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Presentation of Employment and Economic effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic between March and November 2020 among Companies Dealing with Car and Parts Trade in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
80-92Views:441The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020 entailed major economic and social changes all over the world. In this study, we aim to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market and the economy with relation to the automotive industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Apart from secondary data collection, this research also relies on primary data collection methods, including self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews, all conducted with several employees and finance directors employed by the automotive companies present in the county. The focus of this research is to study how the pandemic affected the balance sheets and the gross revenue of these companies; how it altered the repayment obligation of their current loans and how it influenced their willingness to enter into new loan agreements or relief options offering financial assistance. Apart from these factors, this research also studies how the pandemic restrictions affected the work schedule and the benefits of the employees.
The Economic and Social Effects of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the European Union over the Past Year, Especially in Hungary
67-79Views:1929The apparence of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 affected all countries in the world, entailing major changes in everyday life. In our study – in a one year perspective – we summerize the socio-economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various economic sectors and their consequences for the European Union and Hungary. As a result of the pandemic restrictions the role of some sectors were decreasing considerably, while on the other hand the other sectors emerged and underwent a significant improvement. The growing trend of working from home, as well as the decline of the tourism, the catering service and the entertainment industry has led to a change in the behavior of the population. . Changes during the pandemic period led to an increase in wealth inequalities.Changes during the pandemic period led to anincreas in economic inequality. The transformation of consumers’ values and income situation is having an huge impact on all sectors of the national economy. When reflecting upon the current situation, the following questions arise: When will the declining businesses be able to recover? Will they be able to achieve their pre-pandemic profit level, and if yes, how long will it take them?
Economic Effect of the Coronavirus on the Companies Involved in Car and Automotive Parts Trading, and Manufacture of Tires of Hungary, Including Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, in Respect of 2020
1-12Views:223In Hungary the wake of the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic (March 2020), caused a decline in demand for goods and services in most sectors. There were sectors (accommodation services, art, recreation, etc.), which were economically severely burdened by the imposition of restrictive measures, and there were some (financial services, communication), which experienced the change positively. In our research, our goal was to assess the changes caused by the Covid-19 epidemic in the property, financial and profitability situation of the companies involved in car and automotive parts trading, and tire manufacturing, in Hungary, and within the country, in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. We established three hypotheses: (1) As a result of the spread of coronavirus epidemic, in Hungary and in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county as well, the profitability of companies of NAICS codes 441 (car and automotive parts trading) and 4231 (wholesale of road vehicles and parts), decreased. (2) The outbreak of the epidemic had a negative impact on the liquidity of companies established in Hungary, including Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg county. (3) As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, the resource structure of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county companies, analysed in the framework of research work, transformed. To prove or disprove these, secondary research was used. Finally, we put forward conclusions and proposals for the management of the companies active in this industry.