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  • Self-developed Controller System –based on Open-Source Applications

    In the University of Debrecen Building Mechatronics Research Centre faced by the application of building automation technology, are tackled by cutting edge research performed at the Research Centre. The embedded device system, the focus of the ongoing project at the Research Centre, is programmable, reconfigurable, and adjustable. The design of an efficient embedded system must meet regulatory requirements, for optimizing building energy efficiency. The system provides solutions for a range of industrial applications, and peaks the interest of building services providers (e.g. SMEs).

  • Justification for the Olympic Reform Package Based on Good Practice

    The Olympic Games have always been the pinnacle of sport and achievement. The modern Olympics are held every four years, and the venue is chosen from among the cities that apply. In my research, I wanted to find out the reasons for the decline in the popularity of the Games. To answer this question, I looked at 2 successful Olympics (2000 Sydney, 2012 London) in the hope of identifying success factors that could be adapted to other host countries. I conducted secondary research, reviewed related international and national research, and the available economic data. During the document analysis, I found that the expected costs of organising the Olympic have increased significantly over the last two to three decades, and under-planning is a common feature. As a result of the research, I have found that the most important pillars of successful organisation are a proper organising committee, comprehensive opportunity and risk analysis, accurate planning, sustainability in planning, continuous cost control, private sector support, and the work of volunteers.

  • Experimental Investigation on the Properties of Borneo Soft Soil Stabilized with Industrial Waste

    This research aims to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of soft soil stabilized using industrial wastes, namely fly ash and rice husk ash. For this purpose, 6 (six) variations in the composition of fly ash (F), lime (L), and rice husk ash (R) were prepared. The variations in sample composition are SFLR1 (F: 15%, L: 2.5%, R: 5%), SFLR2 (F: 20%, L: 2.5%, R: 5%), SFLR3 (F: 25%, L: 2.5%, R: 5%), SFLR4 (F: 15%, L: 5%, R: 10%), SFLR5 (F: 20%, L: 5%, R: 10%) and SFLR6 (F: 25%, L: 5%, R: 10%). Meanwhile, soft soil was obtained from Banjarmasin City in South Borneo. The sample's physical properties were analyzed using the Atterberg limit test. Moreover, the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and direct share tests are conducted to assess the sample's mechanical properties. The research results can provide confidence that fly ash, lime, and rice husk ash have the potential to improve the physical and mechanical properties of Borneo soft soil. The results of the Atterberg limit test show that industrial wastes can lower the liquid limit and increase the plastic limit; thus, the soil plasticity index decreases. As for the CBR test results, the untreated soft soil bearing ratio value of 1.4% can be increased to 2.6% after being treated with industrial wastes. In addition, using industrial wastes also decreases the swelling of the soil. Moreover, it can be seen that greater use of fly ash can improve the mechanical properties of the soft soil. However, increasing the composition of lime and rice husk ash can reduce the mechanical properties of the soft soil. Based on the experimental results, it is proposed to use SFLR3 as soil stabilization mixtures.

  • The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Topics in the Research of E-book Usage and the Applicable Findings of it for Product Development

    This article aims to review the recent academic researches on print and e-book usage experience and preferences. Their findings will be compared to the results of a primary research previously conducted by the author. Using these data the article presents the Five Product Level of e-books and e-readers. Reviewing the Hungarian and International e-book / print sales figures and publishing trends, the article shows ways for further research for a better e-book product understanding and highlights a few promising ways for future product development in e-books and e-readers.

  • Digital Twin and Shadow in Smart Pork Fetteners

    This paper introduces our ongoing research in the field of smart livestock farming. The base idea in this research is to take some industry based concepts, and adapt them into agriculture. In Industry we live the  fourth industrial revolution, which is not a technical, but an organization revolution. So in this concept there are two key ideas, which are digital twin, and digital shadow. This article is about creating digital twin and digital shadow of a modern pig fattener. These models are based on the literature, and are identified on the data shared in these. However, these models can’t be used on real systems before identifying them on the actual circumstances. At this stage of research only digital twin of the product was created, and only some aspects of it. This however can simulate an average porkers feed consumption, weight growth and calculate the weight on certain stages of breeding. Further development is ongoing and our target is to make a fully functional model of a pig fattener.

