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  • A vállalati kultúra sajátosságai a KKV szektorban

    A kis-és középvállalkozások szerepe az európai gazdaságban kulcsfontosságú, ugyanis a kkv szektor közel 87 millió embert foglalkoztat, a versenyszféra alkalmazottaknak mintegy kétharmadát és az Európai Unió hozzáadott értékének mintegy 58%-át teszik ki. Míg az uniós átlag 4,2 fő, addig a magyarországi kkv-k átlagosan 3,1 főt foglalkoztatnak. A kis- és középvállalkozások napjainkban nagymértékben hatást gyakorolnak a magyar gazdasági teljesítményre, illetve a foglalkoztatásban jelentős részt vállalnak, kiemelkedő a szerepük az új gazdasági szerkezetben. A versenyképesség lényegére, a vállalat termelékenységére nagy hatással vannak a vállalaton belüli, főleg a vállalati menedzsment és a vállalati kultúratényezők. Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a kis- és középvállalkozások vállalati kultúra tényezőit, amelyeket meghatározói a hatékony működésnek, majd ezek alapján javaslatot tenni a versenyképesség növeléséhez hozzájáruló kultúrafejlesztésre.

  • Potential Impact of Innovation on the Competitiveness of Sports

    Innovation and development activities related to sports and the tools created during the processes facilitate performance sports players (athlete, coach, sports manager) to achieve outstanding results in their field.

    The success of sport can have a major impact on the social image of sport and its economic potential, and thus on the future of the sport. In my paper, I undertake to introduce the innovation processes associated with competitive sport and the products that result from these innovative activities, and then examine how and to what extent these supplies influence the economic and professional performance of the sports under investigation.

  • Return of Ethics into Business Activities – From Utilitarianism to Conscious Consumers (review)

    According to the common understanding of economic science people following their own preferences looking for ractional decisions which might bring the biggest advantage available. General economic models take this pre-condition as an axiom, however while analysing real processes and motivation, human side, ethics and values cannot be ignored. Business ethics has always been part of economics though having a diminishing role occasionally. Current developing movements of conscious consumers reveal the importance of the topic, highlighting personal creed and moral principles. Analytical frameworks incorporating ethical considerations are albeit more complicated hence offer more realistic interpretation of economic activities and therefore practical benefits at the end. Our study is a general review on this phenomenon.

  • Statistical and analytical analysis of a data series

    In a concrete year, at the begining of the month, a company changed the unit price of the notebooks. The company wrote down the demand and the supply. We analyse the data series which the company described.

  • Talent Management in International Practice Through the Example of Europe and China

    The reason behind is that they have their own principles, strategic goals and industrial environment that they have to manage on daily bases. The current labour and talent shortage across Europe forces local companies to supply their demand of manpower from foreign countries – encouraged by the ’four freedoms’ of the EU. In consequence of the globalisation, we have to keep in mind that running a talent management system has its challenges. For instance, employees with different cultural background might have unconventional needs. Due to the cultural, demographical and economical differencies, we must know the structure of our labour force to use the most beneficial tools to induct, motivate or retain our human resource. The aim of this research is to analyze Europe’s and China’s talent management systems to reveal similarities and differencies between them and pick the most notable ones. From the point of comparison, analysing China would be important for European countries to discover further possibilities, as nowadays China has one of the most dynamically developing economy with enormous population behind. The primary result of the research is that deficiency of talent is irrespective of the size of the population and it causes difficulty in both European and Chinese fields, therefore it proves to be a real and general challenge needing attention at organizational level. Furthermore, identifying regional patterns considering peculiarities, the framework of talent management systems can be defined and be found summarised in the article.

  • The Women’s Role in Supporting Family Businesses

    The women’s role in supporting family businesses is important. As a wife, mother and chief trust officer the female family members effect on the operation of the family business directly or indirectly. A questionnaire was prepared for better understanding how the female family members can contribute to the family business. The results include information about successor related decisions and about generational changes. There are some information about change of the different woman’s roles within family and business.

