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  • A közút tartozéka: egy sajátos jogintézmény ellentmondásai
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    In the legal terminology of private law several times the same definition is used for addressing the same legal institution (e.g. default penalty, in-building). In most of the cases there is no problem to separate these institutions and we can also give an explanation why legislator used the same terminology.

    The definition of accessory is used for a special group of article groups in the Hungarian Civil Code and also used in the Act I. of 1988. From the angle of judicature it is problematic as even if the definition of road accessory is build upon the general terminology of accessory in the Civil Code, the two legal institutions are not the same.

    In the essay we would like to emphasize that the safety of traffic does not give a decent reason why we have to restrict the proprietary rights with using the institution of road accessory. This restriction is in a close connection with not only the distance from the public road but the effect of the property to the safety of traffic. The valid regulations may cause illogical contradictions and judicature problem.

  • A rokkant lét szabályai Magyarországon
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  • Elúszó pénzek az egészségügyben - Esettanulmány egy évekig tartó büntetőeljárásról
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    In the financing of the Public Health System, it has a particular significance on the one hand that those obligated do pay the required taxes and levies (Health contribution) in order, and on the other, to use the already available resources only to the purpose that laws allow.

    The institutes that provide public health care services maintain themselves in part or on the whole on the support of the central budget or the Health Insurance Fund. The criteria listed by Law indicate and limit on what the institutes may spend the amount of funds receivedwhich areas should they strive to develop.

    The question arises that how other chargessuch as expenses related to the quality management system, can fit into this well-defined scope. In my opinion, it would be possible to avoid the giving away of unrealistically large amounts of money to semi-, or fully illegal businesses with greater circumspection, because otherwise too many sources are distracted from Health Care.

  • A Kúria önkormányzati rendeleteket felülbíráló jogköre esetjogi megközelítésben
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    The Council of Self-Government Affairs of the Curia of Hungary, which was established in 2012, has the power to review judicial norms beside the Constitutional Court of Hungary in order to abolish the collision between them. The division between the issues of the collision is determined up on the fact whether the question is statutory or a constitutional. The specific interpretation of the Curia and its consistent, conceptual statements that have already been made, leads to the conclusion, that such an institution was created that is able to promote the autonomy of the legislation of self-governments in the right direction. This is the issue that I would like to focus in my paper the most, and to examine what are those most important and conceptual statements, which are also important from a practical perspective. I extended my observation particularly on the legal standards regulating the basic rules of coexistence, where I examined the standards in respect of the most common dilemmas from a case-lawpoint of view.

  • Az Emberi Jogok Európai Egyezménye 6. cikk 1. bekezdésének általános áttekintése az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának gyakorlatára tekintettel
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    The most important human rights were firstly defined by the French Declaration from 1789. These rights are called as first generation rights, because they guarantee the most important civil and political rights of people. The states mostly act passive in order to protect them. They create acts on their protection, special mechanisms for enforcing them. We can state that every field of law is based upon them and helps protecting the human rights.

    The right to a fair trial is a first generation human right. Its regulation scheme is very complex; therefore it is a hard and a complex task to define the importance and the key functions of this right, because the laws on it are varied. Besides civil procedural law, international law, EU-law and – within national legal systems – constitutional law has also been dealing with the right to a fair trial.

    In the field of international law many international and regional treaties exist on the enforcement of procedural rights. In my paper I examined the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter: ECHR). The ECHR is an international treaty on the protection of human rights. It was born under the auspices of the Council of Europe in 1950, Rome. From 1959 its control mechanism is the European Court of Human Rights.

    In my paper I examined the proper interpretation and the actual application of the ECHR art. 6. par. 1based on the work of the international court.The article 6 of ECHR is about the right to a fair trial. In par. 1 the Convention gives a list of the most common features of a fair trial: (1) a fair and public hearing; (2) with a reasonable time; (3) the tribunal must be established by law and must meet with the requirements of independency and impartiality; (4) and finally the judgement shall be pronounced publicly. It enshrines the principle of the rule of law, upon which such a society is based and built.

    The first chapter deals with problem of the interpretation of the article. I tried to give the most convenient statements, which I defined upon the case law of the ECHR. After the question of interpretation is answered, the third chapter tries to give an overview of the applicability of article 6.In this section I cited many cases of the ECHR, because the Court has been developing the question of applicability in its case law. It is because it considers the Convention as a living-organism, so the article 6. needed to be interpreted again and again during these decades.

  • Fenus nauticum
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  • A kárhelyreállítás jelene és jövője a magyar büntetőeljárásban
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    A la deuxième moitié du XX ième siècle la victime a commancé á jouer un rôle important de nouveau dans les procédures pénales. Les legislateurs veulent assurer les droit de la victime et garantir qu’elle soit indemnisée le plus tôt possible et pour que tout le monde soit content du résultat.Ce sont les cadres de la juridiction restaurative qui en assurent les possibilités.

