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Search Results

  • The Impact of labor Turnover on The Service Quality of Hotels

    This study aimed to know the dimensions of labor turnover (low morale, poor employees training, payment, job satisfaction) and study the effect of these dimensions on the quality of service in hotels. The results of multiple regression show that there is an effect of dimensions labor turnover on quality of service. Correlation between labor turnover and tangibility was the strongest and there is a moderate relationship between labor turnover and each of responsibility, reliability, assurance, and empathy.

  • The Challenges of the Labour Law and Economic in the Future Labour Market

    The aim of the study is to examine how the effects of globalization affect the global labor market, and how high-level automation and digitalization affect the expectations of labor market actors and the world of labor law. We analyze the legal framework and the economic and social utility of acquiring competences for new challenges in the industry. We will look in more detail at the future of the low-skilled labor force in a changing labor market as a function of acquiring new competencies. We believe that changes in the labor market and novel processes will also pose new challenges for employers and employees. Changes in the labor market raise the question of what kind of benefits an outgoing worker will receive until he or she acquires new competencies. Is the social welfare system in the current sense capable of supporting lifelong learning, or is it necessary to explore alternatives such as basic income? All this needs to be done in the light of the legal and economic scrutiny of the concepts of efficiency and economy. This is because acquiring competences for the new employee also brings new added value.

  • Analysis of labor consumption in Hungary in the last 5 years

    The main idea of ​​my research was the statement of the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (Ferenc Apáti), according to which the main obstacle to the future development of horticulture and the development plans of horticultural enterprises is capital shortfall factors). The employment of seasonal workers in the production of grapes and fruit and in horticultural farms is of the greatest importance. As a result, in my research, I examined the use of labor by those working in agriculture over the past 5 years. I reviewed how the coronavirus has affected the time spent by seasonal workers at work in the recent past. Since there are a lot of work phases in agriculture where there is a temporary use of labor, I considered it important to get around this topic better. As seasonal agricultural workers are often able to reach their agricultural jobs through travel and border crossings, government regulations (travel restrictions, border closures) have made it more difficult for these people to access jobs.

  • Demand and Supply in the Talent Market

    In Hungary, the emergence of a talent market for organizations is due to the growing demand for talented workers. The talent's definition, the exploration of the factors affecting the talent market's demand and his supply are necessary to the overview. With the emergence of the talent market, we will also carry out an important analysis of the changes in the labor market in Hungary as well as the shortage of labor shortages. In the labor market today, different generations are present, who have different expectations for their employer and work environment. The lack of skilled workers is attempted by organizations with different methods. One of these is the ability of companies to become a talent-magnet, resulting in a higher number of employees in their area of activity. In areas where labor shortages are high, more and more attention is paid to automating processes. During the research, I worked on the related literature and studies to determine the factors influencing the talent market.

  • Labor Market Effects of Organizational Health Promotion

    Nowadays, we can observe an increasing trend in the spread of non-communicable diseases. It is important to highlight the social factors that negatively affect health. Determinants includes income, education and the research-relevant working and living conditions. From a labor market perspective, unemployment and poor working conditions are a significant responsibility for the deterioration of mental and physical health. Health is also affected by employment conditions. Extended working hours have been shown to be harmful to health. Poor health has generates poorer work performance, a higher rate of sick leave, and higher health care costs. My primary goals in my research was to explore the labor market impacts of workplace health promotion and guidelines for corporate health promotion. Within health promotion, physical activity has played a prominent role. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. I have been performed a traditional literature analysis based on domestic and international studies. My results are suggest that the workplace health promotion has more positive labor market effects than increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and health care costs. It is important to mention that health promotion could bring benefits to both employers and employees. Regarding corporate guidelines, there is no new approach directive other than the older literature sources. thus, it may be worthwhile to develop a new and different corporate process for effective workplace health promotion.

  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • Analysis of Labor Market Indicators in the Northern Great Plain Region in 2018 and 2022

    In my study, I analyze the labor market indicators of the North Great Plain statistical region for the years 2018 and 2022 in order to map the regional labour market characteristics based on the indicators. One method of the analysis is the Beveridge curve. This complex analysis method graphically illustrates the evolution of the relationship between the unemployment rate and the proportion of vacant positions typical of the region under investigation. The results of the analysis can draw attention to possible problems in the labour market in the region. I examine the secondary statistical data in parallel with the available related literature.

