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  • Investigating the Effects of Active Cooling in 3D Printing

    3D printing is an increasingly widespread manufacturing process. With the development of machines and materials, the technology is becoming more accessible and easier to use. However, the technology's specificities mean that it requires knowledge of manufacturing technology. In some cases, it is necessary to solidify the freshly deposited layers as soon as possible in the event of large overhangs. This can be achieved by active cooling, which in turn can affect the material properties of the part. This research investigates the effects of active cooling during production. 


  • Effect of nanomaterials on work safety

    Nowadays, due to their special properties, nanomaterials are gaining more and more interest and their industrial application is increasing. Their specific properties are mainly due to the fact that the main characteristics of nanomaterials are not always the same as the normal size range of the same material. While these materials fulfill an important new function in the industry, their interactions with the environment and biological organisms are becoming increasingly unpredictable, increasing uncertainty, for example, in their application to human safety. Due to the very rapid technological development, these substances have been used much earlier than the legal framework for their application could have developed, and therefore a binding regulation on the use of nanomaterials is currently not available. At this moment, the manufacturer of the nanomaterial is responsible for the safety of the products. Of course, owever, chemical safety legislation and standards provide an excellent basis for their management, but due to their specific properties, novelty and lack of knowledge of the mechanism of action, risk assessment can still be a challenge for the practitioner.

  • Teaching Process Improvement Principles and Techniques – Development of Engineering Competences in Secondary Schools

    Students in Hungarian secondary schools generally have no realistic picture of what engineers do. In the framework of a project workshops are held in secondary schools to pass knowledge about the world of engineers through games, problem solving, and teamwork. Our aim is to give the students an idea of the broad range of engineering fields and activities. In this paper we briefly introduce the details of the programme and our experience in the application.

  • Comparing higher education preferences with labour market needs

    Hungarian institutions of higher education play an important role in national economy: they ensure intellectual labour with appropriate knowledge and professional competencies for Hungary in all profession fields. If the rules of private sector are applied for these institutions – interpreting it within a certain framework as the quality of education and research has to be maintained and there are social benefits associated with them -, they owned by the state, their management is the institutional leadership and their consumer is the labour market. Thus, training programmes must or should be developed in accordance with the needs of labour market. It represents a major challenge, even without taking into consideration other factors, since future requirements should be aimed (at least a 3-5 year training period later) – along with a rapid technological development. Even if the state makes significant efforts to adapt training programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market demands, students who want to further their education pay limited attention to these factors in their educational decision-making. Partly for this reason, career transition or shortages may occur in the case of certain professions. This paper seeks to address to what extent the most popular training programmes meet the expectations and to what extent the degree earned may be regarded as a ‘success’ in the labour market; moreover, if they do not overlap each other, how much applicants prefer those training programmes which are to be considered the most successful based on recruitment information. Admission statistics of Education Department and database of DPR provide the necessary information for the period 2010-2017 and these data sources enable authors to follow-up students from application to higher education until employment.

  • Fémhabstruktúrák elemzése és geometriai modellezése

    The development of an efficient procedure for 3D modelling and finite element simulation of metal foams is one of the greatest challenges to engineer researchers nowadays. Creating 3D CAD model is alone a demanding engineering task due to its extremely complex geometry, and the proper finite element analysis process is still in the center of the research. The aim of this project is to analyze the related literature and to adapt the results may be considered

  • Examination of the Informative Part of the Notes to the Financial Statement Amongst Hungarian Companies Engaged in Sports Activities

    Currently, the role of sports has intensified and changed; by now, it has become a separate area of interest from an originally civil, exercise-based, private leisure activity. In the case of sports-related economic research, both macro- and microeconomic research can be mentioned. Its economic significance, its contribution to employment, national economic income, and consumer spending is involved in macro-level research, while the examination of the functioning of sports services and organizations, and the characteristics of demand and supply are micro-level research activities. One of the reasons for the development of sports activities was the increase in their economic significance, which created a need for their economic analysis. The necessary information can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contribute to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other parts of the annual statement. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have sports activity (Hungarian NACE No. 931) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Analysis of Driving Data of Lorries on a Certain Route

    In this paper the development of a driving cycle for lorries traveling a certain route is presented. A typical transportation route has been selected, which used by lorries instrumented with the proper data-collecting equipment. We used these on-board units to collect data over a long time period in the real-life traffic. We filtered the collected data, and carried out a statistical evaluation on the basis of the measured data.

