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  • Do Talent Management Practices Affect Organizational Culture?

    The purpose of this paper is to enhance the readers' understanding of the domain of talent management and organisational culture and how  talent management becomes one of the important strategic tools to improve the work environment, specifically as a tool for enhancing the organizational culture. The paper also attempts to probe and aid readers in understanding to what extent talent management affects the organizational culture. This paper is based on secondary research and articles in the areas of talent management, organizational culture and the relationship between them. The author has reviewed the existing body of work on these topics to arrive at the analysis of the relationship between talent management and organizational culture. As well as measuring its impact on the whole organization by reviewing the existing literature.

  • Roguelike Games: The Way We Play

    The spread of the gameable personal computers and game consoles resulted in the diversification of the video game genre, and from the 7th generation of the gaming consoles, the experience support of the games became largely enhanced. These games are now consumable owing to their resolution, the content, the plots are so fascinating so that they tie the gamer to the seat. Gamers seek experiences in the games. Still, such a special genre called roguelike was established, which is characterized by the constant termination of this world of experience in such a way that the gamer, as a results of the high level of difficulty, is obliged to start the game again and again. These new genre games are now leading titles of the new generation consoles, such as Demon’s Souls or the Returnal, gaining huge role in the introduction and sale of the new gaming console PS5. This study aims to reveal specifications of this genre, moreover, aims to describe through empirical research how gamers relate to it, and whether features of these games contribute to the devotion to them or lead to the disappointment from this world of experience. 

  • Napenergia használata villamosáram termelésre egy családi házon vizsgálva

    In this paper we compare the naturalgas and solarenergy utilizatio nwith the help of SWOT analisys. Than we are presenting the solarpower utilization devices and system installation in economic point of view. And two payback calculation method is demonstrated on a family house.

  • Analysis and Comparison of Forecast Methods for a Small Enterprise

    The application of forecasting models is an essential part of the profitable operations of every company. However, today’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) does not pay enough attention to this field. This research presents a case study in which we tried to determine the sequence of a forecasting process, furthermore, determine the best applicable method to the dataset. Seven dissimilar forecasting method was applied: moving average and weighted moving averages with different periods (2-3-4 weeks), as well as exponential smoothing. The four-week-long weighted moving average served the best solution, which was tested by tracking signal as well.

  • Sports Civic Organizations-Conceptualization Issues and Trials

    Lately published statistics of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reveal such a phenomenon that in some years (between 2011 and 2015), that the number of sport related classic civic organizations has increased in the narrowing non-profit sphere. Inside, the role of sport has been intensified primarily among the sports associations, and not among the foundations. Considering the Central Statistical Office methodology, the questions arises and serves an issue that how can we conceptualize a sport civic organization. Regarding the same topic, we may face diverse databases, and it also seems that different conceptualization approaches exist, we do not have uniform regulation, and current data also raise further questions. Through a “from general to specific approach” we aim to reveal that in what way a civic organization can be considered to be a sports related civic organizations and also try to highlight the consequences of this plural approach.

  • Research of Healthy Behavior at Faculty of Economic Sciences' sport sciences' students at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays the healthy lifestyle is getting more and more attention, thanks to emerging health trends. The review of the literature summarizes the latest results of research on two aspects of healthy behavior. In our primary research, we measured the sporting and dietry habits of sport sciences’ students at University of Debrecen. In the case of sporting habits, we asked the students about the frequency and motivation of sports. In the other hand we asked them about their dietary habits about the frequency and amount of vegetable, fruit and fluid consumption. After the evaluation of survey we can say that the 70% of respondents are satisfied with their physical condition. We can tell about the frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption is that the 15-20% of students eat vegetables and / or fruits daily. However, it can be said about the fluid intake of students that seventysix percent of them are consuming fluid daily.

  • Quality Improvement in Higher Education – Role of Indicators and Student Feedbacks in Course Improvement

    Customer oriented conduct and process-based thinking have become quasivital pillars of durable competitiveness for the business world today. Following this approach should result in satisfied customers, decreased costs, and efficient employees. However, the actors in higher education are just starting tolerant his way of thinking. The increasing focus on quality issues and the process-related approach to this is catalyzed by several factors. These concept is not a new issue at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Department of Management and Corporate Economics as the flagship of teaching and researching quality management at the University looks for opportunities to give practical answer. Based on this the purpose of my paper is to demonstrate different examples at the different level of processes in higher education.