  • The Impact of Electrical Vehicles on Sustainability: Jordan as a Case Study

    The Global concern is moving toward making a revolution in favor of exploitation of renewable energy in order to improve environment conditions, limit emissions and minimizes consumption of non-renewable resources within the planet. In this context, it is necessary to focus on the transport sector as it contributes of at least 30% of the total primary energy consumption. Therefore, a set of rules must be developed to maintain economic, environmental and social sustainability to address the problems so as not to increase their severity and these cannot be done unless there are joint measures and regulations from governments, companies, manufacturers and users. Unfortunately, the Jordanian transport system mostly depend on the individual transport which supported by cars, and that because of the weak role played by the public transport sector, especially at the capital, Amman. Buying hybrid cars (internal combustion engine + electric motor) and Electrical Vehicles (EV), in the past few years in Jordan is increasing, which is compatible with the global trend to use Electrical Vehicles (EV) instead of Internal Combustion Engine vehicles (ICE) powered by fossil fuels, this issue will have a direct and indirect impact on gas stations companies, also it will have direct impact on labor sector and the current car industry since electric charging stations as well as EV manufacturing is not labor intensive. The main purpose of the study is to show how much it is necessary now to start theoretical assumptions through studying the expected annual increase in passenger cars and its impact on sustainability and predicting the future fuel consumption and emissions and compare them with the base situation.

  • The Relationship between Family Background and Labor Market Success

    In our study, we undertake to explore the social background of fresh graduates (has absolutorium) by field of study. In doing so, we put great emphasis on the educational attainment of the parents and the financial situation of the family, as these factors can have a significant impact on young people's learning opportunities, attitudes and career paths. In the theoretical part of our research, we consider it important to present the experiences of domestic and international authors on the socio-economic situation. Subsequently, the 2015 Graduate Career Tracking System (DPR) database provided us an excellent opportunity to study the complex data collected by the 34 higher education institutions. In our analysis, we highlighted the different socio-economic backgrounds of graduates from different disciplines. Based on our research, we have concluded that young people from richer families are in a better position on the labor market, earning higher incomes than children of parents with lower social status

  • Examination of Labor Market Demand in the Case of the Construction Professions

    Tanulmányomban megvizsgálom az építőipari termelés és azon belül is a lakásépítést befolyásoló tényezőket 1921- től napjainkig. Ezen számok tükrében az építőiparban dolgozók számának folyamatos változásait értékelem, illetve hogy a vizsgált körülményekre hogyan tud reagálni a munkaerőpiac. A cikkben célom rámutatni, hogy a különböző hatásokra a szakemberek száma nem tud rugalmasan változni. A nagyobb  beruházási években, illetve a jobb kereseti lehetőség miatt kivándorolt szakemberek hiánya komoly gondot okoz. Ennek ellentétes pólusa, amikor a gazdasági válság éveiben a beruházási kedv hiányában munkaerő  többlettel rendelkezik az építőipar.

  • The role of the nonprofit economic companies in human resource management in Hungary

    In the changed labor market structure in the context of economic growth in Hungary, the reintegration of displaced and increasingly differentiated groups into the world of work has become an indispensable necessity, with alternative initiatives aimed at long-term profit maximization. Nonprofit economic companies replacing former public benefit companies not only determine the revenues of the whole nonprofit sector in their operations, their work goes beyond this, as most of them are engaged in socially marginalized, disadvantaged, or even disabled people, and can do other work to improve employability and employment. The aim of my study was to process the latest statistical database of the nonprofit sector issued by the KSH in order to determine the role of nonprofit economic companies in employment, by appying secondary analysis.

  • Agriculture and Seasonal Work - Features and Prospects

    In terms of employment specialities, certain sectors of agriculture may show quite a different picture. Especially the seasonal nature of employment, including day laborers and / daily work hireling nature deserves attention. In our country it has long tradition and can be directly linked to regional mobility and commuting trends since some people move near the western border to Austria for work. However, at the same time, near the eastern border, seasonal workers arrive from the East, which has an impact on the local labor markets, and for the lives of some settlements. In our study, we want to study and elaborate the specific details of these processes that connect the two countries and the issues of the advantages and disadvantages as well. In our paper we rely on literature data, private experiences, and the opinion of small scale farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, who have experience in employing laborers on a seasonal basis.

  • An Analysis of the Leisure Preference System of Students with Disabilities in the Light of a Study

    With the increase in the number of disabled people and people with disabilities, research on the target group of people with disabilities has gained momentum in recent decades. Research is very diverse, looking at the labor market situation of people with disabilities, their leisure-time habits, or the factors that support and inhibit their sport.

    In our questionnaire research, the leisure and sporting habits of children with disabilities aged 8-18 are described and analyzed (N = 639). Data were processed with spss software, where basic statistics and contextual analysis were performed. The results confirm that passive activities (TV, listening to music) dominate the leisure activities of children with disabilities. Sports consumption (active and passive) was more prevalent among male respondents and less prominent among girls. In the motivation of sports, besides improving the state of health, entertainment and company appeared.

  • Z Generation’s Expectations Against Leaders

    Expectations and ideas of labor market, workplace and leaders vary among different generations. In the current study we discuss the results of a word association survey which was conducted in 2015 among students in higher education. Students were asked to write down their first thoughts that they consider important against leaders. 391 students participated in the survey. The students formulated 20 different attribute-groups which can be classified into three main groups. Most of them defined sturdiness and empathy as their most important expectations against leaders. Attributes defined by 3-8% of respondents form the second group, while attributes defined by 1-2% are in the third group. The results show that sturdiness, confidence and authority are high above the most important skills for Generation Z.