  • Elsős mérnökhallgatók véleménye (a szakmáról, a szakmai erkölcsről és a mérnöki etika tárgyról)

    A műszaki felsőoktatásba érettségi után bekerülő hallgatók már rendelkeznek valamilyen elképzeléssel a mérnöki szakmáról, a helyes mérnöki magatartásról, és a saját alkalmasságukról. Az első felmérésem kérdései a hallgatói tanulmányok kezdetekor ezekre a témákra irányultak. A második felmérést a félév végén készítettem, amikor már a kötelezően oktatott mérnöki etika tantárgy ismereteit elsajátították. A hallgatói válaszok azt mutatják meg, hogy mennyiben segítette elő ennek a tárgynak az oktatása azt, hogy jobb mérnökké válhassanak a diploma megszerzése után.

  • The presence of stress and leisure sports in the life of today’s people

    Today's people are extremely busy with a lot of things, such as work, family, learning, so they try to spend their free time with activities that promote them in relaxation, reassurance, recreation. It can be said that the people of today's world are burdened, more stressed and nervous, trying to do the best they can to live properly. A lot of people have a hard time communicating, community life. There are a lot of people who are forced to work from home, as projects and weeks' deadlines don't wait. Besides, there are many things to be done, children need to be dealt with, you have to have fun, you have to pay attention to health, you have to run a household, etc., so there is little time for people to do what they really love. In my research, I assessed the leisure habits of the inhabitants of Romania and Hungary, but their attitude to active reclamation activities (N=273) was their activity in sport. The results show that passive leisure activities (watching TV, reading, listening to music, internet) are still the most popular among people, although most of us do sedentary work. People who play sports in their spare time felt more refreshed, and they had a better mood, more positive. The sports that people can play outdoors and in parks come to the fore.

  • Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Robots

    In our study, we provided a comparison of four robot arms used in industry to determine  the most suitable model to adopt in university education. We investigated robot arms from the following manufacturers: ABB, Kuka, Universal Robots, and Techman Robot. The multi-criteria system was grounded on the important factor and experience. Following this, each aspect was ranked using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In addition, the order among the four alternatives was established by using the Kesselring method. The present study describes a selection method for industrial robots in the academic area.

  • Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion

    Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.

  • The Factors of Digitality and Sustainable Competitiveness in the Domestic Context

    The recovery of international relations and the development of technology are in correlation with the increasing globalization tendencies. These processes increase the interdependence of countries, but also the competition between them. The factors of competition are constantly changing and being revalued. As a result new elements appear in addition to the traditional elements, and there are assimetries between existing components. The economic performance of a country increasingly depends on the knowledge and technology, its economic success on the use of knowledge. The purpose of the study is to present and analyze the proxies that define and shape the role of Hungary by IMD Competitiveness Research Center and by the complex indicators developed by Korea-based SolAbility. It also draws attention to all the factors that will significantly effect our country's economy in the future.

  • Practice of Organizational Development in a Domestic Company

    In today's changing world, it is extremely important that organizations can keep up with market trends. The perspectives of continuous development are expanding and the commitment of decision-makers to development activities is growing steadily. The starting point for organizational development is always man. Organizational development always begins with deeper research and modeling. Fundamental guidelines are set out as a paradigm of development. The most important and at the same time the most difficult step is to introduce the results of the analysis. The most effective, but the most time-consuming and cost-effective solution is full organizational development. The management of the organization faces significant efforts to embark on a full organizational development process. The aim of our study is to propose different development opportunities for the company's management with the help of analysis by the organization and supported by measurable data, as well as the catalyst for the modifying efforts observed among employees.

