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  • Experiences of Innovation Projects in the Light of the „European Paradox”

    Corporate innovation can be a major factor in economic development and long-term high-level corporate performance. The position of the EU in international innovation rankings has not improved since the 2000 2009 period; though there has been a more positive trend since 2010, meeting the Lisbon goals, the EU is still not at the forefront in terms of R&D&I. Behind this process is the rapid progress of some industrially developing nations in R&D&I, as well as the relatively slow institutional development of national innovation systems in Europe. The relative lag in Europe can be explained by the frequently referred to “European paradox”, which is still unclear for methodological reasons. Firstly we consider the international ranking in innovation, then discuss one of the explanations put forth to explain this rather weak performance. We present case study that represent Hungarian experiences with corporate innovation.

  • The Economic and Social Effects of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the European Union over the Past Year, Especially in Hungary

    The apparence of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 affected all countries in the world, entailing major changes in everyday life. In our study – in a one year perspective – we summerize the socio-economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various economic sectors and their consequences for the European Union and Hungary. As a result of the pandemic restrictions the role of some sectors were decreasing considerably, while on the other hand the other sectors emerged and underwent a significant improvement. The growing trend of working from home, as well as the decline of the tourism, the catering service and the entertainment industry has led to a change in the behavior of the population. .    Changes during the pandemic period led to an increase in wealth inequalities.Changes  during the pandemic period led to anincreas  in economic inequality. The transformation of consumers’ values and income situation is having an huge impact on all sectors of the national economy. When reflecting upon the current situation, the following questions arise: When will the declining businesses be able to recover? Will they be able to achieve their pre-pandemic profit level, and if yes, how long will it take them?

  • Changes in the financing of domestic research and development

    Nowadays, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place at an incredible speed, with innovation at its heart. Of this, R & D funding is of paramount importance, which is directly or indirectly one of the most important tools for increasing corporate competitiveness. The study examines trends in domestic R & D expenditures over the past one and a half decades. It focuses on the extent to which the financial crisis has affected the amount of funding resources and their structure. From an international comparison, Hungary and the European Union spend much less on research and development than those in the global competition. The impact of the crisis is reflected in the decline in the growth dynamics of R & D expenditures, but it has not been solved solely as a result of the crisis. Changes in the domestic structure of expenditures in recent years are encouraging and are in sync with the change in attitude that is considered desirable in R & D funding. If we examine the domestic statistical data more thoroughly, we can no longer be very satisfied. However, from trends in data from recent years, it becomes apparent that neither Hungary nor the European Union will achieve the 1.8 and 3.0 per cent of GDP R & D spending by 2020.

  • A vállalati kultúra sajátosságai a KKV szektorban

    A kis-és középvállalkozások szerepe az európai gazdaságban kulcsfontosságú, ugyanis a kkv szektor közel 87 millió embert foglalkoztat, a versenyszféra alkalmazottaknak mintegy kétharmadát és az Európai Unió hozzáadott értékének mintegy 58%-át teszik ki. Míg az uniós átlag 4,2 fő, addig a magyarországi kkv-k átlagosan 3,1 főt foglalkoztatnak. A kis- és középvállalkozások napjainkban nagymértékben hatást gyakorolnak a magyar gazdasági teljesítményre, illetve a foglalkoztatásban jelentős részt vállalnak, kiemelkedő a szerepük az új gazdasági szerkezetben. A versenyképesség lényegére, a vállalat termelékenységére nagy hatással vannak a vállalaton belüli, főleg a vállalati menedzsment és a vállalati kultúratényezők. Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a kis- és középvállalkozások vállalati kultúra tényezőit, amelyeket meghatározói a hatékony működésnek, majd ezek alapján javaslatot tenni a versenyképesség növeléséhez hozzájáruló kultúrafejlesztésre.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – The Retention Possibility of the Sport

    Nowadays, one of the most interesting parts of sociology is the research of the rural areas’ specific features. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A basic pillar of these, that the youth from these areas become sufficiently motivated to return to their rural homeland after finishing their studies and be able to redound the local social and economic development. Sadly, we experience the opposite of it. Young generations are fleeing to large cities and in medium or long term it leads to the decay of these involved settlements; in worst case scenario the results can be irreversible. In close relation with the aforementioned, we have to mention the specific behaviour of the local – rural – elite, which can be the source of further problems. In the course of our research, we wanted to investigate, that what is the reason that university students, who are studying in large cities don’t want to return or move to rural areas. Furthermore, we tried to give an inside view about their opinions of rural areas and the life in the countryside. 

