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  • Practical Implementation of Second Generation Wavelet Transformation on 2D Images by Transformation Matrixes
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    To perform second generation wavelet transformation in digital signal processing is a common operation. Most obvious way to carry out this task is by program cycle management. Computational software usually executes direct matrix algebraic operations much faster, compared to cycles. Avoiding organizing cycles, can increase the processing speed by magnitudes. This paper introduces transformation matrixes to execute the key steps of wavelet transformation: filtering and downsampling. By the employment of the described transformational matrixes, wavelet transformation and filtering of two dimensional images or discrete datasets could be easier and faster.

  • Hopping Rover Navigation Method for Rugged Environments
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    In this paper a navigation method is presented for space exploration robots using hopping motion in environments with large elevation differences. A monocular camera system is used to reconstruct the flight trajectory and environment around the robot using Structure from Motion while traveling. The created environmental point cloud is projected to 2D to create a variable resolution image and image processing is used to find the most suitable position for the next landing based on normals with the help of gradient maps and error estimation. The method is evaluated in a simulation environment against the previously used protrusion based method to show that the proposed system can extend the operation of the robot to terrains with large elevation differences while still successfully avoid obstacles and dangerous areas.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • ROS OS Based Environment Mapping of Cyber Physical System Lab by Depth Sensor
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    The 21st century is a century of Robotics and thus the appearance of robots in the industries made the “Industrial Revolution 4.0” in which we can control and analyse the system using HMI’s or wirelessly over network and it’s a great example of industry 4.0 component. Nowadays robots are very important part of industry’s processing unit as they have the tendency to work 24*7 thus increases the efficiency of processing and production unit.

     In our project a depth sensor (Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect) is mounted on a mobile robot whose main task is to map our Cyber Physical System Lab in 3-Dimensional which uses a ROS OS software installed on linux machine.

     The robot will use a Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) process to map an environment while currently generating an estimate for the location of the Robot.

  • Preliminary Design of a Climate Controlled Environmental Test and Measurement
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    Climate chambers play an important role in the design and testing process. Several different chambers have been built over the years, specialising in different areas. It means there is a wide choice on the market and as a consequence, parameters necessary for us limit when choosing the ideal test chamber. Our instruments might be subjected to several environmental effects which require a lot of time and effort to be tested. An example is the Mars rover. NASA's Perseverance Mars rover was equipped with 2 pieces of  Li-ion battery packs and the old solar charging was replaced by RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) thus a generator feeds the electricity consumers of the rover. Temperature on the surface of Mars varies from -150 C° to 20 C°. In addition, there are huge storms at regular interval lasting for month sometimes. These storms cause great difficulties because, on the one hand, the main power source on older types was the solar panels, and storms can cover them with Martian dust, limiting or eliminating their power supply. On the other hand, large sandstorms can completely cover the rover, and once the sandstorm is over, the Mars rover has to free itself from its trap. In addition, there were many other factors that engineers had to consider in the design. It is a well-known fact that we are not able to consider all the possible environmental conditions in design, and it is also known that some measurements may be inaccurate, so the prototypes produced have to be tested on the ground. The ground tests must ensure that the operating conditions on Mars are maintained. Special test chambers have been developed for this purpose. [1] The aim of the authors is to design and build a prototype of a climate chamber of their own design. An important component of the chamber is a measurement data acquisition system, which allows the collection of measured data and their preliminary processing.

  • Android Based Autonomous Mobile Robot
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    The spreading of mobile robots is getting more significant nowadays. This is due to their ability to perform tasks that are dangerous, uncomfortable or impossible to people. The mobile robot must be endowed with a wide variety of sensors (cameras, microphones, proximity sensors, etc.) and processing units that makes them able to navigate in their environment. This generally carried out with unique, small series produced and thus expensive equipment. This paper describes the concept of a mobile robot with a control unit integrating the processing and the main sensor functionalities into one mass produced device, an Android smartphone. The robot is able to perform tasks such as tracking colored objects or human faces and orient itself. In the meantime, it avoids obstacles and keeps the distance between the target and itself. It is able to verbally communicate wit.

  • Navigation of Differential Drive Mobile Robot on Predefined, Software Designed Path
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    This paper will be presenting the process of mobile robot movement controlling, from the task of collecting sensor data until the problem of controlling data to the servo motor controllers. In details, the first part will show the mechanism of converting CAD data to routes, and the processing of the navigation data read from the sensors and calculated from former controlling commands. The second part will explain the processing of navigation data, the applying of the actual robot position and orientation on the predefined virtual path and the production of the controller's input variables. The Fuzzy controller and the rule base will be introduced in the third part.

  • Intelligent Buildings as Cyber-Physical Systems: a Reconfigurable Hardware Technology-based Approach
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    This paper discusses the idea to change the way to approach intelligent buildings (IBs) development and implementation by taking into account the last evolutions in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Therefore, the main goal is to extend IBs design engineering with the constraints of systems in a CPS context. As well known, smart buildings are increasingly complex as they integrate many scientific areas and research topics, as well as a large scale of last-generation technologies. At the same time, the Internet has deeply transformed the way to manage information and services, respectively how information is transmitted and computed in cyberspace. The quick management and information processing inside cyber layer challenges the interaction with the physical world in a sense to develop IBs as smart distributed systems or CPSs. In addition to this, the papers emphasize the original idea of developing reconfigurable hardware technology-based (RHT-based) CPS architectures for IBs implementation purposes. The benefits of the RHT application in a CPS context for IBs are widely discussed and analyzed. The unfolded theoretical background has been supported by an implementation example using last generation software technologies. These experiments evidence the advantages and versatility of this challenging implementation paradigm of the latest digital technology, applied for current-state IBs development.