  • Floorball position and passive sports consumption in the light of a study

    Research and studies done on floorbal is usually associated with medical studies, however the research and analisys of other fields peakd little interest.Thus, the aim of the study was to present the situation of floorball in Hungary and to examine the opinion of passive sports consumers about the sport. Within this we deal with the competition system of our country and the organizational structure of the federation. In our primary research, from a viewer perspective, we were interviewed as passive consumers in a questionnaire survey about their relationship to floorball. In the questionnaire we discussed whether they had ever met this sport and whether they had seen it or what attracted them to the match. We also tested their willingness to pay. The results were compared with the opinion of one of the domestic leaders of the sport, which in many cases agreed with the results. The questionnaire was completed by 153 people, more than 95% of whom had heard of the sport and most had the opportunity to become familiar with floorball at primary school. 65% of those surveyed have already seen a live floorball match that they have mostly played with friends / acquaintances. This young sport can become more and more popular among young people, not only as a complementary sport.

  • Presentation of Employment and Economic effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic between March and November 2020 among Companies Dealing with Car and Parts Trade in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020 entailed major economic and social changes all over the world. In this study, we aim to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market and the economy with relation to the automotive industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Apart from secondary data collection, this research also relies on primary data collection methods, including self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews, all conducted with several employees and finance directors employed by the automotive companies present in the county.  The focus of this research is to study how the pandemic affected the balance sheets and the gross revenue of these companies; how it altered the repayment obligation of their current loans and how it influenced their willingness to enter into new loan agreements or relief options offering financial assistance.  Apart from these factors, this research also studies how the pandemic restrictions affected the work schedule and the benefits of the employees.

  • Analysis of labor consumption in Hungary in the last 5 years

    The main idea of ​​my research was the statement of the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (Ferenc Apáti), according to which the main obstacle to the future development of horticulture and the development plans of horticultural enterprises is capital shortfall factors). The employment of seasonal workers in the production of grapes and fruit and in horticultural farms is of the greatest importance. As a result, in my research, I examined the use of labor by those working in agriculture over the past 5 years. I reviewed how the coronavirus has affected the time spent by seasonal workers at work in the recent past. Since there are a lot of work phases in agriculture where there is a temporary use of labor, I considered it important to get around this topic better. As seasonal agricultural workers are often able to reach their agricultural jobs through travel and border crossings, government regulations (travel restrictions, border closures) have made it more difficult for these people to access jobs.

  • The Appearance of Dark Triad Among University Students

    In recent decades, the examination of the so called “Dark Triad” – narcissism Machiavellianism and psychopathy – occupies a prominent place in personality research. These socially undesirable characteristics, which, to some extent are present in everybody, can play an important role in the workplace. Dark Triad members are those, according to the literature who are strong in all three features. In my paper I will present the results of a study I conducted among the students of University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business. I analyse the Dark Triad characteristics of students with the help of a validated measure the Dirty Dozen. In my research I try to find answer to what extent these personality traits appear in the examined sample? Is there any difference depending on the background variables (age, sex, educational programme ...)? Are my results consistent with those described in international research?

  • Dimensions of Ethnocentric Emotions in Hungary

    The concept ot ethnocentrism appeared first in the literature in the early 1900s. Since then, several international and national studies have focused on defining this concept and have aimed at the investigation of its role in terms of national and international product opinion. The consumer’s decision is influenced not only by the different marketing effects (product, price, place, promotion), but also by the cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics of the costumers. The examination of ethnocentrism – as a socio-psychological concept – is increasingly important in marketing research. This paper focuses on exploring the dimensions of ethnocentric emotions. My aim is to support the assumption that these dimensions have a significant influence on the thinking of the consumer society. As a result of my primary research, I introduce these dimensions and terminate consumer segments. Based on my research it can be stated that the ethnocentric emotions (such as patriotism, national superiority, national consciousness, national discrimination) are determinants of consumer thinking and demonstrate the fact that awareness of ethnocentric emotions can be the basis for marketing strategies to protect national products.

