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  • Megállapítási és marasztalási perek összehasonlítása, megállapítási keresetek speciális feltételei
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    For the first, I think that it is necessary to make clear what action is.

    The action the application to the proposal of which the half interested in the debate is entitled and the court passes judgement on it. Bringing an action to the court is the prerequisite of the setting in motion of the civil action procedure.

    The plaintiff asks it for the restoration of his violated subjective right practically in the action of detaining to oblige the defendant. The object of the action of detaining the claim originating from the violated subjective right, the controversial material legal contractual relationship, his content though the plaintiff’s application, that let the court oblige it defendant onto a particular activity, abstaining from it.

    Basic rule: action of detaining expired in case of claims only enforceable. The action of assessment in so much action of detaining, that it positively aims at the court establishing it for the plaintiff’s right and the existence of the defendant’s asking to stay being mentioned.

    It being possible to initiate action of assessments has two conditions conjunctive: the legal defence for the claim of his necessity and the impossibility of the vindication. The content and the consequences of the action of assessment considering too narrower than the action of detaining.

    The plaintiff’s aim in the action of assessment, that the court clears up whether one of the contractual relationships exist with a judgement or not, it does not claim him accomplishing a defendant’s active behaviour beyond this. The deficiency of the execution follows from this, the giving onto an end which can be grown in the part of a judgement saying detaining in the legal charge only.

    Verifiable, that the action of assessment independent legal defence device quality actions. Categorically cannot be declared, if action of detaining possible, assessment one is not eligible. The clarification of the situation and correcting him wait for the legislator however.

  • Adatvédelem az üzleti információmenedzsmentben
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    Absztrakt nélkül.

  • A hamis beismerő vallomást eredményező befolyásolás a büntetőeljárásban
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    Often justice would be less miscarry, if all who were about to weigh evidence had more conscious of the treachery of human memory.

    The memory ideas of a person are objective reproductions of earlier experience or are mixed up with associations and suggestions. The possibility exists that police might obtain a confession from an innocent person in a crime he had never committed. It is even possible that false confession might lead to a false conviction.

    The power of suggestion devastates memory, and this remains entirely within the limits of the normal healthy individuality. If interviewing techniques were to be assessed in terms of the police claim that they are geared to an objective reach for the truth, then they would emerge as thoroughly deficient. The progress of psychological science can not be further ignored.

  • Hivatalrendszer az Oszmán Birodalom magyarországi peremvidékén
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    My essay is on the development of autonomy of the country-towns and the changes of their relationship with the Hungarian county, the land lords, and the Turks. My research is based on the analysis of original account books of Debrecen and Nagykőrös. The situation of these towns was special in the 17th century, among other things, because of their geographical location. Debrecen situated at the border of the three big powers and Nagykőrös placed inside of the Turkish Empire. Later the country-town leaders were able to pay the cost of autonomy. The county administration system disappeared in the Turkish territory, but the functions of it were continued. For example the assembly of Pest county was hold in Fülek which was outside of the county. The administrative bodies of the counties worked according to the old Hungarian regulations. Turkish ruling was considered temporary. It was hard to keep contact between the county and the towns. It was one of the reasons of establishing municipal self government. These towns regularly paid tax to the Hungarian land lords and a higher amount to the Turks. The land lords who escaped from the Turkish territory were still in power. The towns paid the tax to the lords in a lump sum. The lords didn’t exercise their power. The town leaders recognized this situation and reached economical and later political autonomy that was very expensive. After the end of Turkish ruling the counties (re)expanded but the local self governing system was maintained.

  • Tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok – végrehajtás és gyakorlat az Európai Unióban
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    The first aim of this paper is to show the rules of the 2005/29/EC Directive on unfair commercial practices (hereafter: UCPD) on enforcement and the rules of the Member States of the EU on enforcement. The second aim is to show some cases on unfair commercial practices (from the European Court of Justice (hereafter: ECJ) and from national organizations too). This time „enforcement” means only „practice”, so this paper won’t deal with control or supervisory activity.
    At the first point there are the rules on enforcement from the UCPD and some rules of some Member States. At the second point there are the decisions of the ECJ. First, there are the decisions in connection with the implementation and the harmonization. Second, there are the decisions in connection with the rules of the UCPD and advertising. At the third point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with the UCPD. At the fourth point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with advertising.

  • Az online személyiségi jogsértések a bírói gyakorlatban
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    This essay examines the judicial practice of infringements of personality rights in the online media. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection of legal regulation.

    The new media law that came into force in 2011 does not include specific measure for online media products, so it is up to the judicial practice to find a solution to tackle the problems brought forth by the differences of online and print press.

    Being a legal area where the legal development activity of the judicial practice plays a significant role due to the broad framework of regulation, the joint interpretation of legislation and the practice is necessary to evaluate. Thus the evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection of personality rights is only possible with the joint examination of legal environment and judicial practice.

    The starting point is the observation of the characteristics of online media and the comparison with print media through elements that can be relevant in a lawsuit.

    The investigation of the judicial practice focuses on the infringement of personality law and the process of press correction, considering that these are the most frequently occurring legal actions in lawsuits.

  • A kisajátítás helye új magánjogi kódexünkben
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    The expropriation is a neglected legal institution in the Hungarian law, especially in the civil law. Although the expropriation usually appears in the civil law codes of the European states, it is ambiguous of the aspect of the civil law. However, it cannot be ignored that the civil law aspects of the expropriation are very important.In the civil law literature the expropriation is discussed either as the original way of acquisition of property or as the limit of the public property relations.My lecture is about the theoretical problems of the expropriation in the system of civil law. This article will provide an overview of doctrinal opinions about expropriation law in the delayed codification and in the new Hungarian civil law codex.

  • Az információs társadalom hatása a szerzői jogra
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    Absztrakt nékül.

  • Néhány gondolat a szoftverek szabadalmazhatóságáról
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    I’m presenting in my study the Hungarian software’s legal system. The Hungarian law system is protecting the software in the copyright law, like a literary property. This resolution given more latitude for the author, but it has many problems of the evidence, because not registred the property – like the patent – cause the author’s being can prove difficultly.

    In the patent law has not problem with the evidence thanks for the state register, but the legal process longer and costly more money. Primarily the Hungarian patent law is protecting the industrial, technical property. The software not an exclusively industrial, technical produce, there is closer the literary property about the author’s intellectual work.

    The protection of the Hungarian copyright is cheaper and faster than the protection in the area of patent law, and it covers more contract liberty for the partners. The Hungarian civil law is based upon the monist conception in the field of intellectual property. This means that pecuniary and personality rights are indivisible. In spite of this competition on the market prefers contracts that ensure exclusive, unambiguous rights. This area of law claims contracts suit to these conditions.

    The personal rights in the Hungarian copyright are remaining for the author, also the pecuniary rights. But - thanks for the successful software’s lobby - in this question the regulation diverged: the pecuniary rights may be transferring for the users, costumers. This regulation is better (cheaper, an easier) for the buyers under the Hungarian regulations of patent law.

    In Hungary a lot of software contract was established under the British legal system. The Hungarian legal culture accepted and using these contract forms. The Hungarian regulation concerning to the software questions is dualist like the British one. The pecuniary rights can be transferred free, just the personality rights belong to the author.

    The users can buy the rights need for using and it gives enough defense as a shield. The author’s interests are not sweating because of the personality rights stay under his domain.

    In my opinion the question is whether the Hungarian legal defense equally serves the author’s and the users’ interests. The process in patent law is longer, needs more money for supporting the protection and there are some conceptual problems between the software and the patent ideas. The new regulation is not reasonable.

