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  • Utópia vagy apátia? Az alapjövedelem esetleges bevezetésének hatásai és következményei a mentális betegséggel élőkre Magyarországon

    As a social worker I have been working with people with mental illness for nearly a decade. I sought out to link guaranteed basic income in this social group with general life circumstances, employment opportunities, social services and social work. I discuss guaranteed basic income as a social worker and not on the basis of published literature or calculations. I do not write in the usual way – by listing the well known pro and contra arguments. I am examining how guaranteed basic income could potentially improve the life of a disadvantaged social group – in this case people with mental illness.


    In this study, I write whether the guaranteed basic income as an utopian idea is able to stir up stigmas. I am going to illustrate the main characteristics of people with psychiatric illness, their social perception, their chances of employment and their financial benefits by presenting four cases. Then, in the second part, I summarize the concepts and elements of guaranteed basic income and the possible consequences of introducing guaranteed basic income for people with psychiatric illness. Furthermore, I examine the issues around guaranteed basic income and services, and the role of social work as well.

  • Gondolatok a szociális törvény módosításáról

    In November 2022, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the amendment to the Social Law. The amendment deals with the levels of responsibility of the social care system in a new approach, strengthening the role of the individual and relegating the state to the background. In this study, I present the antecedents of the amendment, the most important events related to its adoption, and the basic principles of the new approach in comparison with the basic principles of social work. I will cover the most important critical points that arise during practical application.

  • Ez nem semmi! A történetalapú foglalkozások alkalmazása a szociális munkában

    The study focuses on the socialized reading experience, referred to as story based method, by the author, who also recommends it as a tool for group or communal social work. In this nature, it can be clearly distinguished from the art or bibliotherapeutical directions, since only the aid is similar (the story, the reading and the discussion), but the framework of processing, regulating, depth and purpose is different. Hence, experiencing the process will become different for the participants and an other kind of involvement is required from them. Besides, the experience of story based method does not exclude motivation for deeper self-understanding and it could open barriers to involve in a therapeutic procedure.

    The introduction of the story based method is done through the work of Janne Teller. The short story was published in Denmark in 2000. The readers and professionals' attention was immediately drawn that Teller's book was initially prohibited, scandalous and later on awarded by the Ministry of Culture to be the Best Children's book. Also it was compulsory to read. The text of the book is easily understandable, however the problems described have a deeper meaning to them, therefore, it is suitable for analysis in several groups with dissimilar sociocultural backgrounds after the adequate revision.



  • A tét a jövő

    Pontsho James Mmadi: A Reason for choosing social work as profession: a case study of prospective students at the University of Limpopo

  • A magyarországi szociálismunka-kutatások néhány kontextusban

    In their study authors are seeking answer to the question whether social work research in Hungary can be characterised by scientifical and/or practical orientation and accordingly what its role in is maintaining the gap in the profession between theory and practice. The paper examines Hungarian social work research in a quasi-systematic review, for which theoretical backgrounds are views regarding social work practice research and social work knowledges, explored in previous papers of the same authors. The empirical base of the review is an analysis of the essays published in the two-volume collection ’Tudományos gondolkodás és kutatás szerepe a szociális munkában’ (translate as ’Role of scientifical thinking and research in social work’) being an adequate representation of recent Hungarian research on social work.  The review indicates that Hungarian research on social work can be placed on a continuum ranging from theoretical to practical approach, although research involving practitioner-researchers, or examining and developing the practical knowledge are not typical features of it.

  • Pozitívumok és negatívumok a magyarországi egyházak szociális ellátórendszerben való szerepvállalása kapcsán

    In the study, we examine the nature and extent of church presence in the subsystems of the social sphere since 1989 and we also review the evolution of the Hungarian regulations regarding churches, together with financial issues. In this regard, we point out legally problematic phenomena, such as the fact that the current regulation is not sector-neutral, which puts actors outside of the established churches at a serious disadvantage. The situation of the established churches is not reassuring either, as the favorable financial situation can change at any time through the change of the extent of the so called "additional church subsidies". After collecting the cases of unprofessional and/or abusive operation occurring in institutions run by churches in Hungary, we summarise the possible positive aspects of the same phenomenon.

