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  • A jogszerű adatkezelés a GDPR rendelet után
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    Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), became effective on 25 May 2018. With the regulatory form the legislator raised the regulation of the right to the protection of personal data within the European Union to a higher level. The legislative act has a fundamental impact on the legal systems of the member states showing various differences from each other. Further, it can be stated as a general experience that the right to the protection of personal data and the nature of such right are less known either to those affected or to the data controllers. The new legislative act and the penalties with increased amounts [Article 84 of the GDPR] demand the elaboration of a study understandable for laics, too. Finally, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, the institution system ensuring the protection of personal data has fundamentally changed, so, therefore, it is also necessary to examine the authorities of the member states and the Union, as well.

    The study primarily approaches the occurring problems from the practice side. Accordingly, the examination conducted by the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) against Google is described, as the first significant penalty imposed based on the General Data Protection Regulation.

    The first part of the study is intended to present the right to the general protection of personal data. The historical part addresses in details the major elements of the historical development of data protection and the development of its contents, with particular regard to the appearance of the right to information self-determination based on the so-called “census-judgement” of 1983 of the BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany). Finally, this part touches upon the theories defined in connection with the historical generations of the right to the protection of personal data. After the historical part the study addresses the peculiarities of the right to the protection of personal data, paying particular attention to separation from the neighbouring legal areas.

    The second part is intended to present the prevalence of the right to information self-determination according to the GDPR. It is the institution system protecting personal data that has undergone the most significant change. The Work Group under Article 29 has been replaced by the Data Protection Agency set up based on the GDPR. Setting up the Agency, enlarging its scope of authority and its stronger independence from the executive powers of the Union can, by all means, be evaluated positively. As regards the security of personal data, the practice, major directives and opinions of the Work Group under Article 29 have been examined. It is a significant step forward that the GDPR has made the sphere of special personal data more specific, promoting by this the increase of the extent of protection. It is important that, as a general rule, the Regulation forbids controlling special personal data. The definition of the concept of personal data is an essential condition for understanding the regulation. In addition to the principles of controlling personal data, the legal fundaments of data control have particular significance, with special regard to the consent and the data control necessary for performing the contract. In my view, the consent is a legal fundament of auxiliary nature for data control, which is also supported by the opinions of the Work Group, too. Granting the consent and the individual excluding circumstances occurring in connection with this, were examined on a case-by-case basis. In my opinion, the automated decision making process and the regulation of profile creation are one of the most cardinal issues of the GDPR. The way in which profiles are created, their use and the permissibility of such use are discussed in details. In my view, the regulation of the GDPR is deficient as regards the automated decision making process and the profile creation. The decision making necessary for performing the contract is not separated sharply enough, and it is not necessary for this. In my opinion, in respect of this latter sphere of cases the GDPR is not strict enough and may easily serve as a basis for misuse on the part of data controllers. In my view, granting the consent should be made stricter in respect of creating profiles and the introduction of the (contradictable) legal presumption of refusal would also be desirous.

  • A családi gazdasági társaságok és a szindikátusi szerződések lehetséges kapcsolódásai
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    A családi társaság fogalmát nem adja meg a hatályos jog. Azon gazdasági társaságok esetében, amelyekben egy család tagjai rendelkeznek döntő befolyással kizárólag formai megközelítést tesz lehetővé. A formai megközelítésen túl ugyanakkor a tartalmi kérdések, a családi érdekek és értékek sajátosságai ezen gazdasági társaság vizsgálatát más szempontok szerint is indokolják, amelyek alapján nem csak a hosszú távú üzletszerű gazdasági tevékenység, hanem a családi viszonyok jellegadó sajátosságai is vizsgálhatók társasági jogi alapon. Fentiek szerint a családi gazdasági társaságokban a családi viszonyok megjelenítése, a nemzedékeken átívelő működés igénye és családi jellegének védelme, továbbá a család tartós jólétének biztosítása kiemelkedő jelentőségű. A formai és tartalmi elemek együtteséből megállapítható, hogy a családi gazdasági társaságok olyan különleges jogi személyek, amelyekben egy meghatározott családi közösség döntő befolyása érvényesül, sajátos érdekeket és értékeket vall és képvisel, amelyek közül a családi vagyon védelme, a nemzedékeken átívelő működés célja, a családtagok tartós jólétének biztosítása emelendő ki. Ezen érdekek elérésének többes eszközrendszerét biztosítja a Polgári Törvénykönyv, a klasszikus társasági jogi eszközökön túl többek között a szindikátusi szerződésesek lehetőségével.

