1. 2024

    1. Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024)

      F Phibawanlang Kharpran – Subrata Purkayastha. Urban dynamics and urban sprawl in hill stations of India: a case study of Shillong city

      Kongeswaran Thangaraj – Sivakumar Karthikeyan –Muruganantham Arumugam, Prabakaran Kulandaisamy – Perumal Velmayil – Agastheeswaran – Vellaikannu – Bangaru Priyanga Sundaram – Muthuramalingam Rajendran. Coastal landuse land cover change and transformations in-between Cuddalore and Nagore, south east coast of India using remote sensing and GIS

      Arpita Bhandary j – Poushali Roy. A remote sensing and GIS-based analysis on the impact of dam construction towards the land use land cover pattern of Bakreswar Watershed, India

      Madhusmita Parida – Garima Jasrotia –  Kiran Kumari Singh. Urbanization induced land use/land cover change and its impact on land surface temperature in Bhubaneshwar city, India.

      Andy T.G Lyngdoh – Subrata Purkayastha. Trend analysis of temperature over the Meghalaya Plateau: A case study of Ri Bhoi District

    2. Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024)

      Pooja Ramanuj – Shankar Laware – Nitin Karmalkar. Assessment of spatio-temporal waterline changes of a reservoir: A case study of Ujjani wetland, Maharashtra, India

      Pranamee Gogoi. A GIS-based study on the changing course of the river Jiadhal in the Dhemaji district, India

      Tamás Mihály Veres. Developing a strategy of data collection and pre-processing to assess bike sharing system station placements with the help of GIS

      Neha Chauhan – Anjali Naik – Mahavir Singh Negi. Rainfall dependency and water quality assessment of springs of three villages of Rudraprayag district: an analysis of veins of Uttarakhand Himalaya

  2. 2023

    1. Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023)

      Namgyal Tshewang Bhutia – Malavika Sinha. Geo-physical attributes of Shushunia’s aquifer, Chhatna block, Bankura district, West Bengal, India

      Arshad Ahmed Kheraj – Amjed Ali – Kiran Rani – Meenaxy. GIS-integrated multi-criteria suitability analysis for healthcare facilities site selection in Rajouri district, Jammu and Kashmir, India

      Kavya Siddeshwar – M. Prashanthi Devi. The impact of a plastic ban implementation scenario on residents of Tiruchirappalli region

      Viranch N.Dave. Monitoring temperature patterns at the selected world heritage sites in Egypt using high resolution WorldClim data

      Bring Blessing L Ryntathiang – Andy T.G Lyngdoh. Quantitative morphometric analysis of streams in extreme humid areas: A case study of the Um-Mawiong river basin, Mawsynram, Meghalaya

    2. Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023)

      Ayoub Barkat – Foued Bouaicha – Zakaria Rahal – Tamás Mester – György Szabó. Evaluation of climatic conditions from 1978 to 2020 of Oued Souf Valley (Southern East of Algeria)

      Arunkumar K.S – Anoop K.G. – Jobin Thomas. Landslide susceptibility mapping using the analytical hierarchy process and GIS for Idukki district, Kerala, India

      Tamás Molnár – Géza Király. Sentinel-2 satellite-based analysis of bark beetle damage in Sopron Mountains, Hungary

      S. Chaurasia – S. N. Mohapatra. Time series analysis of major land resources Using landsat images in a part of district Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India

      Viktor Márk Lénárt. Climate change: Hungary’s perception and how we adopt renewables against it

  3. 2022

    1. Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022)

      Shabna Sherin – Arunkumar K.S. Morphometric characteristics of a tropical river basin, central Kerala, India using geospatial techniques

      Nour el Imène Mouhoubi – Rabah Belkessa – Housseyn Otmani. Assessment of the vulnerability of zemmouri bay to coastal erosion, diachronic study between 1957 and 2017

      Kamel Khanchoul – Zine El Abidine Boukhrissa – Ouafa Othmani. Spatial pattern of soil erosion using RUSLE model and GIS software at the Saf Saf watershed, Algeria

      Namgyal Tshewang Bhutia – Malavika Sinha. Water mining and landscape: study on north-western part of Bankura district, west Bengal, India

      Zulotoshi Imchen – Phiban Khamti Ryngnga. Landscape change in Aizawl city: A geospatial approach to assess landscape indices and human-induced transformation

      Tímea Erdei – Zsombor Boromisza – Endre Domokos. Land use changes of the riparian landscape in Hungary between 1990 and 2018

  4. 2021

    1. Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021)