  • Quality Development of a New Type Pharmaceutical Formulation

    The aims of companies to understand internal and external customer demands in order to improve their existing products and develop new ones. Product development aims at understanding customer demands that may influence the production of the product to be manufactured. As a first step in the process, the customer voice method was used to define demands with measurable parameters. A questionnaire survey was used to prioritise them, which were then compared and ranked using a preference matrix. Within the QFD method, technical parameters influencing the satisfaction of customer demands were determined. A correlation matrix was established and the relationship between the technical parameters was investigated. A competition analysis of technical parameters and customer demands was carried out. From the absolute and relative weights, it is easy to establish the order of the technical parameters, so that the most important parameter in terms of meeting the defined customer demands is the determination of the ratio of raw materials, and important parameters are chemical stability, pharmaceutical formulation and particle size.

  • Supplier Evaluation Schemes in Case of Different Research Frameworks

    Performance evaluation is not only important in employer and employee relationships, but also in partnerships between a supply chain’s members. In order to satisfy customers’ needs according to the 7 Rights of logistics, all members of the given chain have to perform properly. To ensure the best performance, supplier evaluation can act as a starting point. Besides continous feedback, supplier evaluation plays an important role in performance development of suppliers. The aim of our research is to develop and introduce innovative supplier evaluation models, which include the advantages of traditional and electronic supplier evaluation forms. In addition to this, these models are visualised, making it easier to understand expectations and information. In this study, the aim is to present two different models the PaTeNt©- SESC (Pató Tetrahedrons of interNational Theory - Supplier Evaluation of Supply Chain) and the Douple Evaluation Platform, based on previous research.

  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

  • Sport Consumption, Fan Engagement, Sport Statistics – Post-specific Passing Characteristics in Football

    Digitalization and the explosive development of technology have led to significant changes in football. Due to the increasing amount of data available through various sensors and other data collections, we can observe the rise of data-centric, analytical and statistically oriented thinking in football, which is also of interest to fans. Digitalisation is also closely linked to sports consumption, which is why we have seen significant changes in this area in recent years. The pandemic has further amplified the speed of digital transformation in the sports industry. One of the most important contents for sports organizations and their fans is the in-depth sports statistics and analysis that enhances the consumer experience. In our study, we examined the most common performance indicator in football, passing. Our goal was to examine the position-specific pass characteristics in detail, therefore we also examined different pass properties in our research. As a model for our analysis, I chose the premier league, which has the highest UEFA coefficient. The three rounds (rounds 30-32) of the championship season 2019/2020 have been recorded and analyzed in terms of passes. there was a significant difference between the average number of passes per game between defensive and offensive players (t=7,988, p<0.05). There is also a gradual decrease in the number of passes attempted per match and the accuracy of the pass in the examination of the middle positions when examining the positions in the depth of the pitch. For both pass accuracy and average pass count, the decreasing ranking corresponds to the position of positions on the pitch (order: 1, central defender 2, defensive midfielder 3, inside midfielder 4, attacking midfielder 5, striker). In the value indicator of the position for passes, offensive positions performed more effectively than defensive positions. The extreme positions also stand out among the attacking positions, where in the case of the position value per pass number, 23.3% of the total test was completed and 14% of the amount of the established position value indicators was provided by these posts. Overall, our study points to post-specific pass characteristics and, knowing this, we can state that the comparison of players' passing performance is relevant if the players are in the same or related positions.

  • Sportcivil szervezetek – számok a támogatások növekedése mögött

    A KSH adatgyűjtési tevékenységének köszönhetően a nonprofit szervezetekre vonatkozó átfogó adatok mind adatbázis, mind tájékoztató formájában elérhetőek. A gazdasági adatok között feltűnik az az évről-évre hasonló nagyságú, domináns támogatási részesedés. Különös tekintettel a klasszikus civil szervezetekre ez egyértelműen jelzi azt, hogy a szféra támogatáskitett és támogatásfüggő. Ezek a szervezetek ugyanis kimondottan alkalmasak támogatások fogadására. Tanulmányunkban szeretnénk másodelemzés révén rávilágítani arra, hogy a sporttal foglalkozó civil szervezetek/sportcivil szervezetek száma milyen összefüggésben van a támogatásokkal, különös tekintettel két specifikus támogatási formára, a NEA-ra és a TAO-ra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy van összefüggés a támogatások összegének növekedése és a sportcivil szervezetek számbeli növekedése között, és ez kifejezetten igaz az egyik legrégebbi és legújabb támogatási forma esetében is.

  • Environmental Challenges – Strategic Responses

    The paper serves the purpose of understanding better how businesses and enterprises may handle the changes happening in their environment using the tools of management. Radical changes are happening in the environment of businesses, primarily as a result of the massive and forceful appearance of new opportunities and constraints brought by the technological development. Some of the businesses participates actively in the creation of changes. For other businesses the main issue is the way they may handle the changes. How may businesses and enterprises adapt to the new environmental characteristic is the main issue under scrutiny in this paper.