  • Evolution of Lean Management and the Organizational Learning

    In industry, service and public sector lean approach is gaining ground. However, there is a significant difference between the organizations applying lean concept in case of their lean transformation maturity level as well as their lessons learned. There is a huge variety of methods and techniques which can be used but there are two conditions in case of every organization regardless their sector or their lean maturity level which determine the success of their lean development: lean approach leader and learning organization. Lean leadership is not based on a particular sector or method and a ready-made lean organization is not needed either. The concept of the top management has a huge effect on the characteristics of theorganization but whether the will of the management is enough for the complete transformation or not is the question. Is the target the lean organization itself or how a unit of an organization or the whole organization can react to the change of the environment? The attitudes and behaviors of lean approach leadership can be applied every day, everywhere and support the aim of creating a real lean organization.

  • Issues of Regional Social Innovation

    Social innovation is not determined as a uniform definition, after a literature review can be defined as follows: social innovation is an innovative and new way of improving community well-being [2]. Social innovation can be defined and measured at micro-, mezo- and macro level similar to technical and economic innovation and plays a key role in the competitiveness. Because of imbalances arising from different levels of economic development, catching-up demand of peripheral settlements have appeared. In addition to the so-called technical innovations, the solution of social problems can be achieved by social tools, methods and new organizations. In catching-up process the local, community level construed innovative ideas and the activities of social innovation play a significant role. The expansion of the innovative areas results in different innovation processes and they can be considered as complementary processes. The social and technical innovation are closely interacting. If there is achange in the economic sphere, social change can occur. This study examines the role of local communities in social innovation at regional level and summarizes the clarifying questions of implementation. Social innovation as a new tool is able to answer daily challenges. The innovative solutions of municipalities, which means new collaborations, result sustainable, flexible and open leadership at regional level. This study will examine the role of governments (or their institutions) in the implementation and generating of social innovation, the tasks of regional innovators and social solutions and models of certain municipalities in Hungary and the European Union.

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

  • Classification of Nanomaterial’s Risky Properties on the Aspect of Human Safety

    Due to their unique properties the application of nanomaterials continuously extends thus these appear for several industries. The industrial application of nanomaterials became significant during the last decades. As a result of the intensive development, our knowledge about the exact influence of nanomaterials for living bodies and human health is characterised by deficiency for both short and long time. Nanomaterials able to be entered to the living organism through several ways then invade to the circulatory system and the lymphatic system, reach the organs and can induce various kind of damages and serious diseases as a result of their different appearance, physical and chemical properties. Legislation in Hungary and in the European Union seems to be incomplete. There is no document which summarizes and details the risky factors and parameters in case of a risk assessment.  Our aim was to develop a criterion system considering the risks related to the use and contact of nanomaterials based on their physical, chemical and biological properties, which criterion system could provide basic principle for a risk assessment thereby make the industrial processes safer both for the employees and those who are in the vicinity.

  • Do Changes in the Economic Role of States through Privatization matter?: The Brazilian Case

    In market economies, the subject of scientific research is the extent to which the state can contribute to the sustainability of development. However, the question is to know where the boundaries of the market and the role of the state lie. The study briefly introduces different views of the state's economic role and how states have changed the proportion of their entrepreneurial assets. Among these, it highlights privatization, which is one of the significant segments of today's economic policy practice at both micro and macroeconomic levels. It then describes Brazil's economic circumstances that led to the formulation of a proper size privatization program. Finally, the socio-economic factors that, according to the author, make the realization of Brazilian privatization plans uncertain presented.