      Gergő Karancsi – Emőke Kiss – Dániel Béres – Dániel Balla. Case study for estimation of the amount of contaminants stored in soil in an industrial area

      Rajesh Jayaraman – B.Santhosh Kumar – Sudhir Kumar Singh. Remote Sensing and GIS based site suitability analysis for tourism development in Vaishali block, Bihar, India

      Joshi Veena. Morphology, sedimentology and origin of an anomalous cut-off along the Pravara river, deccan trap region, India

      Malavika Sinha. Discussion on Hundru fall as a knick point, Iharkhand, India

      Benjamin L Saitluanga – Gabriel Lalchhandama – P Rinawma. Analysis of Climate Variability and Agricultural Productivity in Mizoram, Northeast India

      Mohunnad Massimi. Statistical Indices of Land Use Changes and Nutrients Balance of Tomatoes and Peppers Production in Jordan Valley and Highlands (1999-2019)

    2. Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021)

      Péter Csorba. Present tendencies in landscape planning and recognition of the opinion of local citizens on the example of the Tiszazug

      Lóránt Dávid – Bulcsú Remenyik – Gogo Fredrick Collins Adol. Geographic features and environmental consequences of coffee tourism and coffee consumption in Budapest.

      György Dévai – Martina Gyöngy – Csaba Berta – Ferenc Bogár – Imre Bogár – György Varga – Lucza Zoltán – László József Szabó – Imre Somlyai – Sándor Alex Nagy – István Grigorszky. Long-term analysis of River Tisza water level data with regard to the ecological water demand of floodplain water bodies

      Zoltán Dövényi – Bálint Perényi. Rezső Milleker and political geography

      Tímea Kiss – Gabriel J. Amissah – Gábor Mezősi – Károly Fiala – György Sipos. Bedload transport measurements on the Maros river, Hungary

      Gábor Kozma – Bence Monyók. The appearance of renewable energy sources in the settlement development documents of local authorities in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

      Gábor Nagy – Dénes Lóczy – Szabolcs Czigány – Mauro Hrvatin – Rok Ciglič. Comparison of soil moisture indices and field measurements in hilly agricultural lands of SW Hungary

      László Sütő – Szabolcs Balogh – József Tibor Novák – Erika Homoki – Péter Rózsa. A historic geographic approach to the anthropic disturbance in the Bükk region

      Loránd Szabó – Dávid Abriha – Kwanele Phinzi – Szilárd Szabó. Urban vegetation classification with high-resolution PlanetScope and SkySat multispectral imagery

      Teperics Károly – Zsuzsa M. Császár – Gábor Csüllög – Klara Czimre. Cost sensitivity of international students in the largest hungarian university cities

      Róbert Vass – Zoltán Túri. Studying floodplain roughness in an Upper Tisza study area

  5. 2020

    1. Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020)

      A. Fekete. Late Renaissance Garden Art in the Carpathian Basin

      P. Pecsmány – A. Hegedűs –  János Vágó. Remnant surfaces in the Tárkány Basin

      X. Cai – Zs. Boromisza. Public perceptions and aesthetic preferences of lakeshore landscape: the example of Lake Velence (Hungary)

    2. Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020)

      Z. Islam – A. A. Tewelemedhin – A. T. Berhe. Spatial Statistical Analysis of the relation in between population density and Human Modification of terrestrial lands at Tabia level in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia

      R. Vass – D. Milosevic. Morphological grouping of fossil floodplain forms in the northeastern part of the Pannonian plain

  6. 2019

    1. Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019)

      Doulay Kadiza – Abdoulaye Diouf – Abo – Soufianou Sadda – Ibrahim Baba Yakubu. Landuse/landcover change process in a tropical semi-arid zone: case of two rural communes (Chadakori and Saé-Saboua) in Maradi region, Republic of Niger

      Gabriel Jonathan Amissah – Tímea Kiss – Károly Fiala. Active point bar development and river bank erosion in the incising channel of the lower Tisza river, Hungary

  7. 2018

    1. Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018)

      O. Gy. Varga. – I. Gombosné Nagy. – P. Burai. – T. Tomor. – Cs. Lénárt. – Sz. Szabó. Land cover analysis based on descriptive statistics of Sentinel-2 time series data

    2. Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018)

      J.A. Jankó. – Gy Szabó. Regional Development in the Age of Big Data

      S. O. Hussein – F. Kovács – Z. Tobak. – H. J. Abdullah. Spatial distribution of vegetation cover in Erbil city districts using high-resolution Pléiades satellite image

      E. Jákli. Environmental educational potentials on school grounds in Budapest

      Zs. Varga. – H. Czédli. Studying the accuracy of orthophotos on the example of various terrain models in study areas in Hungary