  • Betegjogok gyakorlása
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    Getting medical care is normally not a voluntary decision of people. It is a necessity for people in sick conditions. Most people also have concerns regarding their personality rights as patients. The essay analyzes how patient rights are treated and exercised in Hungary from a mainly practical point of view.

  • A nemzetköziesedés jelentősége a felsőoktatásban
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    The internationalisation of the Hungarian higher education has a crucial role in the overall operation of the Hungarian higher educational system. The increasing presence of the international students at the Hungarian universities can alleviate the negative impact of the demographic decrease of the secondary students’ number in the country and can help the higher educational institutions to secure their needs in order to sustain their operation – mostly in an economic way.

    Several dilemmas emerge with the internationalisation of the higher education globally. One of these problems is the provision of the equal access to international higher education. If the equal access is not provided – and honestly this is the actual situation in most of the countries – than the differences in the social background of the students can have a great impact on the international education possibilities. Those students who have the possibility to study abroad can earn that much benefits during their education which is unavailable for those students who can only learn in their home countries. This tendency with respect to the cultural reproduction theory can widen the gap between the different social groups and so called social classes based on economic but not knowledge or talent differences.

    One of the most important elements and prerequisites of the successful functioning of the international higher education is the effective and suitable legal background. Hungary as a member state of the European Higher Education Area and of the European Union have several benefits from its memberships because this institutional and legal background will make the diplomas issued by Hungarian universities accepted in several countries. The international comparability of the knowledge incorporated by the Hungarian diplomas can be granted by the harmonisation of the different acts and the legal systems of the member states. The Hungarian results on this field are impressive.

    Based on these information we can analyse the importance of the international higher education in case of the labour market. One of the leading occupation tendencies in the 21st century is the internationalisation of the labour market. The companies are trying to employ the best workforce available on the labour market and the lack of suitable workforce pushes them to find the suitable employees abroad – or on the domestic universities and they have much more possibilities if international students are also studying there.

  • Az infláció hatása a magánjogi jogviszonyokra
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    Évtizedek óta nem láttunk olyan áremelkedést Magyarországon, illetve Európában és általában a világon, mint amivel 2022-ben voltak kénytelenek szembesülni a fejlett világ lakói. Az infláció 2022 decemberében Magyarországon 24,5 % volt, 2023 januárjában pedig a mutató 25,7 %-on állt. Az írás összefoglalja az inflációval kapcsolatos lényeges fogalmakat, kitérve az infláció definíciószerű megközelítésén túlmenően annak fajtáira, illetőleg annak mérésére vonatkozó legfontosabb elvekre, módszerekre. A gazdasági fundamentumok alapvetően meghatározzák a magánjogi jogviszonyokat, jogintézményeket is. Ilyen esetben beindul a válságjogi jogalkotás, ami elsődlegesen azokat a területeket érinti, amelyek a gazdaság működésére, a fogyasztók mindennapjaira a leginkább kihatással vannak. A jelen írás áttekinti azokat a fontosabb civiljogi struktúrákat, és az azokat szabályozó Polgári Törvénykönyvbeli, illetőleg egyéb törvényi és kormányrendeleti szintű szabályokat, amelyek tartalmát egy tartós inflációs környezetben indokolt módosítani, de amelyek ezidáig nem kerültek a jogalkotó fókuszába, hangsúlyozva a magánjogi normáknak a megváltozott gazdasági környezethez történő igazításának szükségességét. Azokat a jogszabályokat tekinti át az írás, amelyekben a jogalkotó a jogszabály szövegében rögzít értékre, árra utaló adatokat, nominálisan meghatározva, számszakilag konkrétan megjelölve azt az árat, értéket, amely jelentős szerephez jut egy adott magánjogi jogviszonyban. Ez a fajta jogalkotás azonban egyáltalán nincs tekintettel az értékviszonyok változására, így arra, hogy inflációs környezetben a magánjogi normában nominálisan rögzített ár- és értékadatok nem igazodnak a gazdasági folyamatokhoz, azaz nincsenek összhangban a mindenkori, gazdasági fundamentumok által determinált árszínvonallal. A szerző javaslatokat fogalmaz meg, szabályozási technikákat vázol fel ezen jogszabályi rendelkezéseknek a megváltozott ár- és értékvisszonyokhoz történő igazítására irányuló jogszabálymódosításra.