  • Operating a Webshop in Rural Areas

    The importance of e-commerce in Hungary is unquestionable. 66% of the population is regular internet users (I3), every fourth person uses it on a daily basis. Online sales have increased from 137 billion HUF in 2010 to 427 billion HUF in 2016, while offline sales were not able to reach this growth (I1). Undoubtedly, online sale has become a very valuable market. The age group really valuable as consumers spends about 6 hours a day online, out of which 3 hours are active usage (I2). The Internet is also the most important source of information and keeping in contact, as 41% of the population uses it method. The availability of the Internet in Hungary is literally independent of the geographic location, thanks to the Digital Renewal Action Plan in Hungary's current strategy, as one of its main chapters is "Enhanced and Secure Infrastructure for All." (Botos 2013) plan. There are many unfavorable processes in Hungary's rural areas. Of these, emigration and the abandonment of the local economy are outstanding. To stop these processes, the "National Rural Strategy" (2012-2020) was created. Its most important areas are employment growth, balanced and diverse land and forest management, production structure, restoration of local food production and food markets, local energy production, strengthening the local communities, improvement of population patterns and conservation of natural systems and the biodiversity. The integration of rural economies into the on-line marketplace and their linkage to different DBEs not only vertically but horizontally can be one of the keys to their survival and development. The situation of businesses on the on-line marketplace in the countryside is very special. On the one hand, they are more favourable in many aspects of their operation, but in some cases they have disadvantages that fundamentally threaten their survival. The purpose of this article is to get to know this environment, map its benefits and drawbacks. For this, we use the results of in-depth interviews conducted with businesses operating on an on-line market in rural settlements.

  • Visual Analysis and Geometric Modeling of Metal Foams

    The development of an efficient procedure for 3D modelling and finite element simulation of metal foams
    is one of the greatest challenges to engineer researchers nowadays. Creating 3D CAD model is alone a demanding
    engineering task due to its extremely complex geometry, and the proper finite element analysis process is still in the
    center of the research. The aim of this project is to analyze the related literature and to adapt the results may be

  • Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels

    In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.

  • Introduction to Design and Analysis of Torsional Vibration Dampers in Vehicle Industry

    The crankshaft of today’s internal combustion engines with high performance output are exposed to harmful torsional oscillations originated from the unbalanced gas and inertial forces. To avoid the fatigue damage of engine components, caused by the undesired vibrations, torsional vibration dampers can be applied. Viscodampers are one type of the torsional vibration dampers, which operational fluid is silicone oil. For cost-effective R&D activities and production, finite element and finite volume numerical discretization methods based calculation techniques must be involved into the engineering work supported by the modern computer technology. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the multidisciplinary design and development process of visco-dampers in vehicle industry applications. Four different examples as structural, fatigue, CFD analyses and structural optimization have been introduced in the present work. It turned out from the static structural and fatigue analyses, that the investigated damper has safety factor over the limit for both static structural and fatigue analyses, so it is suitable for the given load conditions. In the structural optimization process 34.36% mass reduction has been achieved. According to the coupled fluid dynamic and heat transfer simulations a rather stagnating air zone evolved between the engine and the damper during the operation, which can cause efficiency reduction of cooling fins mounted onto the housing. In light of the numerical results, the suitable damper position has been determined for the highest heat transfer.

  • Development of Gait Recognition in NI LabVIEW

    Nowadays, one of the most significantly improving area in security is the world of biometric identifiers. Within the biometric identifiers, the research group is working with the gait recognition speciality. The research group realized a complex gait recognition system in NI LabVIEW, that can detect more reference points simultaneously with a universal camera and is capable of suiting predetermined curves on the detected points. Moreover, the program can compare the functions suited on the reference curve and the actual curve and evaluate if the two gait images are the same or not. In the program there is a saving and a reloading function which contributes to the production of the reference gait image. The foot analysis program before the gait recognition is designed to improve accuracy. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested on more persons and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) was zero.

  • Business Strategy in the Model of Linear Activity Analysis of Production

    It was analyzed how the methodology of linear activity analysis of production model supports the implementation of different business strategies at a company level. Aspects of analysis are focusing on openness for markets, lean management and environmental protection strategies. The study reveals that the linear activity analysis of production – mainly due to its efficient process optimization problem solving ability – is capable supporting lean management decisions and implementing additional objectives in business strategies. Such objectives can be sustaining specific production patterns for further development or following strategies for limiting market competition. It will be shown how to quantify the costs of strategic objectives in linear activity analyzing model.

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