  • Study on Learning Motivation of Master's Students in Management and Leadership at the University of Debrecen

    The aim of our study is to present the topic of adult learning. To do this, we first define the definitions and importance of learning in a person’s life. We then turn to the historical background and evolution of adult learning. The motivation of adult learning as a function of different motivational theories is presented. In the second half of the study, an initial research focusing on the motivation of adult learning is presented. The subjects of our research are young adults who are pursuing their master's degree in management and organization at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. We want answers to the extent to which different factors motivate young adults in studying. With the results, we want to give an idea of ​​how the learning motivation of the students can be characterized by both lecturers and human resource professionals working in the private sector. We intend to expand the research to a larger sample in the future.

  • An Analysis of the Leisure Preference System of Students with Disabilities in the Light of a Study

    With the increase in the number of disabled people and people with disabilities, research on the target group of people with disabilities has gained momentum in recent decades. Research is very diverse, looking at the labor market situation of people with disabilities, their leisure-time habits, or the factors that support and inhibit their sport.

    In our questionnaire research, the leisure and sporting habits of children with disabilities aged 8-18 are described and analyzed (N = 639). Data were processed with spss software, where basic statistics and contextual analysis were performed. The results confirm that passive activities (TV, listening to music) dominate the leisure activities of children with disabilities. Sports consumption (active and passive) was more prevalent among male respondents and less prominent among girls. In the motivation of sports, besides improving the state of health, entertainment and company appeared.

  • Analysis of the Supply of Sport Services by Organizational Aspects

    The spread of consumer societies has led to the commercialization, and the emergence of profit-oriented operating frameworks in the fields of sport. The sports enterprises, involved in the operation of competing groups on professional, spectator fields of sport have already been examined from legal, economic, organizational points of view by a number of international and Hungarian researchers. In this article, we attempt to cover and summarize the Hungarian research approaches on this subject. The motive behind our investigation is that we should launch an organizational examination of the Hungarian profit-oriented sports suppliers in the near future. We plan to analyse the property, financial, income, organizational, management and labor management related situation of these sports enterprises. In order to ground the research, the review nature summary of domestic economic, organization science related secondary examinations is essential, which allows the development of the appropriate research methodology and the comparison of our results with the antecedents.

  • A Literature Review: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the Recruitment Process

    This paper aim is to review the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Human Resources Management (HRM) recruitment processes. A systematic review was adopted in which academic papers, magazine articles as well as high rated websites with related fields were checked. The findings of this study should contribute to the general understanding of the impact of AI on the HRM recruitment process. It was impossible to track and cover all topics related to the subject. However, the research methodology used seems to be reasonable and acceptable as it covers a good number of articles which are related to the core subject area. The results and findings were almost clear that using AI is advantages in the area of recruitment as technology can serve best in this area. Moreover, time, efforts, and boring daily tasks are transformed to be computerized which makes a good space for humans to focus on more important subjects related to boosting performance and development. Acquiring automation and cognitive insights as well as cognitive engagement in the recruitment process would make it possible for systems to work similarly to the human brain in terms of data analysis and the ability to build an effective systematic engagement to process the data in an unbiased, efficient and fast way.