  • Application of OptiTrack Motion Capture Systems in Human Movement Analysis: A systematic Literature Review
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    With the spreading of motion analysis decisions to invest into a new system demand scientific reference applications. The aim of the present systematic review is to reveal the biomechanical scientific applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems and to overview documented usage conditions and purposes. Six major scientific literature databases were used (PubMed, PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, PLOS and Web Of Science). An OptiTrack camera system had to be used for human or biologically related motion capture. A total of 85 articles were included, 4 out of which dealt with the validation
    of OptiTrack systems and 81 utilized the system for biomechanical analyses. The data analysed and extracted from the system validation studies included: description of the validated and the reference system, measured features and observed errors. The data extracted from the utilizing studies also included: OptiTrack application, camera type and frequency, marker size, camera number, data processing software and the motion studied. The review offers a broad collection of biomechanical applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems as scientific references for certain motion studies. The review also summarizes findings on the accuracy of the systems. It concludes that the method descriptions of system usage are often underspecified.

  • Forearm-attachable EMG-based Wireless Controller
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    This paper presents the development process starting from a simple electronic module for amplification of EMG signals. During development the tasks to be solved were extended towards the creation of an EMG-base controller that eventually can be connected to a PC. Among the main goals were the simplicity and low cost of production. There are similar devices commercially available, but the main focus was on the whole process of design, testing, fabrication and the exploration of application areas. It was important to use medical recommendations. The device matches the suggestion of SENIAM, except for the resolution of A/D conversion, which is permissible due to the fact that it was not designed for medical purposes. The final version is capable of detecting and amplifying EMG signals, with the appropriate filtering and digitizing procedures for further processing. With the development of wireless communication capabilities, the device which can be attached to the forearm can be used as a USB HID device with a PC. A number of additional applications are also discussed, pointing out the fact that this piece of technology offers a wide range of possibilities.

  • The Effect of Air-fuel Equivalence Ratio Change on the Vibration Components of an Internal-combustion Engine
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    Nowadays the automotive industry and the motor development are one of the most dynamically developing industries. One solution to the diagnostic systems providing reliability is the acoustic and vibration measurement system, which can indicate and predict a variety of malfunctions after signal processing. The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the effect of the air-fuel equivalence ratio on the vibration components of an internal-combustion engine (ICE) which is a part of the in question measurement system. In the focus of the experiments are the analysis of the time signal, its spectra, and the power content of the signal. With the increment of the air-fuel ratio the amplitudes of the measured signal and its spectral amplitudes showed a downward trend as the RMS values. In addition, certain frequency components disappeared during the actuation of the ICE with an electromotor, so the characterization of the combustion could be come to the front.

  • Designing an ATmega328 microcontroller based gesture-controlled IoT UGV unit and creating a camera system using Linux distribution
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    The topic of the research is the design and building of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle), which we can control wirelessly with a glove designed for this purpose. The design and use of this gesture-controlled robot can be observed in this summary. A camera will be installed on the robot unit, whose image we can query through the local network. Furthermore, the hardware and software for this camera system will be described as well.

  • Consensual Pupillometry for Robotic Emotional Recognition
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    The main contribution of this research is to develop of a new measuring device for measuring direct- and consensual light reflex of human pupil. In this case the pupillary light reflex means changing of diameter of pupil due to constant light stimulus as a function of time. Researches certify that the pupil diameter and its change reflects the person’s mental or physical state. There are several “eye tracking” devices available on the market, however, none of these are able to perform a proper consensual measurement. The basic principle of the consensual pupil measurement is that while only one of the eyes is stimulated, reactions of both eyes are being recorded and analyzed. The aim of this project was to develop a software, applicable to an existing prototype device in order to carry out “consensual pupillary reflex” measurements.

  • MARG szenzor alapú pozíció becslés periodikus mozgásra
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    A kutatás során magnetométer, giroszkóp és gyorsulásérzékelő szenzorok (MARG szenzor) jeleinek fúzióját vizsgáltuk. A cikk fókusza a felügyelt tanulás által végzett szenzorfúzió, amely a különböző típusú mért adatok párhuzamosfeldolgozásán alapuló pozíció becslését jelenti periodikus mozgások esetén. A tanuló algoritmusok alkalmazhatóságát egy inga gyakorlati példáján keresztülvizsgáltuk meg

  • Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation
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    Communication relies on good understanding. Humans relate to each other through visual, audible and tactile communication. It is imperative that the audible communication message reaches the receiver in good conditions, in order to keep a healthy, smooth and understandable speech. There are some disturbances in human speech and communication when hearing damage is present. Nowadays, hearing loss is a frequent injury, caused by noise pollution, daily stress or noisy workplaces. Yet, it can be treated by several ways. This project consists in developing a tool that captures the emitter's voice audible spectrum, filters the noise and other frequencies, and compensates the message, enabling the listener/receiver understanding. The purpose of this research is not aimed to substitute nor compete with hearing aids in the market, which are well-developed, certified and prescribed by Otorhinolaryngology clinicians. The focus of this study is to identify the issues of human hearing loss and to develop an algorithm for hearing compensation by using filtering techniques in a simulated environment applied to a hearing model.

  • Szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez optikai ellenőrzése National Instruments szoftverek használatával
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    Jelen cikk témáját szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez National Instruments szoftverekkel megvalósított, optikai úton történő ellenőrzése képezi. Az ellenőrzés során 7 különböző típusú ellenállás, 3 különböző típusú integrált áramkör, vonalkód, valamint szöveg detektálása valósult meg. Az vizsgálati eredmények Microsoft Excel alapú vizsgálati riportba kerültek exportálásra. Az optikai ellenőrzés National Instruments Vision Development Module és LabVIEW fejlesztőkörnyezet használatával valósult meg.

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