling number. Examining the effect of fertilization on the formation of wet gluten content as a quadratic equation, we found that precipitation may both increase and maximalize the value of this quality parameter.

  • Búzalisztek minőségének becslése tészta nyújtás-szakítás alapján állományvizsgáló műszerrel

    Literature experience was utilised to develop a method for the extensograph analog testing of paste with a QTS25 Texture Analyser. 54 wheat flour samples from the same variety from variety-preservation experiments at the Szeged were tested with this method. A study was made to establish whether the method is suitable for the estimation of results derived by traditional classification (trial baking, farinograph and gluten tests).
    A close and significant correlation was found between the hardness and area data measured with a QTS25 micro-extensograph, the farinograph values and the gluten spreading data, and also between the stretching index (BC/AC) and the water uptake capacity. These correlations correspond well with the findings from a previous experimental series on industrial flour samples. A close and significant correlation was likewise observed between the grain hardness established by the MININFRA method and all the QTS25 micro-extensograph data. In contrast with earlier QTS25 data, however a close correlation was not found between the QTS25 data and the loaf characteristics.
    With the use of micro-extensograph data, the estimation of the baking industry value has been improved through stepwise variable selection, with the inclusion of several variables. The estimation of loaf volume could also be solved by means of stepwise variable selection with the inclusion of QTS25 and MININFRA data.

  • Efficiency of Fertilization in Sustainable Wheat Production

    In sustainable (wheat) production plant nutrition supply and fertilization play decisive roles among the agrotechnical elements, because of their direct and indirect effects on other agronomical factors.
    In long-term experiments, we studied the roles of agroecological, genetic-biological and agrotechnical factors in the nutrient supply, fertilization and its efficiency in wheat production under continental climatic conditions (eastern part of Hungary, Trans-Tisza) on chernozem soil. Our results have proved that there are different (positive and negative) interactions among ecological, biological, and agrotechnical elements of wheat production. These interaction effects could modify the nutrient demand, fertilizer (mainly nitrogen) response of wheat varieties and efficiency of fertilization in wheat production.
    The optimum N-doses (+PK) of wheat varieties varied from 60 kg ha-1 (+PK) to 120 kg ha-1 (+PK) depending on cropyears, agrotechnical elements and genotypes. The winter wheat varieties could be classified into 4 groups according to their fertilizer demand, natural and fertilizer utilization, fertilizer response and yield capacity.
    Appropriate fertilization (mainly N) of wheat could affect both the quantity and quality of the yield. By using optimum N (+PK) fertilizer doses, we could manifest genetically- coded baking quality traits of winter wheat varieties and reduce quality fluctuation caused by ecological and other management factors. The efficiency of fertilization on different baking quality parameters (wet-gluten, valorigraph index etc) were variety specific (the changes depended on genotypes).
    Our long-term experiments proved that appropriate fertilization provides optimum yield, good yield stability and excellent yield quality in sustainable wheat production. We could this get better agronomic and economic fertilization efficiency with less harmful environmental effects.

  • Effects of cultivar and fertilization on extensograph parameters of winter wheat flours

    In present paper we have examined the effect of mineral fertilization on the extensograph characteristics of wheat-flours. The baking quality of winter wheat is largely determined by cultivar, but it can be influenced by fertilization. Flours were from 4 cultivars grown at six nitrogen fertilizer. The average flour protein content of cultivars was very different (11.8, 13.0, 14.3, and 13.07%, respectively). We have found that the extensograph
    properties of dough are affected by mineral fertilization, nevertheless, different cultivars distinctly react to the increase of fertilizer doses. We estimates the correlation between flour protein content and extensograph properties, based on our investigations, it became obvious that the correlation between flour protein content and extensograph parameters is really strong.

