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  • Challenges of Sustainable Employment

    When the Green Deal says we need to rethink policies for clean energy (see economy, industry, production and consumption, large-scale infrastructure, transport, food and agriculture, construction, tax policy, social benefits) what does this really mean for employment? What would it mean for the world of work if employment were to focus on sustainability, climate protection and the common interests of society? What changes would a shift to a greener economy bring about in the labour market? How would it affect already vulnerable groups of workers? One possible answer to these questions already exists: green work, which is the subject of this study.

  • New Directions in Vocational and Adult Education, Especially with Regard to Current Issues in the Storage Sector

    The challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are having an impact in many areas of life. The vocational and adult education system is no exception. In line with the changes, system-level transformations and developments are taking place in Hungary in this field, creating the basis for ensuring quality professional training. We consider the issues related to the warehousing sector to be of special relevance, as well as the examination of the possibilities that, in accordance with the new changes, offer solutions to the high-risk activities as well.

  • effects of Labour Law regulation on the employment Relations Based on the Connection between Social Rights and Labour Market

    In the world of employment we can find several aspects that have effect on the labour market. Labour market cannot be independent from the legal regulation of employment; moreover – according to the tendencies – labour market processes basically define the role of labour law. A fundamental difference can be observed between the approach of Anglo-Saxon countries and researchers and the viewpoint of the continental law systems. In this paper the emphasized question is analyzed through these two different approaches according to the following premise: the Anglo-Saxon legal thinking defining the current development of labour law bears significant differences related to the labour law regulation – which means the direct regulation of labour market – and to the legal guarantees behind employment as well. From the viewpoint of the labour market two main questions are examined in this paper: on the one hand, the expected and necessary level and method of public intervention in connection with social rights, and on the other hand the deepness of the intervention of labour law into the social relations driven by the market.

  • Issues of Public Social Responsibility in Great Britain and Hungary

    Social responsibility has undergone significant development in recent years. The concept has spread into every aspect of life: personal life, the economic sphere and finally the public sector. It is proven that currently many states are struggling with various problems in the public sector. We believe that public social responsibility is one of the guidelines that is able to help, for example, in the realization of a comprehensive public administration reform. This paper examines public social responsibility in Great Britain and Hungary. Even though we have the example of the United Kingdom to follow, their way of practicing PSR may not be suitable for the rest of the European countries because of the fundamental differences in our legal systems and mindsets.