  • Problémás magánjogi elemek a helyi rendeletalkotásban
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    Local governments may establish legal relationships governed by civil law in numerous ways, for example, through the creation of associations, various institutional agreements or they can also do so by means of enacting regulations. In line with the stipulations of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, local governments may adopt regulations on two legal bases: if authorized by law or if they want to regulate a local public affair; however, the regulation may not contradict any higher form of legislation. While in the first case it is not only the right but also the obligation of local governments to enact regulations that can even be sanctioned, in the second case it is almost completely optional. The scope of public affairs regulated by local governments is rather broad. While the smaller local governments typically limit their activities to the regulation of the most urgent matters, the larger local governments enact regulations in a wide range of issues also due to the volume of their responsibilities. In many instances a part of these regulations does not remain within the framework of supremacy but also includes numerous elements of civil law. These could include matters related to parking or municipal housing, as well as problems in connection with public services. Norms regulating peaceful public coexistence represent a separate subject area as in many cases they wish to regulate legal relationships pertaining to privacy. In the case of the latter issue, the clause stating that the local regulations shall not contradict any higher form of law is especially central, as it necessitates the extensive knowledge of civil and in some cases even constitutional law to ensure that such a regulation is enacted that fully complies with the laws.

    This paper introduces and examines those local government regulations that include elements of civil law also and which typically cause problems, with special emphasis on the rules of peaceful public coexistence. Some of these problems are revealed within the scope of legal supervision practiced over local governments, while in other cases the body reviewing the regulation acts in response to citizens’ initiatives.

  • A munkaügyi alternatív vitafeloldó módszerek a bírósághoz fordulás alapjogának fényében
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    Thanking to the fact that numerous European countries have become more democratized, and to the practical experience based on common law legal system, from the middle of the XXth century some of the continental legal systems have begun to apply alternative procedures for solving disputes between parties, such as facilitation, arbitration or mediation. We can stress two important common features of these solutions. Firstly, if parties apply these ways, they can avoid the traditional judicial way (or, if the result of the chosen method is not satisfactory, these ways can be considered as the preliminary step before the judicial way). Secondly, these procedures have appeared firstly in labour law.

    As we emphasized, applying these solutions parties try to avoid the judicial way, for this reason in this study we try to introduce the relationship between these methods and the basic right to turn a (traditional) court. Expert’s opinions in connection with these processes are very different, we introduce only the two farthest standpoint: on the one hand these ways can speed up the procedure between parties, and can increase the efficiency of it, and parties can agree with each other by amicable way. On the other hand, applying these ways some of the basic rights (for example the principle of independence of courts and the right of fair trial or the principle of contradictory) will be decreased.

    In this study we try to examine the problem determined in the title, on the basis of the rules of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Constitution of Hungary. But, we have to examine not only the right of fair trial and turning to a (traditional) court, but the monopoly of courts in connection with solving legal disputes (as constitutional principle) in details. We utilize the orders of the Hungarian Constitutional Court as well as the theological and practical experience of these procedures. We have to emphasize that from the different alternative dispute-solving mechanisms we examine not all of the models, but only the model of New York, because only the procedures follow these model are relevant for us in this study.

  • Az államhatalmi ágak elválasztása az ókortól a XIX. század második feléig
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    The purpose of my study is to examine the theories of the separation of powers and its application in different periods. My investigation based on two monograph from Bibó: The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present, and Lawfull and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power.
    The ancient philosophers have already dealed with such theories. Among of them Aristoteles has the largest importance defining the three main powers: the legislation, the executive power, and the iurisdiction.
    The most substantial step in the Middle Ages was creating the moral basis for exercise of powers. The reformation and the development of civil society has improved this conception, Montesquieu attributed the powers with function, and emphasized the separation of them. Nevertheless István Bibó emphasizes not only the separation, but also the struggle against the concentration of power, and the abuse of power. The principle of the separation of powers could prevail clearly only in the USA, but not in Europe. István Bibó explains the causes of
    those in his monograph (The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present).,for example the function of the monarcha or the principle of sovereignty.
    Bibó defined the obstructive factors in realisation of the principle of the separation of powers. These are: bureaucracy and the exorbitant state role in the economic and in the culture.
    In his other monography (Lawful and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power) Bibó describes the necessary elements of lawful and effective administration, like loyality, professionalism and effective enforcement. At the same time, by realisation of these, the risk of the abuse of power could arise, creation of a new power would be therefor necessary. This power might be a regulatory power, which would be able to define the main criteria of exercise of power. Beforehand the church played that role, but in the twentieth century its function became vacant. I think the function of the new power would be similar to the role of the Constitutional Court at national level, or to the role of the European Court of Justice, of the International Court of Justice, and of the International Criminal Court at international level.