    Dans cet essai premièrement je présente le cadre de la constitution de partie civile dans la législation hongroise. C’est une procédure très intéressante parce qu’il faut appliquer d’un côté le droit civil et la procédure civile et de l’autre le drot pénal et la procédure pénale dans le cadre de la juridiction pénale (dans une procédure).

    J’ai analysé le terme de la victime, les règle appliquables et les décisions du juge. J’ai constaté qu’en Hongrie les tribunaux correctionnels ne délibèrent pas les décisions sur le fond dans les cas de partie civile mais ils renvoient les affaires devant les tribunaux civils.

    Ensuite, je présente les institution juridique hongroise qui vise á l’entremise dans la procédure pénale. On peut trouver deux institution juridique en vigeur. En premièr lieu il faut mentionner que dans les cadres de la procédure par constitution de partie civil (où la victime soutient l’accuation) il existe une audition personnelles des parties où le but est donc l’arrangement des parties.

    Il y a une autre institution juridique qui s’appelle l’ajournement de la mise en accusation. On peut l’appliquer si la peine ne mérite pas de trois ans de prison et il y a beaucop de circonstances atténuantes, le procureur peut décider l’ajournement de la mise en accusation d’une au deux ans. On peut prévoir différentes obligations et règlements du comportement pour le prévenu. Par example on peut prévoir de dédommager la victime avec l ‘accord des parties. J’ai examiné cette institution juridique et son efficacité dans la pratique aussi.

    Troisièmement j’ai analysé une institution juridique qui entrera en vigeur le 1er janvier 2007. C’est la médiation pénale. Il y a un cadre de décision européen (2001/220/IB) qui préconise aux États memnbres d’introduire la médiation pénale. Pour pouvoir appliquer cette institution juridique il faut modifier le Code Pénale et la loi de la procédure pénale. C’est le procureur qui aura le droit de la suspension du procès pour maximum six mois et renvoyer l’affaire devant un méditeur. Cette procédure devant le médiateur sera regie par une loi d’exeption.( Il y a déja une projet de la loi). Je présente les problèmes en relation la médiation pénale. En résumé on peut dire que la mise en place et la régulation de la médiation demandent du temps et de l’énergie. Je statue qu’il faut attendre beaucoup de temps en Hongrie pour que l’opinion publique et les justiciables acceptent et appliquent avec efficacité la médiation pénale.

  • A svéd szabadságvesztés büntetés végrehajtási alternatíva: elektronikus intenzív felügyelet
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    Viele europäische Länder -  so auch Schweden - standen unter dem Druck der überfüllten Strafanstalten und seiner hohen Kosten. In 1994 startete man in Schweden ein Modellprojekt mit elektronischer Intensivüberwachung. Diese bietet eine humanere und kostengünstigere Alternative zu dem herkömmlichen Strafvollzug.

    Die elektronische Überwachung wurde im Januar 1997 eingeführt und im Jahre 1999 in das schwedische Rechtssystem eingebettet. Die positiven Ergebnisse führten dazu, dass in 2007 der Anwendungsbereich erweitert wurde.

    Man verwendet die elektronische überwachte Hausarrest einerseits als Vollzugsalternative für kurze Freiheitsstrafen, andererseits für Strafgefangenen - mit länger als zwei Jahre Gefängnisstrafe - vor der bedingten Entlassung.

    Der Aufsatz stellt die schwedischen Modellversuche, die Voraussetzungen der Teilnahme, den Vollzug, die statistischen Daten und die Bewertung der elektronischen Intensivüberwachung dar.

    Die  Schweden wollten nicht nur die Einsperrung zu Hause verwirklichen, sondern auch Hilfe mit Resozialisierungsprogramme für den Strafgefangenen bieten.

    Die Fachliteratur berichtet darüber, dass die elektronische Überwachung in ganz Europa am Besten in Schweden funktioniert.

  • A biztosítási szerződések hatályba lépésének egyes kérdései
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    The dispensation of justice most often makes decisions in legal disputes about contract law on the basis of the general rules of contract law. The freedom of making contracts and the dynamism of contract law have resulted in an agreement that the conditions of the contract and the general rules should generally be considered to an increasing extent rather than the special regulations referring to the given contract. However, there are some contracts which theme, subjects and content require the application of special rules that result in solutions hard to interpret for parties inexperienced in law and that are radically different from those recommended by the general rules of contract law. Insurance contracts are those type of contracts, where the rules determine when the contract comes into existence and effect and when the services are due. These regulations are based on a logic that is radically different from the general rules, so they can often lead to serious misunderstandings. It is discernable in the judiciary practice that the dispensation of justice respects the specific features of insurance contracts, but tries to interpret the rules in a way that draws near to the general rules of contract law. The decisions of the Hungarian Supreme Court give priority to the interests of the insured parties and allow in fewer cases when the insurance company is exempted of its obligation of payment. However, judiciary practice has little effect on the content of insurance law. It seems justified to make insurance companies work out as detailed and clear conditions as possible and make them disclose the orders basically concerning their obligation of running risks.