  • Értékközpontú művészetterápia… a szociális munka margójára

    My aim by writing this case study is first of all point out art therapy, logo therapy and existential analysis as an efficient tool for care professionals working with homeless people struggling with serious mental disorders.
    My essay emphasizes the importance of antistigma by the care professionals` work and claims, that one of most crucial factors of therapeutic work is the way how is the human being defined within the therapeutic process. My text offers a possible and reachable way for suffering people to access hapiness.

  • Felkészülés és képzéshasznosulás a segítő szakmákban: Összehasonlító tanulmány

    The objective of the study is to investigate the integration of social work students in the labour market in order to develop social work BA-level education. The research is based on a quantitative questionnaire completed by a number of 196 University-graduate respondents. The data collection was carried out in three institutions: Partium Christian University, University of Pécs, and University of Debrecen. According to the results, most experts consider themselves well prepared, but they have some shortcomings in their skills such as knowledge of foreign languages, financial literacy, project management, application writing, research methodology and understanding social processes. University education should focus more on these areas. Most of the professionals are satisfied with their education, but the proportion of the average evaluators is also high. It was found that the relationship between the knowledge acquired in the university is not significantly related to job satisfaction, and certain skills can be retrofitted during work practice.

  • „elhivatottság” – „szakemberhiány” – „eszköztelenség”

    In this study, I am looking at how a service whose conditions and requirements are constantly changing can survive and meet expectations. What keeps it running, what helps it, what hinders high quality professional work in child welfare services? My hypothesis is that laws and their implementing regulations only provide the basic framework and conditions for the provision of services. Their implementation depends on the professionals working in the service. The interview, literature review and questionnaire survey confirmed my hypotheses. Professionals working in child welfare services are terribly despondent and pessimistic about the present and the future. The legislator's efforts to improve services are in vain if their purpose and strategic background are obscure to those who can implement them.

  • Tapolcai szervezetek és szakembereik fejlődési lehetőségei az interprofesszionális kooperációban

    In the period between 2018 and 2020, two organizations in the city of Tapolca also launched programs aimed at the prevention of mental health and prevention of addictions. In the present study, the focus is on the collaborations that have taken place on the programs and on the motivation of the professionals in terms of getting involved in the programs. The basic question is what effect the established collaborations will have on social professionals and the services they provide in the future. The evaluation of the results has shown that responding to the social problems present is important for all sectors and can be described as a common issue. In the new techniques learned by the applications, professionals see an opportunity for treatment, which can also be the basis for working together. Thus, it can be said that interprofessional cooperation is present in the city, which is a strong basis for building interdisciplinary professionalism. However, the social and educational fields were basically involved in the programs, so we cannot yet talk about fully promoting interdisciplinary cooperation at the city level.

  • Spiritualitás a fogyatékos személyek segítésében

    In our study, we seek to answer the question of how Christian anthropology impacts on Christian social work for people with disabilities. An important question is how Christian faith can contribute to helping people with disabilities. One of the guiding principles of our thinking is the Confessio Vitium adopted by the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary in 2016. Our paper focuses on the added value of Christian social work in helping people with disabilities, based on a biblical view of humanity.

  • A nyíregyházi középiskolás diákok iskolai közösségi szolgálattal kapcsolatos tapasztalatainak vizsgálata

    In my study I examine the secondary school students’ experiences about service-learning in Nyíregyháza. I used quantitative method and I asked 185 students. This service-learning is compulsory for those secondary school children who want to gets the certificate of final examination. The first students in this system graduated from secondary school in 2016 so I asked them about their service-learning experiences. In addition I also examine what are the differences between the experiences among the type of the secondary school and academic success. In my analyses I use crosstabs and variance analyses by means of SPSS program. According to my results there is a significant correlation between the student’s experiences and secondary school type. The secondary school type have significant effect to secondary school student’s experiences of service-learning (area of choice, the motivation of area selection, where fulfil the service-learning, there are preparatory and processor lessons). The average of grade (except area of choice) is not effect to the experience.