  • Issues of Regional Social Innovation

    Social innovation is not determined as a uniform definition, after a literature review can be defined as follows: social innovation is an innovative and new way of improving community well-being [2]. Social innovation can be defined and measured at micro-, mezo- and macro level similar to technical and economic innovation and plays a key role in the competitiveness. Because of imbalances arising from different levels of economic development, catching-up demand of peripheral settlements have appeared. In addition to the so-called technical innovations, the solution of social problems can be achieved by social tools, methods and new organizations. In catching-up process the local, community level construed innovative ideas and the activities of social innovation play a significant role. The expansion of the innovative areas results in different innovation processes and they can be considered as complementary processes. The social and technical innovation are closely interacting. If there is achange in the economic sphere, social change can occur. This study examines the role of local communities in social innovation at regional level and summarizes the clarifying questions of implementation. Social innovation as a new tool is able to answer daily challenges. The innovative solutions of municipalities, which means new collaborations, result sustainable, flexible and open leadership at regional level. This study will examine the role of governments (or their institutions) in the implementation and generating of social innovation, the tasks of regional innovators and social solutions and models of certain municipalities in Hungary and the European Union.

  • The Relationship Between EHS and the REACH Regulation in Practice

    The European Union has enacted strict safety regulations on the usage of chemical substances. Not long ago the Hungarian Government has also enacted the 1907/2006/EK (REACH) regulation and 1272/2008/EK (CLP) regulation. With the acceptance of the decrees our knowledge and available information about chemicals has expanded, due to the reporting obligation. As a consequence the usage of hazardous chemical compounds will be safer for the people and the environment. With the access to the shared data, we will be able to make appropriate decisions despite lacking previous measurements of our own. My goal is to present the hazardous information profiles form the packages of the REACH and CLP, and their possible applications.

  • The Electric Vehicle Penetration in Hungary

    During the past years I hear that the future of transport in the electric-powered vehicles. the Hungarian Goverment and the European Union is made more device is this form dissemination to the transport campaigners. EU tendering appeared in Electric Car Charging establishment, the number of multiplication of the expansion, faster recharging method of spreading. This is to depart from the common knowledge  recharge time Lenght of significant, the range of motor vehicles despite low rate of population inspired make such purhase of motor vehicles. If that were not enough, the demand side cash incentive device support is, take the numbers provided consumer vehicles 1.5 million HUF state support. This endeavor though the influence of narrow you wish to inspect the car market segment of the reactions, the growth rate of the past few years. Although this is a state-pumped artificially induced market impact.

  • Examining the Competitiveness of Fish Products on the Market

    Fish and fishery products are one of the key ingredients in human nutrition and are therefore outstanding in terms of both production and trade. Different processed fish products are available in many countries around the world due to globalization and a fast supply chain. In our study, we examined the market for fish and fishery products using secondary data collection. The data were collected several years ago from the databases of FAO, EUROSTAT, COMTRADE and KSH The comparative advantages or disadvantages of international trade were determined with the help of the RCA index for the role of Hungary and the EU in the world in the case of different categories of fish products. The aim of our research is to compare the fish products of different processing in Hungary and in the EU compared to the international situation, paying special attention to the main exporting and importing countries. Based on the secondary research the study has a detailed the specificities of trade, the trends observed in recent years and the competitiveness of fish products in Hungary and the Member States of the European Union and effect relationships behind the RCA-index results.

  • Modern use of geothermal energy in Nagyszénás (Case Study)

    A project based on geothermal energy use in Nagyszénás, Békés County, Hungary, was finished on December 20, 2015. The construction investments were realized with the support of the European Union from tender funds won in the financial cycle of 2007-2013 in the total value of HUF 1.578 billion. The thermal water utilization investment was realized with unique technical solutions in the country, and as a result, a modern, economical heating system using green energy source was built, and now provides energy for the public institutions of the settlement and for the newly established bath complex. During construction and operation, several unforeseen technical problems arose, which could only be solved by using new technical elements. The high salinity and high temperature of the extracted thermal water required special engineering solutions. During operation, modifications and changes in technological elements were required at several points for the safe operation. The purpose of this article is to present these technical interventions, which made the reliable operation possible, thus the system provides a suitable alternative to natural gas-based heating.

  • New Challenges for Health Systems of the European Union

    The health system is facing a number of difficultiesnot only in our country, but in the whole of Europe. In the 21st century never before seenlarge-scale problems pose a serious threat to our world, which have a significant impact on health care. We outline the challenges of today and examine their likely effect on coming health policies.

  • The Importance of Energy Management in Hungary

    One of the important elements of our everyday life is energy, but the amount of it is constantly decreasing, so it is advisable to include renewable energies in our energy management in addition to traditional energy sources. In the field of energy management, the use of renewable energies deserves attention because their share is increasing, although their percent is small. At present, Hungary and the European Union's energy policy contain guidelines that aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. These directives contribute to achieving environmental and climate protection goals, job creation, territorial and urban development, and the reduction of dependence on energy imports. In my article, I would like to present various calculations in the field of energy management as a result of the previously described information and I would like to explore the energy management contexts that have come to the fore when examining residential energy consumption

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