  • Improving the Work Breakdown Structure of the Plant Installation - Case: Asphalt Plant

    The improvement of the project management forced the industrial organizations to focus on using the project management techniques in their industry, to plan and control the workflow to achieve their targets, further to increase the satisfaction of their customers. One of the most common project management tools are used is the work breakdown structure (WBS), which provide a framework for the implementation of the project scope including project planning, scheduling, monitoring, control, and estimation. Depending on the top-down approach the project activities will be broken into smaller parts that can be measured and controlled during the project implementation. The well-defined construction of the structure contributes to making the project more realistic and visual. However, the misunderstanding of the project WBS among the project team creates deflection and misinterpretation of the project scope. The main issue of this research is to improve the WBS of the installation plan and develop a standard WBS for plant installation. The research was limited to Asphalt plant installation WBS as a case study to identify the weaknesses of the current WBS at the case company which leads to extra installation time and cost. The research is offering a template WBS based on the company logic, defining the frequent risks that affect the plant installation based on the WBS and suggesting a suitable response strategy by recommending a control framework to monitor and control the WBS schedule throughout all installation phases.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Scenario in Jordan: Transformation Context

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not an alien concept in Jordan; although it has been seen so far as a philanthropic activity in keeping with Jordanian traditions. Jordan is an old state, politically stable and it is now in transformation from the point of CSR view, since more and more Jordanian stakeholders are becoming aware of the CSR concept and some firms in Jordan are working their way towards strategizing CR efforts. However, business still not fully grasps CSR practices and still considers CSR as part of philanthropy framework rather than lifting it to an upper level and taking it as a strategic approach to sustainability. Unfortunately, CSR in Jordan faces impeding obstacles: economic challenges, lack of government’s incentives, skill-set, weak transparency and disclosure, and finally management and governance. This study attempts to present the picture of the transformation of CSR in Jordan and discuss its main steps of evolution, moreover, it aims to analyze the challenges and future prospects of CSR on a national level. Regarding the applied research method, the paper’s data sources are of secondary research and I have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football

    My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.

  • The Analysis of the Seasonal Changes of Microbial Communities in the Activated Sludge of Small and Large Wastewater Treatment Plants

    In our research the seasonal changes of the microbial communities in the activated sludge of one large and two small wastewater treatment plants are observed and analysed. During the research, 14 months of data were processed. After the sample analysis and data processing, the research revealed the efficiency of the ecological system, and also showed the seasonal changes of the community structures. The results of the statistical analysis show, that the seasonality is less observable in the case of the larger system. Presumably, the larger bioreactors have more stable microbial composition. In addition, we searched for more connections between the components of the ecological system, the changing in the weather, and also in the efficiency in the process for treating wastewater.

  • Examination of Consumer Perception of Web Stores by Netnography in the Period of COVID-19

    Online shopping has become more and more part of our everyday lives, as proved by the fact that in the midst of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, online retailing has grown by more than 30% in Hungary. International research has shown that nearly 90% of consumers take into account the online reviews as much as the recommendations of family or friends before their purchases, digital channels, including Facebook have the greatest impact on their decisions. In our research, in connection with a specific campaign, Black Friday, we examined how actively the highest-traffic stores – having online shops as well - use Facebook to reach and influence the customers. We chose netnography as the method of our research, and we analysed the posts published on the Facebook pages of the five chosen online shops, furthermore, the customer reactions and comments given in connection with the posts. Our results show that three of the five chosen online shops applied Facebook campaigns within the action. By analyzing the comments, they were classifiedinto 5 categories based on satisfaction and trust: satisfied, dissatisfied, interested, trolls, and mute groups.

  • Research of Healthy Behavior at Faculty of Economic Sciences' sport sciences' students at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays the healthy lifestyle is getting more and more attention, thanks to emerging health trends. The review of the literature summarizes the latest results of research on two aspects of healthy behavior. In our primary research, we measured the sporting and dietry habits of sport sciences’ students at University of Debrecen. In the case of sporting habits, we asked the students about the frequency and motivation of sports. In the other hand we asked them about their dietary habits about the frequency and amount of vegetable, fruit and fluid consumption. After the evaluation of survey we can say that the 70% of respondents are satisfied with their physical condition. We can tell about the frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption is that the 15-20% of students eat vegetables and / or fruits daily. However, it can be said about the fluid intake of students that seventysix percent of them are consuming fluid daily.