  • Practice of Organizational Development in a Domestic Company

    In today's changing world, it is extremely important that organizations can keep up with market trends. The perspectives of continuous development are expanding and the commitment of decision-makers to development activities is growing steadily. The starting point for organizational development is always man. Organizational development always begins with deeper research and modeling. Fundamental guidelines are set out as a paradigm of development. The most important and at the same time the most difficult step is to introduce the results of the analysis. The most effective, but the most time-consuming and cost-effective solution is full organizational development. The management of the organization faces significant efforts to embark on a full organizational development process. The aim of our study is to propose different development opportunities for the company's management with the help of analysis by the organization and supported by measurable data, as well as the catalyst for the modifying efforts observed among employees.

  • Importance of quality indicators in the healthcare – in case of musculoskeletal rehabilitation –

    Nowadays the term of management is so popular. It has an essential role in the professional life, moreover in the every day life too. Creating and using the quality indicators (one of the qualiy management tools) contribute to the improvement of the operation of the healthcare system and to the development of the quality of healthcare services. The aim of the paper is to define service quality and its dimensions in healthcare and to highlight the role of quality indicators. The research calls attention to the absence of indicators measuring the different aspects of quality directly, the difficulties of measuring service quality and the need of establishment of more specific measures in healthcare. A special area of healthcare, there habilitation of musculo skeletal diseases will be discussed. As a research my approach is to define all the indicators that are already used in this area of the healthcare. This examination is extremely important because one of the most commonailments are the musculo skeletal diseases and their number is just increasing.The paper is mostly descriptiv and follows analitical methods based on the international and Hungarian professional studies, informations. To access databases I was helped by the OSAP (National Statistical Data CollectionProgramme). Besides the importance of quality indicators the research calls for the need for more specific measures. On the other hand, the value of the paper lies in collecting the problems, defaults and improving areas of a specific healthcare field.

  • Talent Management in International Practice Through the Example of Europe and China

    The reason behind is that they have their own principles, strategic goals and industrial environment that they have to manage on daily bases. The current labour and talent shortage across Europe forces local companies to supply their demand of manpower from foreign countries – encouraged by the ’four freedoms’ of the EU. In consequence of the globalisation, we have to keep in mind that running a talent management system has its challenges. For instance, employees with different cultural background might have unconventional needs. Due to the cultural, demographical and economical differencies, we must know the structure of our labour force to use the most beneficial tools to induct, motivate or retain our human resource. The aim of this research is to analyze Europe’s and China’s talent management systems to reveal similarities and differencies between them and pick the most notable ones. From the point of comparison, analysing China would be important for European countries to discover further possibilities, as nowadays China has one of the most dynamically developing economy with enormous population behind. The primary result of the research is that deficiency of talent is irrespective of the size of the population and it causes difficulty in both European and Chinese fields, therefore it proves to be a real and general challenge needing attention at organizational level. Furthermore, identifying regional patterns considering peculiarities, the framework of talent management systems can be defined and be found summarised in the article.

  • Opinions of Higher Education Students about Internships and Working while Studying

    The importance of working while studying in higher education has a globally growing tendency, and Hungary is not an exception. The demand for the opportunities of student employment has been recognized not only by the students but also by the policy makers of higher education, leading to the introduction of solutions like the obligatory internship semesters or the dual training programs. The current study contributes to the better understanding of this field through the analysis of a database from a questionnaire survey conducted among bachelor students from seven majors of the University of Debrecen during the Fall semester in 2015 (N = 589). The main findings suggest that the students mostly consider the internships as an investment into their future career while the short term compensation and the personal interests have a lower importance for them. About 75% of the students would be willing to work not more than 20 hours a week, and most of them would look for ‘official’ studentwork. For working, they would sacrifice the time connected to the following activity-areas (relative to the other activities in the list, and in descending order): time for leisure (this is the most likely to be sacrificed), for sport, for friends, for family, and for learning (this is the less likely to be traded in for working hours). Willingness to work (measured in daily working hours) seems to be connected to the following factors: major, year of study, how important the activity areas are considered compared to working (learning, family, friends, sports, leisure), and the importance of finding a personally interesting internship.