  • Gondolatok az amerikai társasági jogról
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  • A beteg kapcsolattartási jogáról
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    Man is a social animal, it is important for colleagues to meet, create a relationship with them, to communicate, ideas, exchanging information. Human relationships are determined by the identity of a specific person, place in society, so it should be a fundamental right for all people in contact with the law. However, in certain life situations exercising these rights is necessarily limited, undermined, need frameworks. One of those situations in life with participation in health care in which the patient has to adapt in health care provider operating schedule, however, the Trustee is required to ensure the exercise of the right contacts.

    The most prominent of patients' rights to human dignity, which is inferred from a mother right, from which a number of other important rights. One of these is the right to self-determination, which guarantees freedom of action of the human as an individual incapacity depending autonomous. For patient care recipients should be subject to the fundamental distinction that whether it is inpatient or outpatient care. In the latter case, it also suffers from significant limitations on the patient's right to self-determination , including personal freedom, opportunities for contact with other people. The right to self-determination in a specific part of the realization of rights is thus involved in the regulation of the contact, as during inpatient care plays an important role.

    In today's modern society, the means of communication, networks of past explosive development, get more involved in the exercise of the right to life, human relations than before, with the elimination of the technical obstacles the spatial and temporal obstacles easily can be prevented. Life situation of the theme chosen exercise of the right of communication is of particular importance, because the patient's recovery depends not only on only physical but also mental condition, recovery can define what social relations, quality, intensity. The correspondence law of the health care law more the privileges include such other persons entitled to take the patient's inpatient sanitation place either in writing or orally to maintain contact, to receive visitors, the people he set out to exclude the visit , prohibit the fact of his treatment or the other information related to medical treatment reveals other.

    The context of the law of correspondence can be said that relatively little addressed by legislators and by expanding the scope of the practice of law in the content, but would consider appropriate where more attention is added. It would be good detailed arrangements for the exercise of creating the right framework for the so - to clarify the scope of everyday objects, to establish rules for their use of health services that are appropriate for the task to allow the exercise of these rights - the first line telecommunications.

  • A javítóintézeti nevelés
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  • A reklámok időbeli és terjedelmi korlátai
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    Advertising forms are considerable parts of economic activities, the costs of which constitute a growing portion of the expenses of a given enterprise. The mass-appearance of advertisements has altered the relationship between consumers and advertisers, it has restructured consumption habits and the importance of the advertising media. Advertising law defines the restrictions that have to be observed during business and advertising activities. The regulation of advertising is characterized by an approach focusing on content. However, in some cases the legislator also considered it important to determine the form of advertising besides its content. In the case of most advertising media there are only few regulations on form. The Media Act (Act I of 1996) dedicates a whole chapter to restrictions on advertising. The most important part of the Media Act is the regulation of the way commercials can be shown. The regulation of maximum advertising time, the type of programmes which are suitable for advertising and the period of time that can pass between commercials is given priority. 

  • Az előtársaságról – újólag
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  • A biotechnikai találmányok hazai és nemzetközi jogi szabályozásának sajátosságai
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    In my study I say about that change, which became at the area of biotechnology. The revolution of DNS technology contain a lot of chance, but it has more danger. We need select from the modes.

    My column I checked what happens with the species the biotechnology invention flag. The first observation that the changes faster than other territories, and these changes are complex and interrelated. The post control and correction are also important. It’s got to be introducing the health nutrition compliance. The new products will not harmful for the human and animal health. The legal condition shall prescribe the human defense of human and animal body. One of the most important international convention in that question the European Union Council about the biomedicine. It said need consent of the persons concerned for the biotechnological research. Create new human species, and cloning of human beings, human body use for commercial is prohibited by this convention.