  • Testing disease resistance in autumn wheat genotypes by means of field experiments

    According to our scientific results we can state that we have to use integrated pesticides management in crop protection against the diseases of winter wheat. One of the most important elements of IPM is to select a genotype characterised by good resistance to diseases (and by high yield ability and excellent baking quality). It is especially important that the wheat variety have tolerance against not only to one or two leaf and spike (grain) diseases, but „complex” tolerance. It is not necessary to give up the growing of a variety which has susceptibility to different diseases because we can protect it using appropriate chemical management. In the intensive growing stage of wheat (BBCH 32-37) we can use a noncompulsary fungicide-treatment (depending on e. g. the infection, ecological conditions) and, at the beginning of the flowering stage
    (BBCH 59-65), we have to use a compulsary fungicide-treatment (in spite of e. g. special weather conditions, resistance genotype)to ensure high yield and good quality.

  • The analysis of flour blends as affected by the behaviour of two different quality flours of triticale under different fertilizer treatments

    Triticale is likely used in many countries in human consumption, due to its advantageous agronomical and nutritional properties mostly in blends. The baking quality of blends depends not just on the proportions of the used flours but also on their individual quality what can be influenced by fertilizer treatments.

    22 flour blends were prepared with commercial wheat flour and triticale wholemeal flour in proportions from 0% to 100%. The triticale was treated with different amount of fertilizers (N30P30K30, N60P0K0). Changes of wet gluten contents and extensograph parameters of the blends were determined. The quality of blends significantly depends on the fertilizer treatment of triticale beside the proportions of the flours. When the N60P0K0 treated triticale was used in blends, wet gluten and extensibility values were significantly higher, but in case of resistant to extensions (Rmax) the N30P30K30 treated samples gave higher values. The measured values of wet gluten and extensibility were above the expected values (synergism), while in the case of resistance to extension the expected values were higher than the measured values (antagonism).

  • The effect of climatic change on the rheological properties of winter wheat doughs

    In present paper we have examined the effect of climatic change on the extensigraph characteristics of wheat-flours. The baking quality
    of winter wheat is largely determined by cultivar, but it can be influenced by weather conditions during growing period. Flours were from 5
    cultivars grown at one location in three cropping years. We have found that the extensigraph properties of dough are affected by the weather
    conditions, nevertheless, different cultivars distinctly react to the increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation. In generally, the
    higher average day temperature and lower precipitation level is favourable to produce winter wheat flour with better quality

  • The effect of short term storage on different winter wheat varieties rheological properties

    The aim of storage after harvest is to protect the quality of wheat, because after-ripening occurs in the first 5–6 weeks. During this time it very important to make the optimal storage conditions.

    We have carried out storage experiment with wheat samples from Látókép Research Farm of the University of Debrecen. We analyzed the rheological parameters of Lupus and GK Csillag varieties from the crop year 2011/2012. The experiment period was between July and August 2012 (24. 07. 2012., 31. 07. 2012., 21. 08. 2012.).We determined the rheological parameters (water absorption, dough stability time and valorigraph quality number) of Lupus and GK Csillag during short term storage. Our results showed that after-ripening increased the baking quality of Lupus and GK Csillag during storage.

  • Comparison of alveohraph and extensigraph properties of winter wheat samples

    The rheological properties of dough are determined by the amount and proportion of gliadin and glutenin proteins. Extensibility and resistance to the extension of doughs which can be measured using the extensigraph or alveograph allow good assesment of the baking behavior under realistic conditions. In our study, we compared the extensigraph and alveograph parameters of 87 flour samples. The results showed that the alveograph parameters were different from the extensigraph parameters. The classification of wheat varieties was different, and the order of varieties, as well. The alveograph properties were affected by other factors than the extensigraph properties, except the W value. The two rheological tests did not give similar results, therefor neither test are replaceable.