  8. 2017

    1. Vol. 11 No. 2 (2017)

      É. Kis – F. Schweitzer – D. Lóczy. Paleoenvironments reconstructed from the analyses of loess sequences on Susak Island, Adriatic Sea

      N. Szopos – B. Czellecz. High water level observations along the upper course of the Olt River (Romania) from a hydrological modelling aspect

    2. Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017)

      Md. Sanaul Haque Mondal. Population an land cover dinamics of Sundarbans impact zone is Bangladesh

      G. Molnár – A. Scholtz – R. Vass. Accumulation studies at specific sampling areas of the active floodplain in the Upper-Tisza region

      A. Hervai  – E. Pirkhoffer – Sz. Á. Fábián – Á. Halmai – G. Nagy  – D. Lóczy – Sz. Czigány. Interpolation and 3D visualization of soil moisture

      H. Etigemane Ramappa – D. Muniswamy. Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals around the Gold Mine Ore Tailings of Hatti, Karnataka State, India

  9. 2016

    1. Vol. 10 No. 3-4 (2016)

      Bárány-Kevei I. – Kiss M. – Biogeomorphological feedback in karst areas

      Lóczy D. – Dezső J. – Czigány Sz. – Pirkhoffer E. Hydromorphological assessment of the lower Hungarian Drava section and its floodplain

      Zichar M. Guidelines for cost-effective geovisualization in digital forensics

      Kolozsvári I. – Molnár J. – Dévai Gy. Recent river channel change detections in the section of the River Tisza above Tiszaújlak (B????)

      Pénzes J. Centre-Periphery Dichotomy and its Investigation by GIS Methods

      Tóth Cs. A. – Barkóczi N. – McIntosh R. W. – Plásztán J. Zs. Studying the development of fluvial landforms in the Berettyó-Körös Region using geoinformatic methods

      Buday T. – Buday-Bódi E. – McIntosh R. W. – Kozák M. Geoinformatic background of geothermal energy utilization and its applications in East Hungary

      Ajvazi B. – Loshi F. – Márkus B. From Surveying to Geomatics

      McIntosh R. W. – Encs B. Rock mass rating in Bükk Mts., N Hungary based on petrophysical parameters and parting conditions

      Bertalan L. – Túri Z. – Szabó G. UAS photogrammetry and object-based image analysis (GEOBIA): erosion monitoring at the Kazár badland, Hungary

      Süli-Zakar I. The Formation of Social and Economic Peripheries in Hungary after the Change of Regime

      Molnár E. – Lengyel I. M. The Hungarian footwear industry in global production networks: the case study of Berkemann Hungary

      Szabó Sz. – Gácsi Z. – Balázs B. Specific features of NDVI, NDWI and MNDWI as reflected in land cover categories

      Pásztor L. – Laborczi A. – Takács K. – Szatmári G. – Illés G. – Fodor N. – Négyesi G. – Bakacsi Zs. – Szabó J. Spatial distribution of selected soil features in Hajdú-Bihar county represented by digital soil maps

      Schweitzer F. – Kis É. The surroundings and the age of the upper paleolithic site on Susak island

      Sütő L. – Homoki E. – Dobány Z. – Rózsa P. Transformation of land use pattern in the East Borsod coal basin from the beginning of minig industry to the political changes

      Lakatos Gy. – Mátrai I. – Kundrát J. – Gyulai I. The Mass Ratio of the Epiphytic Periphyton of the Nyéki-Holt-Duna

      Kertész Á. Is desertification a problem in Hungary?

    2. Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016)

      Szabó L. – Deák M. – Szabó Sz. Comparative analysis of Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and EO-1 ALI satellite images at the Tisza-tó area, Hungary

      Mustak, S. – Baghmar, N. K. – Singh, S. K. Correction of Atmospheric Haze of IRS-1C LISS-III Multispectral Satellite Imagery: An Empirical and Semi-Empirical Based Approach

      IllyésZs. – Padárné Török É. –Nádassy L. – Földi Zs. – Vaszócsik V. – Kató E. Boundless settlements – tendencies and future of urban sprawl in the agglomeration of Budapest

      Shokirov S. – Király G. Analysis of multitemporal aerial images for fenyőfő Forest change detection

    3. Vol. 10 No. 1 (2016)

      Balla D. – Varga Gy. O. – Zichar M. Accuracy assessment of different soil databases concerning WRB reference soil groups

      Joshi, V. – Susware, N. – Sinha, D. Estimating soil loss from a watershed in Western Deccan, India, using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation

      Boromisza Zs. – Illyés Zs. – Gergely A. – Mészáros Sz. – Monspert-Molnár Zs. Evaluation of the possibilities for stream restoration: preassessment of the Váli-stream (Hungary)

      Molnár É. V. Elemental concentration in deposited dust on urban tree leaves depending applied washing method

  10. 2015

    1. Vol. 9 No. 2 (2015)

      Kaszala R. - Kevei Bárány I. Heavy metal concentracions in the soils and vegetation of the Béke-cave watershed (Aggtelek-karst, Hungary)

      Mustak, S. – Baghmar, N. K. – Singh, S. K. Prediction of industrial land use using linear regression and mola techniques: A Case Study of Siltara Industrial belt

    2. Vol. 9 No. 1 (2015)

      Bakó G. - Kovács G. - Molnár Zs. - Kirisics J.- Góber E. - András Ambrusd A. The developement of red mud flood environmental information system and the methodology for the spatial analysis of the degraded area

      Németh R. - Dobos E. Flood model for the Bódva catchment

      Boromisza Zs. - Ács T. - Pádárné Török É. Integrating applied lake ecology into spatial planning: towards a socially acceptable lakeshore restoration at Lake Velence (Hungary)

      Botos Á. - Örkrös V. - Tóth Cs. Soil aggregate stablity, organic carbon and plant available nutrient contents (N,P) in soils of prehistoric mounds after abandonment of cultivation

  11. 2014

    1. Vol. 8 No. 2 (2014)

      Kulcsár B. The utilization strucutre of thermal water wells and its unexploited capacities in Hungary

      Paládi M. - Tóth J. Household heating in the light of climate change

      Buday T. Reduction of environmental impacts of heat pump usage with special regard on systems with borehole heat exchangers

      Gyenizse P. - Bognár Z. - Czigány Sz. - Elekes T. Landscape shape index, as a potencial indicator of urban development in Hungary

    2. Vol. 8 No. 1 (2014)

      Md. Tariqul Islam. Vegetation changes of Sundarbans based on Landsat imagery analysis between 1975 and 2006

      Sassan Mohammady. A spatio-temporal urban expansion modeling a case study Teheran metropolis, Iran

      Tóth Sz. - Endrődi J. - Hotváth G. Cadastral survey of unique landscape features via the examples of Vászoly, Hungary

  12. 2013

    1. Vol. 7 No. 2 (2013)

      Szabó, G. - Mecser, N. - Karika, A. Assessing data quality of remotely-sensed DEM's in hungarian sample area

      Oke, A. O. - Sangodoyin, A. - Ogedengbe, K. - Omodele, T. Mapping of river waterquality using inverse distance weighted interpolation in Ogun-Osun river basin, Nigeria

      Paládi, M. Comparison of CO2-emissions of households heated by natural gas and firewood

      Bottyán, Zs. In-flight icing characteristics of unmanned aerial vechicles during special atmospheric condition over the Carpathian-basin

    2. Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013)

      Faith, J. Wind damage on trees following hurricane Sandy and implications for city landscaping: Glen Ridge - Montclair towns, New Jersey

      Mihai, F. C. Development of MSW collection service on regional scale: spatial analysis and urban disparities in North-Easr Region, Romania

      Molnár, Zs. Types and characteristics of the oxbow-lakes in Lower-Tisza-valley - classification from landscape planning perspective

      Joseph, P. Mount Pele, an ecoclimatic gradient generator

  13. 2012

    1. Vol. 6 No. 2 (2012)

      Henits, L. - Mucsi, L. Analysis of the connection between urban land cover and census districts using geoinformatical methods

      Buday, T. Possible reduction of environmental impacts of geothermal energy extraction in a theoritical spa

      Szemán, I. Comparison of the most popular open-source GIS software in the field of landscape ecology

      Miklós, L. The concept of the landscape and its acceptance in the practice

    2. Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012)

      Gourabi, B.R. - Palic, M. Recognition of monthly bioclimatic comfort with Tourism Climatic Index in Ramsar, Southwest of Caspian Sea, Iran

      Keresztúri, Á. Geomorphologic analysis of drainage networks on Mars

      Malik, Z.H. - Malik, N.Z. High altitude forest composition diversity and its component in a part of Ganga Chotti and Bedori Hills District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

      Csorba, P. - Mezösi, G. - Szépszó, G. - Blanka, V. - Meyer, B.C. - Vass, R. Analysis of landscape geographic impacts of potential climate change in Hungary

Showing 1 to 25 of 34 Entries
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