    In my opinion that need promoting the knowledge and biotechnical awareness of consumers. Must be regulated the relations between public order and public morality and biotechnical inventions. It is also necessary to ensure the patentability of biological matter. „Biological material” means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system. Inventions which concern plants or animals shall be patentable if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety. The discussion on the patentability of sequences or partial sequences of genes is controversial. The 98/44/EK Directive, the granting of a patent for inventions which concern such sequences or partial sequences should be subject to the same criteria of patentability as in all other areas of technology: novelty, inventive step and industrial application. Whereas the industrial application of a sequence or partial sequence must be disclosed in the patent application as filed.

    The biotechnical patent need particular importance in the legislation. The Hungarian rules are conforms to the European Union legislation. However, certain additional rules should be laid down. Have to think about the control test in the patent process. The expert can see the applicability just on the test.

  • A kérdezés jelentősége a tanúvallomás során
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  • A terhelt vallomásának szerepe a büntetőeljárásban
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    According to our criminal procedure rights which are in force at persent we have to keep in mind the equality of the tools of argumentation and tehir parity. In the sense of this thesis all the proofs must be measured with the same weight excluding the fact that we make distinction between their values, „straingths” from any aspects.

    Examining the practise of criminal produred law we can see that they are in total contrast, namely in the balance of argumentative tools there is still an argumentative tool of personal nature, which breaks this order, this parity. This is nothing else but the statement of the accused person.

    When I chose this topic I thought of the above mentioned ambivalent consideration of the ambivalent statement of the accused person.

    First I would like to outline briefly the connection between the confessions of the accused person and the other argumentative tools, then I want to examine the fact that the accused person must be warned to their right to silence in connection with the „Miranda – decision”.

    After that I would like to describe the right to statement and to silence of the accused as well as the special procedural froms which are in force concerning my topic.

  • A kellékszavatossági szabályok fejlődése a korai újkori (16-18. századi) jogtudomány és joggyakorlat tükrében
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    In der Studie wird – nämlich simplifizierend – die kontinental-europäische Entwicklung der Regeln der Sachmängelhaftung (doppelte Regime des römischen Rechts; germanische Traditionen; frühneuzeitliche Rechtswissenschaft; einige Kodifikationen) skizziert, welche Entwicklung beispielhaft vorzeigen kann, wie bestimmte traditionelle – durch Interessenkämpfen gefundene – Lösungen im Bereich des Privatrechts ihre Zähigkeit durch Jahrhunderte bewahren können und wie die Rechtswissenschaft und die Rechtspraxis zur Beharrung manchmal schon anachronistisch gewordenen Regelungen – unbeabsichtigt – beitragen können.

  • A versenytilalmi megállapodás
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    The “agreement on non-competition” is essentially the extension of the protection of the basic economic interest of the employer. While during the employment relationship several labor law provisions protect the interest of both parties, the “agreement on non-competition” is designed to protect the employer’s interests after the termination of the relationship. This means – in return for financial compensation – the former employee needs to refrain from any kind of business competition against his/her former employer. This necessarily involves financial compensation and may have several restrictions, such business or geographical area or time.


    The previous Labor Code did not specify for detailed regulation of the issue and the law remained rather vague. It merely referred to the fact that parties – based on their own free will – may enter into such agreement. However the new Labor Code contains explicit regulations under title XVIII of the Act as “Particular Agreements Related to Employment”.


    The “agreement on non-competition” belongs to the field of employment law. Unlike the previous Labor Code that categorized this possible agreement as of purely civil law in nature, the new Labor Code declares it to belong under the scope of the Labor Code. The previous regulation even ordered the provisions of the Civil Code to be applied to such agreements however the new legislation brought a conceptual change.


    The currently effective regulation provides for a 2-year limitation on such conduct on the employee’s part that would create competition with the employer. The exact amount of the consideration payable for this obligation remains to be decided by the parties however the Labor Code suggests that it shall be based on how difficult the applied restrictions make it for the employee to find another job with his qualifications and experience. As a basic limit the law provides that the amount shall not be less than one-third of the base wage payable for the same period of time.


    The “agreement on non-competition” is not to be confused with similar legal institutions. The paper points out two close similarities in the legal system. One being the employee’s obligation of confidentiality; this prevails after termination of the employment relationship as well without any time or similar restrictions and even without any financial compensation. The other one is the so called “non-compete” agreement from the field of competition law. This is applicable after takeovers where the seller shall refrain from engaging into business in the same area as the buyer.