  • Evaluation of the yield and baking quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in different cropyears

    We have investigated the effect of the cropyear, the genotype, the nutrient supply and their interactions on the yield and the quality parameters of three different winter wheat genotypes in three different cropyears. The most disadvantageous influence on the yield averages was caused by the moist weather of 2010, when yield results fell behind the mean of the two other examined years and the nutrient optimum was around low doses. The optimal cropyear turned out to be the ordinary 2011, the best yield results were experienced during this cropyear. Although the drier periods in 2012 decreased the yield values, the varieties could realize high yield maximum values. Considering the yield results, Genius turned out to be the best variety. In respect of the quality traits, 2010 turned out to be the best cropyear in case of all the three varieties. Despite the dry weather of the spring of 2012, the precipitation fell during flowering and ripening phases had positive impact on the grain-filling processes and contributed to the development of better quality. As a consequence of the significantly lower amount of precipitation during the generative phenological phases, the worst quality parameters were realized by the varieties in 2011.


    In respect of crop year effect, 2010 was unfavourable for the amount of yield, but the most beneficial for the quality. 2011 was the most advantageous for the yield amounts but disadvantageous for the quality parameters. Although in 2012 extreme crop year effects were experienced after each other (dry and warm spring, moist and warm summer), the yield average and quality trait values were close to the yield averages of 2011 and quality parameters of 2010. Analyzing our results we can state that the average crop year was favourable rather for the yield. The appropriate amount of precipitation during the whole 2010 and that during the generative phenophases in 2012 favoured the development of good quality.

    Consequently, the appropriate amount of precipitation is essential for the development of good quality during the grain-filling period. The negative crop year effects were only compensated but not eliminated by the good nutrient supply. Genius achieved excellent yield averages but performed worse quality parameters than Mv Toldi, whose quality parameters were outstanding but the yield averages fell slightly behind those of Genius. Considering the yield results, the variety Genius turned out to be the best, while Mv Toldi was the best in quality.

  • Examination of the Effect of Cropyear on the Yield Potential and Yield Stability of Winter Wheat Varieties

    Variety selection is one of the most important, determinative elements of sustainable winter wheat production. Yield potential, and yield stability are the most important elements in the variety selection of winter wheat, but baking quality parameters play an important role, too.
    Several winter wheat varieties were tested for yield and yield stability on chernozem soil in the Hajdúság (in the eastern part of Hungary), in the 2001-2002-2003-2004 cropyears. The management factors were the same for all cropyears. 15 varieties in early the maturity group, 14 varieties in the middle maturity group and 4 varieties in the late maturity group were tested in the above mentioned cropyears. The climatic conditions were average in 2001, dry in 2002, extremely dry in 2003, and very favourable in 2004.
    We obtained 5298-6183 kgha-1 yield from early maturity varieties, 5683-6495 kgha-1 from middle, 5694-6031 kgha-1 from late ones in the average of four years. The cropyears had strong influence on the yields, even on chernozem soil, and were characterized by excellent water – and nutrient – husbandry. Averaging of cropyears and genotypes, we obtained 6984 kgha-1 in 2001 (average cropyear), 5452 kgha-1 in 2002 (dry cropyear), 3120 kgha-1 in 2003 (extremely dry cropyear) and 8400 kgha-1 in 2004 (optimum cropyear), respectively. The yield differences between the minimum and maximum yields were 885 kgha-1 in early varieties, 812 kgha-1 in middle and 337 kgha-1 in late maturity varieties, respectively. The varieties characterized by high yield potential and the varieties characterized by good yield stability were different, so in variety selection we have to take both genetic traits into consideration. There were positive, significant correlations among the yields of winter wheat varieties (early, middle, late), the temperature of spring months. (March-April), and the rainfall of spring months (March-April) (R2=0,703**-0,768** and R2=0,681**-0,749**, respectively). We found a high negative correlation between the temperature of early summer months (May-June) and the yields of wheat varieties (R2= -0,856**- -0,918**).
    According to the results of our experiment, it is very important to harmonize yield potential and yield stability in the variety selection of winter wheat.