  • Industrialization of knowledge in the University of Miskolc

    Life of universities has transformed thanks to “massification”. The costs of education have increased and universities had to manage a higher number of people. The economic management has moved towards business-like operation. The university has been transformed into an entrepreneurial university, while science has become knowledge production. The scientific policy has started to serve the needs of industrial corporations. The article titled (Industrialization of knowledge) introduces the research, developments, and innovations of the University of Miskolc. The university participate in national and international projects and they use the benefits of the research in developments. As the participants of innovations, they help in the introduction of new technical developments and the preparation of new products. Their operational experience is important for everybody.

  • Examining the employees and sectors of the economy according to the digital competence in the EU memeber states

    In this study, the challenges of digital development and its sectoral effects were examined between 2015 and 2017 in the EU Member States, based on data of OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank. The connection between the countries' digital development and sector dominance was analyzed. I found - in line with international research - that in countries that belong to the developed group, the high value-added service sector is dominant. The statistics of developing countries’ supported the assumption, that industry is the engine of the economy. The analysis of the underdeveloped countries revealed that agriculture and industry are the most important sectors compared to other countries. Measuring the demand of developed countries for ICT professionals, I examined the relationship of individuals with different digital competencies to one kind of self-education. In line with international research, my database showed that digitally unskilled people are the least likely to take advantage of online courses. As a continuation of the research, it would be worthwhile to carry out this study in other economic areas as well. Especially in areas where salaries for high-digital occupations do not differ significantly between countries in the region.

  • Assessment of the Working Ability of Persons with Disabilities and Reduced Work Capacity

    Employment of persons with disabilities and reduced work capacity falls significantly behind that of non-disabled persons both in our country and the European Union. According to research findings, the low employment rate is partly due to discriminatory attitudes towards the group of employees concerned. In the labour market integration, apart from the attitudes of the employers, the approach of the employees working for the institute has also got a significant role, as they are the ones who as colleagues work together with persons with disabilities and reduced work capacity day by day.

    The research findings presented in this study focus on the research question whether the 747 employees who participated in the questionnaire survey make a distinction between persons with disabilities and persons with reduced work capacity on the grounds of their ability to work. If so, what kind of differences are noticeable and what factors have a positive impact on their approach? What is characteristic of the employees with higher level of inclusive attitudes?

  • Investigation of Zeta Potential of Water Based Nanomagnetite-Bentonite Dispersions

    The stability of different type nanomaterials play an important role among recent scientific and industrial
    challenges, including the examination of the effect of polymers, surfactants and their mixture on surface and electric surface properties and aggregation extent of dispersed particles, which are of utmost importance. Bentonite and its composite with different nanomaterials are frequently used for instance in environmental protection for wastewater treatment, since due to their great specific surface area they have excellent sorption properties. There are several publications in the literature for the application of bentonite in drilling muds. By using them the fluid loss can be decreased during the drilling process, the filtration of the fluid can be increased, it also improves the rheological properties and the formation damage can also be mitigated. During research the investigation and the analysis of the zeta-potential of nanoparticles and their composites at different pH and salt content can be an interesting topic. During our experiments the electric surface properties of nanomagnetite synthetized in laboratory (NM), cation
    exchanged bentonite from Mád (Be) and the composite particles of these particles were investigated. Hybrid particles of different compositions (9:1, 7:3, 1:1, 3:7, 1:9) were analyzed at different potassium chloride concentrations (0.1 – 0.0001 M). The surface adsorption on the surface, i.e. the change in the surface charge can be traced well by analyzing the obtained zeta-potential values. The behavior of such systems was observed in the full pH interval, thus, valuable data were obtained regarding the colloidal stability. As for the stability, different requirements may emerge in practice, there are application fields where the colloidally stable system is advantageous, on the other hand, in some cases, ceasing the stabile system is the goal. Our investigations are of high importance in terms of stability and its characterization.

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