    In the field of labor law the time period for the “agreement on non-competition” is up to the agreement of the parties however the new law invokes an upper limit of two years that is following the termination of the employment relationship. This is a decrease from the previous regulation that provided for a period of three years. The agreement can be modified by the consent of both parties just like the employment contract or civil law agreements.


    In case of violation of the agreement three cases are to be analyzed. The first is the case of the employee breaching the provisions of the contract. In this case the employee is liable for damages towards his/her former employer. The provisions of the new Civil Code and those of the Labor Code are to be applied to the damages. In the second case the employer may request an injunction to prohibit the employee from any conduct breaching the agreement while the third case involves the breach of the agreement on the employee’s part for which the rules of the Civil Code and the Labor Code are to be applied as well.

  • Ítélkezési állandók és vitás kérdések az erkölcsi kártérítés újabb magyar joggyakorlatában
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    Since 1992, date of Constitutional Court’s decision No. 34/1992, certain rules cannot be found in Hungarian Civil Code. There is only a part of a sentence that gives right to any injured person to claim damages in case of personal injuries. More than 10 years after the cassation we are able to look through the legal practice in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. The recent re-codifying process plans a brand new institution to substitute and follow damages for non pecuniary loss: pain award. To establish a decent regulation of pain award, jurisdiction of the last decade cannot be neglected. This essay aims to gather typical and crystallized methods of judgements in certain cases, which could be seen as essential and accepted unwritten rules of jurisdiction concerning this field of damages.

    One of the most difficult problems to solve is the question of amount. This field of damages for non-pecuniary loss is always problematic, because all of the cases are different. Although there are similarities between cases if we examine just damages themselves, but due to the difference of human personality it is almost impossible to give exact phrases and rules to help our judges. We can say that highest amounts are generated by assaults against physical integrity and life. Examination during a legal procedure concentrates on the stress caused by the injury, number of injured rights, age of the injured person and the durability of the harm. If the injured person contributed to the injury, it generates reduced amount of damages.

    Method of compensation is really simple for the first time. Hungarian legal system knows two different types for the method of damages: in kind or in money. Former one is inapplicable for non-pecuniary losses. If we compensate in money, there are two solutions: injured person can get the whole sum immediately or we can choose allowance as well. The adaptation of allowance is rather small in Hungary, in spite of the advantages this legal institution could offer. It does not mean res iudicata, so it is flexible and offers opportunity to adjust to changed circumstances in the future: both duration and amount of allowance could be changed.

    It is an interesting question whether personal circumstances of the misdoer could be examined when calculating the amount of allowance. The answer is not unambiguous. Civil law focuses on compensation for the injured party, not the punishment of the misdoer. In spite of this essential lemma, it is necessary to take into account the solvency of the defendant, if we want the plaintiff to get the adjudged amount really.

    Youth is not the only reason of allowance, sometimes old age could be a well-based legal ground for application of this method of compensation as well. It is really important to examine the personal circumstances of the injured party to choose between these two methods: which one serves the aim of compensation, moderation of lost joy of life the most.

    Civil Code precludes the possibility to apply both methods together for the same plaintiff. In my opinion the solution of German Civil Code (BGB) should be considered. BGB allows both methods together. It means that possibilities could be wider and fit better to the actual case and its circumstances.

     Although obligation of damages has two parties traditionally, in a legal procedure of damages for non-pecuniary loss this bipolar situation can be proven false. On the part of the misdoer it is an interesting question what kind of damages can be blamed the state. In Hungary we can meet rules order the responsibility of the state in the field of medical damages or damages for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment. Amounts of damages are the highest in these situations.

    On the part of the injured person an often argued problem the position of secondary victims’ claims. These claims are always problematic, because personality rights belong closely to the person himself and there is no possibility to inherit them. Hungarian Civil Code admits compensation for relatives only in case of injuring reputation of a dead person. There are several decisions in which courts admit these claims on the ground of their sui generis base. It is a decent solution, but because of the uneven jurisdiction it needs codifying.

    We can say that there are a lot of jurisdictional constants in Hungary in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. These are easy to collect and most of them are able to be codified in a strictly non-taxative style. But this examination showed that doubtful questions can also be found in Hungary especially the application of allowance, claims of secondary victims. To arrange these problems, starting point should be jurisdiction itself.