  • Kísérlet a poena extraordinaria egy jelentésének feltárására a 18. század második felének debreceni ítélkezési gyakorlatában
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    In my essay I analyze a possible semantic content of poena extraordinaria. Int the first part of the study can be found on interpretation concerning the different meanings of poena ordinaria and poena extraordinaria. In my hypothesis I suppose if the crime hasn't been entirely proved by accuser then the judge has to apply the category of poena extraordinaria. I examine three criminal brief of cases from Debrecen at 18th century in the second part; trying to verify my hypothesis.

  • A software-rel kapcsolatos alapvető szabályok nemzetközi aspektusból – különös tekintettel a német jogi megoldásokra
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    Competion in the field of Informational Techonology influences our everyday life; a competion realized in a global playground, not reduced into a national framework. Joining the discussion around optimal software protection, we introduce some foreign software regulations in our essay from different given aspects, and finally we analyse German legal solutions regarding softwares. Observation of foreign regulations related to softwares and their protection is needed because there are still a lot of unanswered questions around software as a legal instrument. Inadequacy of copyright to serve protection of softwares and the need to create sui generis protection come up in the latest researches. Furthermore, the number of inventions supported by IT and the number of software supported technological solutions increase in our days, and that moves this legal instrument into the field of patent jurisdictions and industrial property. Efficient legal protection is both a tool and a goal in the system, since elaboration and support of genuine ideas are priority interests. According to our opinion, it is not only the task but also the obligation of private law – as the law regulating basic rights of natural persons and legal entities in personal and financial context – to set up proper regulation in this system.

  • A „távollétes ügyek” egyes elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései a büntetőeljárásban
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    The idea of simplification of the law of criminal procedure has been an interesting topic in the science of law for a long time. Practical necessities, namely the overburdening of the criminal courts and the new challenges of the criminal law called this concept into life. Finishing up a procedure in a reasonable time limit is a very crucial interest – as it was pointed out several times by the Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers and also the Hungarian Constitutional Court. As the international principle declared in the Human Rights says everyone has the right to plead its case within a reasonable period and it can only be achieved that way.

    Because of the reasonable time limit required for a procedure, various simplifications of methods have been introduced into the national systems of criminal procedure. As a part of this process several legal institutions were introduced in the Hungarian law system aiming to accelerate the legal procedure. One of them, which is called special procedure against absent accused, is regulated by Chapter XXIV. of the Law of Criminal Procedure.

    This essay deals with this special procedure in details. Firstly I show through a short international outlook how the procedure against absent accused appears in the practice of the European Council and the European Union. Hereafter a certain case is examined in details where the European Court for Human Rights considered the necessity of the accused person’s appearance. The Court established a principle if the absence of the accused had hurt the requirements of the fair trial. According to this the appearance of the accused person is necessary if it could play a role in the forming of the Court’s opinion.

    Next, I examine the problems connected to the Hungarian regulations because recently serious constitutional worries have appeared related to this legal institution. As a result of this the Constitutional Court made its decision (n. 14/2004) and found many paragraphs of the then existing legal institution unconstitutional. Based on this Decision I go through in details all the problems and requirements related to this procedure. In the light of this, the regulation effective from the 1st of January, 2005 is described, which – according to my opinion – meets the requirements made by the Constitutional Court, so it is exceptional and provisional.

    In the next chapter certain practical experiences of the procedure against absent accused are examined. Here it is stated that the application of this legal institution is the rarest among the legal institutions aiming the acceleration of legal procedures. I explain it by the fact that this is a relatively young legal institution and there was not enough time since it was introduced to give certain conclusions, moreover the application is limited concerning the range of individuals. As a conclusion it can be stated that the application is more common in those cases where the accused is abroad but does not stay in an unknown place. I call the attention to some problems emerged in the practice as the protection of the accused, or the delivery of the copy of indictment and summons, etc.