  • Analysis of the Supply of Sport Services by Organizational Aspects

    The spread of consumer societies has led to the commercialization, and the emergence of profit-oriented operating frameworks in the fields of sport. The sports enterprises, involved in the operation of competing groups on professional, spectator fields of sport have already been examined from legal, economic, organizational points of view by a number of international and Hungarian researchers. In this article, we attempt to cover and summarize the Hungarian research approaches on this subject. The motive behind our investigation is that we should launch an organizational examination of the Hungarian profit-oriented sports suppliers in the near future. We plan to analyse the property, financial, income, organizational, management and labor management related situation of these sports enterprises. In order to ground the research, the review nature summary of domestic economic, organization science related secondary examinations is essential, which allows the development of the appropriate research methodology and the comparison of our results with the antecedents.

  • Presentation of Employment and Economic effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic between March and November 2020 among Companies Dealing with Car and Parts Trade in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020 entailed major economic and social changes all over the world. In this study, we aim to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market and the economy with relation to the automotive industry in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Apart from secondary data collection, this research also relies on primary data collection methods, including self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews, all conducted with several employees and finance directors employed by the automotive companies present in the county.  The focus of this research is to study how the pandemic affected the balance sheets and the gross revenue of these companies; how it altered the repayment obligation of their current loans and how it influenced their willingness to enter into new loan agreements or relief options offering financial assistance.  Apart from these factors, this research also studies how the pandemic restrictions affected the work schedule and the benefits of the employees.

  • Incentive Methods of Traditional and Lean Production

    Many research deals with the lean management, but mainly related to the topic of operational management. The target of the author to investigate the lean production can be found there any incentives that could be support of the changed labour market. After the labor market outlook, which may help us to understand the actualities of the topic, grouping the incentive methods based on the model of Hay Group's happening, which is collected on the basis of literature lean processing methods. An identifiable differences in the grouping of lean and related traditional production incentives, which are sometimes more supportive of employees' commitment to the company.

  • Labour Market Success of Engineering Graduates

    The study aims to explore the labor market success of engineering graduates. The role of science field in the areas of job search time, earnings and job congruence proved significant. The engineering discipline proved to be outstanding in all the tree tested indicators. The database was GraduatesTracking System 2011-2012 (DPR 2011-2012). The indicators of employ ability could be compared among the young graduates of domestic higher education institutions in the engineering science, and similarities and differences could be highlighted

  • Modern Slavery Policies in a Conceptual Perspective

    Most of the people assume modern slavery end up in 19th century. However, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), today 40 million people live as a slave. Moreover, modern slavery is the world’s fastest growing crime and has huge number, which never occurred in history before. One of the main limitation of the existing literature on contemporary slavery is that it ignores the history of slavery either entirely or alternatively between past and present. However, this article aims to figure out the role of modern slavery, also recommends some suggestions to governments to solve the problem of it. The aim of this paper is to addressing to the modern slavery policies in a conceptual perspective. In the theoretical framework of modern slavery, rational choice theory, conflict theory and human security theory have been selected to describe the sequence of modern slavery.

  • Labor market effects of health promotion on human capital

    Today, workplace health promotion is increasingly present, both domestically and internationally. In my research, I used literature analysis to show how workplace health promotion programs, including physical activity, how affect employee earning capacity and productivity. Human capital is a significant factor in productivity. Human capital can be defined, that the human inner, inseparable features and characteristics of a person to which is invested and, as a result, increases the productivity of the individual. Investments can include health spending (health promotion programs), costs of extra-curricular lessons and time to find the ideal job.

    I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. In my research I have reviewed the source of literature on health promotion and physical activity primarily. After reviewing the literature, consequence of the research that investing in health, including investing in physical activity, it also contributes to improving health, as well as increasing life earnings and productivity at work.


  • Labor Market of Enforcement of People with Technical Qualifications in Hungary

    The main purpose of my research was to investigate the validity of those with technical qualifications in the territory of Hungary.

  • Ethical Leadership, at the Beginning of a Research

    In this study I deal with the ethical leadership. I give an insight into the approaches of ethical leadership, give a literature review on the concept of ethical leadership, and introduce the measurement methods used in the most important empirical researches related to this topic. I also try to report on the first results of my research (I plan to describe features of Hungarian leaders based on a smaller sample). How does this relate to the challenges of Industry 4.0? I give the answer from the fact that, with the advent of these new technologies (which in themselves have ethical questions), among these new challenges, the focus of the manager's attention will continue to be partly on their employees. If they set an ethical example for their subordinates, they encourage their employees to act ethically, which gives the company a competitive edge in many ways, both in the product/service market and in the labor market too. So, with my study, I would like to draw the attention of executives and managers to the fact that new technologies and the human factor together bring new successes, and that one possible way of doing this is by consciously managing their company ethically and developing an ethical organizational culture.

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