  • Az együttműködő iskolai szociális munkás
    The study examines and analyses the main issues of school social work in multi-dimensional approaches in  Hungary : deals with circumstance of re-start, professionality, competences and main services of schools social worker. There are in focus: the competence of collaboration,the essence, terms, advantages and disadvantages of interprofessional collaboration.
  • Az empowerment, mint indikátor

    Determining and identifying the effectiveness of social work pose significant challenges for both researchers and practitioners alike. Due to quality assurance, training expectations, and scientific thoroughness, we continually seek ways to define results and to make the necessity of social work visible. In our interpretation, empowerment realized in a support relationship can serve as both the aim of assistance and as an indicator of the effectiveness of the relationship. Due to the multifactorial nature of the support process, it is not easy to identify which agent in the collaborative work led the individual to a state where they can control their own lives and influence their environment. In our study, we examine the morphosemantic meaning of empowerment and uncover the content contradictions that emerge in the analysis. Subsequently, we direct attention to the organizational environment of the support relationship: we explore which organizational characteristics and operations influence the realization of empowerment and how this may occur.

  • Kutatói szerepkonfliktusok

    This study includes subjective thoughts on how it is possible to make participant observation, do ethnographic research in an institute closed for the outside world. Conceptualized on the twelve steps, the particular institute is a rehabilitation home for addicts. The author made observations for six months in the „field”.

  • Demens időseket gondozó családtagok és szakemberek kölcsönös szerepviszonyulásai

    In the case of the elderly with dementia, the study examines how the network of carers who have an informal or formal relationship with them changes over time and how the relationship between them develops. According to the theoretical starting point of the writing, the individual is surrounded by a network of caregivers (“convoy”) during their career (mostly in old age), and caregivers shape their own and the other party’s caring roles during their interactions. Empirical research has examined the history of the division of labour between family members and professional caregivers by means of qualitative interview, the more memorable interactions affecting the division of labor, and their perceptions of caregiver roles among the family members and professional caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

  • Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze

    Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.

  • Misszióból professzió: Bevezető gondolatok a szociális munka esszenciális elemeinek koncepcionális építkezéséről

    In this study, I outline the appearance of the mission of American social work in the second half of the 19th century, and then the construction of the conceptual elements of the profe ssion. The choice of cited, typically American authors is also narrowly tailored, however, in my opinion, they give an authentic picture of the conceptual construction of the profession and adequately depict the development arc that the profession, which started from the religious charity and has now matured into a profession and a science, has gone through in the last 125 years. In addition to all this, I also try to answer such questions as, for example, where are the boundaries between religious and professional assistance, what does professionalism mean in social work within a religious community or church, and what is needed for a better integration of spirituality into the professional practice.

  • Az Országos Rabbiképző – Zsidó Egyetem: Az 1877-ben alapított Rabbiképző Intézettől a Zsidó Egyetem Szociális Munkás képzéséig

    The Jewish Theological Seminary, founded in 1877, aimed to combine modern scholarship with Jewish religious traditions. However, the golden age of the Institution and its world fame followed the cruel destruction of the Holocaust. Then, for forty years, the communist dictatorship made life difficult in the Jewish community. Despite the persecutions, the Jewish Holocaust survivors, along with the second and third generations, quickly revived the traditions from the 1990s and the Jewish community became an active, organized community again. One sign of this is that the Rabbinical Seminary has become a university, the Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies. Part of this process is that training for social workers began in 1995. The study is a historical outline of the institution that has been operating continuously in Budapest for 150 years. How and why was it created? How do they find their place and what answers do they give to social problems today? It reviews the professional values ​​and principles of social worker training and tries to reflect the special Jewish features of the University.

  • A Szociális Munka Énhatékonyság Skála magyar változatának reliabilitás vizsgálata

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the self-efficacy level of social worker students. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • A serdülőkori X60-84 BNO-kódok és ami mögöttük áll: Ellátási hiányok a segítők szemszögéből

    What is behind BNO codes? The paper focuses on adolescents with various forms of self-injurious behaviour, who often flounce between the health and social care systems while looking for a way out and on those professionals who often overcome competence limits to compensate service deficiencies and their disadvantages. Beyond the world of codes, the study aims to find answers from where young people can get help who are not in the professional’s horizon or even need additional support after their hospital treatment; also that in this mainly health care-related question what is the role of social work.