  • Examination of the effects of the cropyear and the nutrient supply on the quality of winter wheat with the help of Győri’s Z-index

    In the case of winter wheat,the knowledge of several quality features is needed to be able to determine precisely the real quality of the given
    wheat. Several systems have been worked out on the qualification of the winter wheat in Hungary and other countries as well. Evaluating the
    quality is being made more difficult because the different quality features take part in the development of the quality in different degrees and
    the values of the several quality features are in different intervals and these data are different dimension values. On the evidence of the
    results, in the case of considering several features,it can be difficult to rank into one concrete quality cathegory. Researchers are trying to
    develop complex quality index numbers in order to be able to define the quality more precisely. One of these complex quality index numbers
    is Gyıri’s, so called, Z-index.
    In three years from 2006 and 2008, we examined the change of the quality features of nine varieties of winter wheat with the help of the
    Z-index under the influence of the effects of the different cropyears and the fertilizer treatment. The results show that the Z-index of the
    examined varieties of winter wheat were influenced by several factors. Examining the data of the three different breeding years together we
    can observe the corrective effect of the different cropyears on the Z-index, and if we examine the three years separately and together, the
    differences of the quality features of the different varieties differentiate very well, and with the help of the Z-index the comparison of the
    types is easier and perspicuous, and the Z-index represents the different nutrient reactions of the different types as well. On the average of
    the three years, the types gave the best results at N120-150+PK nutrient level. Among the nine varieties the best results were given by Mv Suba,
    GK Békés and Mv Mazurka in the case of both low and higher nutrient levels.

  • Research on rheological characteristics of winter wheat varieties

    The gluten examination test is dominant in Hungary, comparing it to the qualification system of other countries. The determination of alveographic parameters is a basic criterion of winter wheat specifications in some western and southern European countries.
    In the Hungarian and foreign winter wheat qualification systems, in the standards, there is no limit for extensographical parameters. Customers dictate the limits and make their claims as to the specifications.
    We analyzed the alveographic and extensographical parameters of 19 winter wheat varieties grown by the Cereal Research Non-Profit Company in Hungary, and we made a comparison between the results in the challenges of the European Union expectations.
    Examining the information of alveographic and extensographical values, we found that the experimental varieties provide high base to flour types suitable for baking bread and baker’s ware. The GK Élet, GK Petur, GK Memento, GK Csillag, GK Kapos and GK Marcel varieties can meet the market of paste flour needs, too.
    In the variety series, the GK Kalász represents the highest values and the GK Garaboly shows the lowest parameters regarding the alveographic W and the resistance to extension.
    On the basis of relation, we can establish that we can estimate the following little known and used quality indexes: the extensographical resistance to extension with extensographical energy and the alveographic W value, the extensographical energy with the alveographic W value and the alveographic P and L values with the other alveographic parameters.

  • Opportunities for improving the nutritional value of cereal-based products

    We set up experiments for improving the nutritional value of cerealbased products. Our aims were to decrease the energy content of bakery products with the mixing of plant originated raw materials and byproducts with high fibre contents, and we have evaluated the effect of sodium-chloride on the physical properties of bakery products. We found that the apple pomace, the byproduct of juice production, is excellent for increasing of fibre content of bakery products and the further aim of investigation is to develop economical ways of hygienic byproduct handling and purification. Our experiments, evaluate the bakery use of triticale, have significant achievements and the breads made from triticale flour and whole-grain are commercially available nowadays. Our investigations included the possibilities of decrease of toxin contamination of cereals and our results can form a part of risk estimation systems after further experiments .

  • Overview of test methods used to classify wheat flour and bread samples – REVIEW

    In Hungary, common wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare) is of good quality and world famous. In addition, it plays an important role in the human diet. The classification of flours ground from wheat is quite decisive and there are several methods for its examination. The most important flour testing requirements include moisture content, protein content gluten properties and the most important bakery value number. The measured characteristics give us the opportunity to conclude about the properties of the dough, and then bakery products. Several dynamic and static methods have been developed to study the physical properties of dough. The evaluation of products can be carried out in several respects with the help of a baking test. The multitude of methods currently used to qualify flour, dough and finished products also proves that the overview of the methods is quite topical.