  • The Cluster as a Learning Organization

    Globalizálódó világunkban, ahol a KKV-k egyre inkább részeseivé vállnak a nemzetközi piaci versenynek, a klaszterek szerepe a cégek versenyképességének támogatásában meghatározó. Az elmúlt évtizedben jelentősen megnőtt az érdeklődés az innovációs klaszterek iránt, mely mögött részben az a felismerés húzódhat, hogy a vállalatok versenyelőnyét nem csupán a saját kompetenciái, erőforrásai jelentik, hanem a földrajzilag közeli üzleti környezetében fellelhetőek is. Ahhoz, hogy a klaszterek eredményesen tudjanak működni, bizonyos egyéni és szervezeti kompetenciákat birtokolnia kell. A hatékonyan működő klaszterekre tekinthetünk úgy, mint tanuló szervezet, hiszen az egyének törekednek képességeik folyamatos fejlesztésére, a közös tanulás képességének elsajátításában motiváltak, kollektív elképzelések, közös célkitűzésekés és azok megvalósítására való törekvés jellemzik. A tökéletes tanuló szervezet rendelkezik a folyamatos innováció teremtő képességgel, melyhez nagymértékben hozzásegíti a folyamatos tanulási folyamat, amely új tudást és magatartásváltozásokat eredményezve, hozzásegíti a környezeti változásokhoz való alkalmazkodását. A tanulási folyamatok esetében fontos szem előtt tartani, hogy legalább olyan ütemben tanuljuk, fejlődjünk, amit a környezeti változások megkívánnak. A készségek, képességek, a klaszterszintű együttműködés szempontjából azért töltenek be kiemelt szerepet, mert ha a partnerek nem rendelkeznek a kooperációhoz szükséges kompetenciákkal, akkor az együttműködés lehet bármennyire előnyös, az nem lesz eredményes, hiszen csak korlátozott működésre lesz képes. Miként segítheti elő a „Tanuló szervezet-ként” való viselkedés a klasztert, hogy a szükséges kompetenciákat megfelelő szinten birtokolja? A cikk vezérfonalát a klaszterek eredményes működéséhez szükséges kompetenciák beazonosítása, valamint a klasztereken belüli tudásmenedzselés, tudásmegosztás megvalósulásának vizsgálata adja.

  • Elmélet és gyakorlat ellentmondásossága a mérnöki etikában

    Economy is the framework of the activities of technological managers. The function of an economy is substantially impact by behaviors of the persons are involved in the economy. Its function depends on how they follow rules of society and community. Reliability and order of an economy are created by right conducts of such participants of economy as technological managers. This paper analyses the complex relations of law, morality and economy.

  • Globalization in Higher education, Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Education

    This article was prepared with the support of PADME (Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti). E-learning has many advantages and disadvantages. Among these, I would like to highlight some of the more important ones, as well as present the results of my surveys in which I assessed university students' modeling, abstraction and lexical knowledge before and after online education.

  • Changes in the financing of domestic research and development

    Nowadays, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place at an incredible speed, with innovation at its heart. Of this, R & D funding is of paramount importance, which is directly or indirectly one of the most important tools for increasing corporate competitiveness. The study examines trends in domestic R & D expenditures over the past one and a half decades. It focuses on the extent to which the financial crisis has affected the amount of funding resources and their structure. From an international comparison, Hungary and the European Union spend much less on research and development than those in the global competition. The impact of the crisis is reflected in the decline in the growth dynamics of R & D expenditures, but it has not been solved solely as a result of the crisis. Changes in the domestic structure of expenditures in recent years are encouraging and are in sync with the change in attitude that is considered desirable in R & D funding. If we examine the domestic statistical data more thoroughly, we can no longer be very satisfied. However, from trends in data from recent years, it becomes apparent that neither Hungary nor the European Union will achieve the 1.8 and 3.0 per cent of GDP R & D spending by 2020.

  • Teaching Process Improvement Principles and Techniques – Development of Engineering Competences in Secondary Schools

    Students in Hungarian secondary schools generally have no realistic picture of what engineers do. In the framework of a project workshops are held in secondary schools to pass knowledge about the world of engineers through games, problem solving, and teamwork. Our aim is to give the students an idea of the broad range of engineering fields and activities. In this paper we briefly introduce the details of the programme and our experience in the application.