    As a final conclusion it can be stated that using this legal institution is not so common but the importance of this will increase in the future by joining to the EU because of the easier way of crossing the boards. Hopefully the regulation, which suits to the requirements of the Constitutional Court, will be proper to gain its original aim, namely to simplify and accelerate the legal procedure.

  • A közigazgatási büntetőjog fejlődése a német jogban
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    In dieser Studie versuche ich die historische Entwicklung des Begriffs Verwaltungsstrafrechts, die Änderungen der Dogmatik und die Kodifikation des Ordnungswidrigkeitenrechts vorstellen. Das Rechtswissenschaft interessierte sich lange für die Wesensverschiedenheit zwischen Verbrechen, Vergehen und Übertretungen, also das Problem der Dreiteilung, aber die wichtigste von diesen Fragen war der qualitativ- quantitative Charakter des Unterschiedes zwischen den Übertretungen und den anderen Delikten. Weitere Schwierigkeit war die Festsetzung der Natur der Übertretungen und der Poliezeiübertretungen. Diese Frage war auch ein Forschungengebiet der Internationale Kriminalistische Vereinigung, aber nach viele Kongress und Landesversammlung bliebte die Probleme nicht gelöst.
    Die Bestimmung des selbständigen Verwaltungsstrafrechts versuchten zahlreichen Experten. In 1902 publizierte James Goldschmidt eine Monographie über das Verwaltungsstrafrecht, und leitete seine Theorie von Begriffen Verwaltungswidrigkeit und Verwaltungsdelikt ab und unterschneidete das Verfassungsstrafrecht und Verwaltungsstrafrecht. Der Arbeit löste eine heftige Diskussion aus. Die wesentliche Punkte der Diskussion waren weiterhin die folgende: die strarfrechtliche und die verwaltungsrechtliche Natur der Übertretungen.
    Nach 1945 veränderte sich sehr das Strafrecht und das Nebenstrafrecht im deutschen Recht. Im Wirtschaftstrafgesetz von 1949 traff eine materialle Unterscheidung nach Methode Eberhard Schmidt zwischen Straftaten und Ordnungswidrigkeiten. Auf dieser Grundlage schaffte der Bundesgesetzgeber das Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten vom 25. März 1952. Nach dem Inkrafttreten dieses Gesetz waren keine Ordnungswidrigkieten mit Freiheitstrafe bedroht, und die wichtigste Sanktionart war die Geldbußstrafe. Der Arrest bleibte nur als zwingende Sanktion neben der Geldbusse eingeführt, damit löste auch die verfassungsrechtlichen Problemen.
    Die Kodifikation war notwendig, weil das OWiG 1952 ein Rahmengesetz war, und Organistaions- und Verfahrensproblemen tauchten auf, beispielweise über die Vereinbarkeit den Ordnungswidrigkeiten und den Verwaltungsregelwidrigkeiten.
    In 1968 kam zustande das Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten, aber mit der neuen Kodifikation wurden die Diskussion nicht geschlossen. Das Gesetz gibt eine formelle Definition: eine Ordnungswidrigkeit ist eine tatbestandmässige, rechtswidrige und vorwerfbare Handlung, der mit Geldbusse bedroht ist. Aber die Frage der materiellen Definiton der Ordnungswidrigkeiten eschäftigen die Rechtsliteratur bis auf den heutigen Tag.
    Endlich stelle ich in diese Studie die grundlgenden materiellrechtlichen und verfahrensrechtlichen Rechtsinstituten vor, also den Geltungsbereich des Gesetzes, die Grundlagen der Ahndung, das Sanktion des Ordnungswidrigkeit, also die Geldbuße, und das Geldbußverfahren.