  • Innovation, Artificial Intelligence in Contingent Work-Force Management

    In recent years, the global use of contingent workers is rapidly increasing despite the increasing quantity of artificial intelligence applications in business. The question is "how these companies leverage the use of artificial intelligence to enhance contingent workforce's management?". The ideal goal of this paper is to develop a purely conceptual application of innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) adjacent to contingent workforce management(CWM). The researcher used qualitative information gathered from various authors and observations to reinforce the usage of AI. One of the critical tools to integrate with contingent workforce management for reduction of time spent on human resource administrative tasks is AI. There must be a transformation of thinking, accepting positive organizational change, utilization of technology and openness to new technology to foster  AI. Along with that, integrating contingent workforce management with AI reduces risks and costs, increases efficiency and quality of work. Innovation and Artificial intelligence have been used in five pillars performance of contingent workforce management to mitigate the challenges associated with it.

  • The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students

    The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.

  • Néhány választott egyéni sportág jelenlegi helyzetének és versenyképességének elemzése Magyarországon

    In the past few years, our country increased importance of sports. 2010 was highlighted in 16 individual sports, which receive state subsidies for the period 2013-2020. In this research we selected the four disciplines of sports - canoeing, modern pentathlon, wrestling, judo - I examined the domestic situation and competitiveness. The sports competitiveness investigated on the basis of their role in the media occupied, according to the method of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC and the Olympic Games Organising Committee (OCOG) mediation from the proceeds distributed to sports, by way of support. I think it is important to examine the competitiveness of sports, and international jótapasztalatokat used later to propose solutions to increase viewing figures. The first stage of this research, which shows the position of sports Hungary, explore their differences and draw parallels between the similarities.

  • Examination of Labor Market Demand in the Case of the Construction Professions

    Tanulmányomban megvizsgálom az építőipari termelés és azon belül is a lakásépítést befolyásoló tényezőket 1921- től napjainkig. Ezen számok tükrében az építőiparban dolgozók számának folyamatos változásait értékelem, illetve hogy a vizsgált körülményekre hogyan tud reagálni a munkaerőpiac. A cikkben célom rámutatni, hogy a különböző hatásokra a szakemberek száma nem tud rugalmasan változni. A nagyobb  beruházási években, illetve a jobb kereseti lehetőség miatt kivándorolt szakemberek hiánya komoly gondot okoz. Ennek ellentétes pólusa, amikor a gazdasági válság éveiben a beruházási kedv hiányában munkaerő  többlettel rendelkezik az építőipar.

  • Current Challenges in the Regulation of CO2 Emission of Road Vehicles

    Today, as part of the fight against climate change, regulations on greenhouse gas emissions are gaining significantly higher attention. Our work focuses on the European Union legislation on carbon dioxide emissions from road vehicles, with special emphasis on the target values. Current changes in CO2 measurement methods, as important issues of the regulations, are also reviewed within this article.

  • Connection Between Internet Using Habits and Ethical Attitude of Business Students

    In these days we are witnessing a trend of more and more using IT assets and the using of internet too. As teachers at the university we can see that our students also tied with a thousand threads to the IT world. Current research aims to explore the students’ internet using habits, how many times they spend on the web  and why. In our previous work we examined our economist students’ ethical attitudes. In this study we try to connect this two themes. Our research question: are there any connection between our students’ ethical judgment and their internet using habits.

  • LSI with Support Vector Machine for Text Categorization – a practical example with Python

    Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool of modernity science, there is even a science consensus about how our society is turning to a data-driven society. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn from data and understand its behavers. Python programming language aiming the challenges of this new era is becoming one of the most popular languages for general programming and scientific computing. Keeping all this new era circumstances in mind, this article has as a goal to show one example of how to use one supervised machine learning method, Support Vector Machine, and to predict movie’s genre according to its description using the programming language of the moment, python. Firstly, Omdb official API was used to gather data about movies, then tuned Support Vector Machine model for Latent semantic indexing capable of predicting movies genres according to its plot was coded. The performance of the model occurred to be satisfactory considering the small dataset used and the occurrence of movies with hybrid genres. Testing the model with larger dataset and using multi-label classification models were purposed to improve the model.

  • Maintenance Strategies and Life Cycle Costs of Renewable Energy Systems

    Life cycle costs are important factors in decisions on renewable energy investments. Since maintenance costs generally constitute a high portion of the life cycle costs, the maintenance strategy applied in a project can affect the bottom line significantly. The effective maintenance tools used in the production industry (e.g., diagnostics, condition monitoring, data management, integrated information systems, machine learning, and automated decision making) can be involved in planning and maintenance of renewable energy systems to gain the benefits of these approaches. In this paper the effects of maintenance strategies on life cycle costs are investigated and the benefits of up-to-date condition monitoring techniques are presented through case studies.

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