  • The Electric Vehicle Penetration in Hungary

    During the past years I hear that the future of transport in the electric-powered vehicles. the Hungarian Goverment and the European Union is made more device is this form dissemination to the transport campaigners. EU tendering appeared in Electric Car Charging establishment, the number of multiplication of the expansion, faster recharging method of spreading. This is to depart from the common knowledge  recharge time Lenght of significant, the range of motor vehicles despite low rate of population inspired make such purhase of motor vehicles. If that were not enough, the demand side cash incentive device support is, take the numbers provided consumer vehicles 1.5 million HUF state support. This endeavor though the influence of narrow you wish to inspect the car market segment of the reactions, the growth rate of the past few years. Although this is a state-pumped artificially induced market impact.

  • Control Valve Testing During Operation

    The most commonly used control technology in building engineering is mixing. The purpose of the measurement is to find out what effects have the different control valve position combinations on the system. How the mixing efficiency changes in these cases.

  • What is the function? – experiences of an occasion among the secondary school students

    In the frame of the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 „Debrecen Venture Catapult Program" it was held an occasion among secondary school students the aim of which was formation of that concept which is very important in the engineering area. In many cases in order to solve problems necessary that students have an "ideal" function concept image (the image is interrelated with the notion of the concept) and they can change between different representations of the function. In our paper we will show the experiences of the occasion in which was formed the function concept by investigation of several relationships from the everyday life and engineering area with the help of individual and cooperative learning method.

  • Analysis of Labor Market Indicators in the Northern Great Plain Region in 2018 and 2022

    In my study, I analyze the labor market indicators of the North Great Plain statistical region for the years 2018 and 2022 in order to map the regional labour market characteristics based on the indicators. One method of the analysis is the Beveridge curve. This complex analysis method graphically illustrates the evolution of the relationship between the unemployment rate and the proportion of vacant positions typical of the region under investigation. The results of the analysis can draw attention to possible problems in the labour market in the region. I examine the secondary statistical data in parallel with the available related literature.

  • The Effect of Player Transfers on Football Companies Valuation

    Transfer seasons are one of the most highlighted periods in world of football. The market of player rights forces the greatest european clubs with their enormous budgets to compete with each other in order to aquire the most talented and most succesful players. It is not uncommon to sign players for tens of millions of euros, to this extent these expenditures are seriously affecting clubs bottom line. However, despite the expenditure nature of player transfers the value of these clubs increase, based on the best known measurer for companies valuation: the stock exchange. In my research the effect of player transfers ont he valuation of football corporations are presented through market value development of stock market listed clubs namely Juventus and BVB Dortmund. Based on my results if the examined clubs were signing players according to a player transfer policy considered as succesful the value of examined clubs had increased through stock market price independently of player transfer balance. Moreover the effect of coronavirus could had been noticed, since both clubs valuation decreased heavily in the 2020 summer transfer window probably due to the revenue loss caused by the pandemic.

  • Engineering Spatial Ability and Spatial Geometry – Research Experiences 1.

    Spatial visualization skills have an important role in teaching and learning of engineering studies. Many studies have shown that there are correlations between various measures of spatial skills and performance in particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Many engineering students have problems with imagining a spatial figure and therefore to solve the spatial geometry exercises, so development of spatial ability is very important. We have developed special tools and worksheets for development of spatial abilities

  • The Past, Present and Future of a Hungarian Company

    The new strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises focuses on growth, the three pillars of which are the development of a knowledge-based and innovation-based economy, a resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy, and high employment and social and territorial cohesion. Based on the plans and forecasts, in the 2021-2028 cycle, however, it is not as much as today, but it is possible to calculate development resources closely linked to economic development in the form of non-refundable subsidies in many forms. In my present study, I wish to outline the life span of a Debrecen company, NEXT Broker Consulting Ltd. and its potential development prospects in the post-2020 cycle, which may be important because it deals with tender writing, so it can show a serious impression on the previous or current the direction and situation of the use of development resources, thus indirectly the realization of the goals of Hungarian economic policy.

  • Labor Market of Enforcement of People with Technical Qualifications in Hungary

    The main purpose of my research was to investigate the validity of those with technical qualifications in the territory of Hungary.

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