  • Sebők Gergely nemeslevele 1611-ből
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  • Texas Shoot-out, avagy biztosítéki konstrukciók a szindikátusi kötelemben
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    The shareholders agreement is considered a typical contract. This agreement is concluded by and between the members of the company in order to establish the rules of the cooperation among them, their behaviour towards and expectations from each other in connection with the company.

    The agreement is often used in the practice, since its flexible construction enables to rule various types of transaction. For example, in Hungary there is a growing tendency i.e.the major investments and joint venture agreements are being established in the frame of a shareholders’ agreement.

    On the other hand, drafting such a contract is a complex procedure. This type of agreement is not governed by specific law, therefore the general rules of the contract law may be linefore. Furthermore the shareholders’ agreement is located at the borderline between the civil and company law, and in a given case it might be complicated to enforce the provisions of the agreement. For example, if the member breaches the voting provision outlined in the shareholders’ agreement, then the resolution passed upon the contract breach cannot be challenged.

    Due to lack of a specific law, the practice created the adequate legal securities to ensure the enforcement of the cooperation structure outlined in the shareholders’ agreement.

    As the first analysed security, the purpose of the buy-out clauses (Russian Roulette, Texas Shoot-out, Dutch Auction, Put-Option, Call-Option) is to ensure the company’s permanent operation, if there is an insoluble dispute among the members, which obstructs the decision making, and consequently the operation of the company, as well. The concept of the buy-out clause is to settle the dispute in the way of taking over the participation of the involved member by another member.

    The exit clauses (Drag Along, Carry Along) aimed to encumber or to unburden the step out from the company. The entitled person is able to sell the shares of the remaining members to the buyer, or to oblige the seller to sell his own and the entitled person’s participations jointly to the buyer.

    The takeover clauses’ (Control Flip Over, Swiss Clause) duty is to enable the enforcement of the corporate legal obligations outlined in the agreement. If a member fails to fulfil his obligations, the entitled person may acquire his participation, which will enable him to pass the necessary resolution in the members meeting (general meeting). After the voting, the “seller” is entitled to buy back his participation at the same price.

    If the members want to exclude acquiring participation by third persons in the company without their approval, there are adequate securities to be specified in the shareholders’ agreement (for example the right of first refusal, option right).

    By the specific type of shareholders’ agreement the creditor makes investments in the company and becomes member in order to secure the transaction. If the company or the original owners of the company breach the contract, they will be held individually liable till the limit of the investmented amount.

    The shareholders’ agreement is an efficient option to rule major transactions, and with the help of the securities described in this study, the investor could feel his money in safe. On the other hand, there are still a lot of questions to be answered. For example the compliance of these securities with the strict provisions of the law. It is the duty of the practice to reveal the answers.

  • Új irányok a szerzői alkotások büntetőjogi védelme körében
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    Heutzutage stehen literarische, wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Werke im Mittelpunkt der urheberrechtlichen Rechtsprechung und Literatur. Grund für die Aufmerksamkeit ist die technische Entwicklung und die Digitalisation. Diese unter urheberrechtlichem Schutz stehenden Werke spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der modernen Informationsgesellschaft. Die häufigste Form der Verwertung dieser Werke wird über das Internet realisiert. Neben der Erhöhung der Verwertung über das Internet erhöht sich auch die Zahl der Verletzungen des Urheberrechts, so müssen Verletzter mit wirksamen Rechtsfolgen konfrontiert werden.
    Der Urheber und der Berechtigte der mit dem Urheberrecht verbundenen Rechte kann bei einer Verletzung seiner Rechte zivilrechtliche, strafrechtliche, zollrechtliche und wettbewerbsrechtliche Ansprüche stellen.
    So lässt sich eindeutig feststellen, dass das System von Rechtsfolgen komplex ist. In diesem Artikel werden die strafrechtlichen Folgen geprüft. Der Artikel gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über die anwendbaren strafrechtlichen Folgen nach ungarischem Recht und die relevanten Dokumente der Europäischen Union (Cyber Crime Convention, Entwurf der Richtlinie Nr. 2005/0127 (COD) über die strafrechtlichen Maßnahmen) und es werden auch Entwürfe der ungarischen Gesetzgebung vorgestellt. Im Fokus des Artikels steht die Prüfung des ungarischen Strafgesetzbuches mit Rücksicht auf den Entwurf der erwähnten Rechtlinie und es wird analysiert, wie das ungarische Gesetz modifiziert werden sollte. Der Artikel
    befasst sich mit dem neuen ungarischen Gesetz Nr. XXVII vom Jahre 2007 über die Modifizierung der vier strafrechtlichen Sachverhalte (Usurpation, Verletzung der Urheber- und mit dem Urheberrecht verwandten Rechte, Ausspielen der technischen Maßnahme zur Sicherung des Schutzes der Urheber- und mit dem Urheberrecht verwandten Rechte, Fälschung der Rechtsverwaltungsdaten) Der grundlegende Zweck des Artikels ist die Bestimmung der adäquaten (strafrechtliche) Folgen der verschiedenen Verletzungen der Urheberrechte.