  • Az idősek kiszolgáltatottsága és kockázatai a digitális szolgáltatások útvesztőiben

    In this study we offer a survey on the defencelessness and hazard of the elderly recipients of digital services emphasizing the security hazards of the transactions in the bank system and customer services. We offer propositions for the cooperation of the elder users, the service providers, the security experts, and the gerontological specialists on the field of risk reduction of the digital attacks against the users and the service systems.

  • Eszközfejlesztési kísérlet az iskolai bántalmazás megelőzésére

    Everyone has probably encountered school abuse in their life, if nothing else as a spectator. These abuses may cause huge damages in a small child and having an effect on their socialization and psychological health, not only in their childhood, yet later, moreover in many cases they lead to suicide. Despite all of this, unfortunately, there are few well-elaborated methods and devices to prevent bullying, and they are not generally known in education either.

    These thoughts had an inspiring effect when, within the framework of interprofessional project work, the sensitizing box as a tool, aimed at preventing school violence, and the related methodological proposal was created. The purpose of the tool is to integrate pedagogical and social work knowledge and offer teachers and social workers an effective opportunity to raise the topic and deal with the problem. The methodology uses the principles of experiential learning and prevention, adapting to the frameworks that are given to teachers and kindergarten and school social workers who appear in a school and encounter violence.

    The study presents the process of the development work, there commendation for the use of the tool and the results of testing with groups of children.

  • A fiatalok szabadidő eltöltési szokásaihoz alkalmazkodó ifjúsági közösségi tér – a hang out másik oldala

    According to Hungarian youth surveys, we are witnessing a social group spending their free time pointlessly in a passive, recreative, mediatized and digital environment. No matter it’s a weekday or a weekend, many youngsters spend time doing practically nothing which is also reflected in the level of their active citizenship.

    Our personal experiences confirm: youths spend little time in places controlled by adults; they prefer the ones without any supervision. The question arises: can we create community places that are popular, yet safe, inspiring to learn and able to promote social participation?

    In the study, I attempt to present how to reach and involve the youth by a methodology that suits best to their free time spending patterns and to the way they use community places. To this, I briefly define the concepts of youth work and youth participation and I give a functioning Irish example. Later, I will summarize the key elements of the hang out method and attempt to back the recommended techniques by using my experiences and scientific literature.

  • Kutassunk együtt – A kutatási gyakorlat és a kutatótáborok szerepe a szociális munka oktatásában

    Rethinking the relation of theory and practice is in the focus nowadays regarding social studies. Define the ideal rate of practice in study programs is not easy, just as to determine those competencies and knowledge that able to reply to the differing needs of the labor market. The need-to-know basis which defines directly the tools of a practicing social worker is changing steadily by the societal- and economic transformation. Accordingly to this phenomenon, raise awareness relating to the learning process, innovative tools for both informal and formal (extra-)curricular trainings have become important features of education. In this learning environment, students are able to focus on better knowledge, understanding, and traceability of their individual growth.  Moreover, innovative methods create an opportunity to develop values, attitudes, and professionalism. Organizing and implementing research-camps, where students can deepen their knowledge of social research methods, is perfectly fits this approach. We have to see that learning is not an activity we can define precisely, rather something complex, strongly determined by the situation, as different people learn differently, indeed, the same person has different ways to get the knowledge in different situations. This is particularly true for research-camps where the specific learning environment has catalyzing role in transforming procedural knowledge. One advantage of procedural knowledge is that it can involve more senses, such as hands-on experience, practice at solving problems, understanding of the limitations of a specific solution, etc. Camping is an outstanding and effective stage in social learning as well. Experience as usable knowledge in subsequent situations may remain by reflecting on solving problems and experiences. (Gruber & Garabás, 2018) In the practice of the Department of Community and Social Studies (University of Pécs) students participate in research planning and implementing from the setting of targets through data collection and processing till publishing results. Studied phenomenons, processes, and correlations are often the proofs of the complexity of society for those with significantly different socio-economic backgrounds. The community-shaping effect is another crucial aspect in the integration of research-camps into our curriculum. The decreasing number of full-time students and the fact that most of them are employees (self-supporters) affect the quantity and the quality of community activities. Research-camps, besides deepening and exploiting knowledge, create opportunities for collaboration and savoring mutual experiences.