1. 2011

    1. Vol. 5 No. 2 (2011)

      Kiss, T. - Andrási, G. - Hernesz, P.: Morphological alteration of the Dráva as the result of human impact

      Nagyváradi, L. - Szebényi, A. - Gyenizse, P.: Monitoring the changes of a suburban settlement by remote sensing 

      Tamás, M. - Farsang A.: Evaluation of environmental condition: water and sediment examination of oxbow lakes

      Tar, K. - Kircsi, A. - Szegedi, S. - Tóth, T. - Vass, R. - Kapocska, L.: Investigation of the wind power potential of the Hernád valley

    2. Vol. 5 No. 1 (2011)

      Mezösi, G. - Bata T.: New results on landscape boundaries

      Rábay, A.: 1:10000 scale mapping with GPS and free GIS tools - comparison with topographic map

      Joshi, V.U.: Grain surface features and clay mineralogy of the quaternary sediments from Western Deccan Trap Region, India, and their palaeoclimatic significance

      Burai, P. - Smailbegovic, A. - Lénárt, Cs. - Berke, J. - Milics, G. - Tomor, T. - Bíró, T.: Preliminary analysis of red mud spill based on aerial imagery, Hungary

  2. 2010

    1. Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010)

      Myga-Piatek, U.: Directions and prospects of transformation in cultural landscapes of Poland - considerations and attempts of evaluation

      Toker, E. - Yagmurlu, F.: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Eocene transgressive deposits in the Acigöl, Burdur and Isparta areas (SW Turkey)

      Demer, S. - Memis, Ü. - Özgür, N.: Investigation of drinking water quality in Isparta, SW-Turkey

      Megyeri-Runyó. A.: Environment protection and its reflection in the environmental consciousness of the inhabitants in a middle-sized town (Vác, Hungary)

    2. Vol. 4 No. 1 (2010)

      Burai P. - Lövei, G.Zs. - Lénárt, Cs. - Nagy, I. - Enyedi, P.: Mapping aquatic vegetation of the Rakamaz-Tiszanagyfalui Nagy-Morotva using hyperspectral imagery

      Ladányi, Zs. - Deák, J.Á. - Rakonczai, J.: The effect of aridification on dry and wet habitats of Illancs microregion, SW Great Hungarian Plain, Hungary

      Vágó, J.: Stream gradient investigation in the Bükkalja using interpolated surfaces

      Barsi Á. - Gáspár, K. - Szepessy, Zs.: Unsupervised classification of high resolution satellite imagery by self-organizing neural network 

  3. 2009

    1. Vol. 3 No. 2 (2009)

      Szabó, Gy. - Czellér, K.: Examination of the heavy metal uptake of carrot (daucus carota) in different soil types

      Joshi, V.U. - Nagare, V.: Land use change detection along the Pravara River basin in Maharashtra, using remote sensing and GIS techniques

      Tóth, T. - Langohr, R. -Becze-Deák, J. - Molnár, Zs.: Field pedological characterisation of two transects along the inner and outer sides of a sixty years old Tisza dike - a contribution to the problem of primary and secondary alkali grasslands

      Németh, Á. - Mika, J.: Climate as a risk factor for tourism

    2. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009)

      Kiss, T. - Sándor, A.: Land use changes and their effect on floodplain aggradation along the Middle-Tisza River, Hungary

      Farsang, A. - Puskás, I. - Szolnoki, Zs.: Human health risk assessment: a case study of heavy metal contamination of garden soils in Szeged

      Mecser, N. - Demeter, G. - Szabó, G.: Morphometric changes of the River Bodrog from the late 18th century to 2006

      Demeter, G.: Measuring connectivity - A new approach for the geometrization of the landscape and for the enhancement of cost-effectiveness in landuse planning

  4. 2008

    1. Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008)

      Kircsi, A.: Large scale wind climatological examinations of wind energy utilization

      Makra, L. - Sümeghy, Z.: Environmental objective analysis, ranking and clustering of Hungarian cities

      Kertész, Zs. - Szoboszlai, Z. - Dobos, E. - Borbély-Kiss, I.: Characterization of urban aerosol sources in Debrecen, Hungary

      Szabó, Sz. - Posta, J. - Gosztonyi, Gy. - Mészáros, I. - Prokisch, J.: Heavy metal content of flood sediments and plants near the River Tisza

      Myga-Piatek, U. - Nita, J. The scenic value of abandoned mining areas in Poland

      Haase, D. Modelling the effects of long-term urban land use change on the water balance

      Csorba, P. Potential applications of landscape ecological patch-gradient maps in nature conservational landscape planning

      Fischer, W.: Survey of abandoned industrial sites in the province of Carinthia (Austria) - methodology and results 

    2. Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008)

      Szegedi, S.: History of the meteorological observatoions in Debrecen

      Tar, K. - Tóth, T. - Rózsavögyi, K.: Connection between the potential wind energy and the windy days

      Papp, G.: Examinations on the air quality in Berehove (Beregszász, Ukraine) between 1997 and 2007

      Szalai, Z.: Spatial and temporal pattern of soil pH and Eh and their impact on solute iron content in a wetland (Transdanubia, Hungary)

      Liira, J. - Aavik, T. - Parrest, O. - Zobel, M.: Agricultural sector, rural environment and biodiversity in the Central and Eastern European EU member states

      Zwierzchowska, I.: Interferences between the ecological network and urbanized areas in Poland

      Orosz, Z. - Fazekas, I.: Challenges of municipal waste management in Hungary

  5. 2007

    1. Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007)

      Sz. Tombácz. - L. Makra. Relation of meteorological elements and air pollutants to respiratory diseases

      T. Eötvös. - L. Makra. Chemical and biological air pollutants, as parameters of complex air quality indices

      M. Braun - Z. Margitai - A. Tóth. - M. Leermakers. Environmental monitoring using linden tree leaves as natural traps of atmospheric deposition: a pilot study in Transilvania, Romania

      B. Babka. - Sz. Szabó. Water chemical analysis of the oxbow lakes near the Upper-Tisza River

      R. Linkeviciene. - J. Taminskas. - R. Simanauskiene. Protected areas in regions of intensive economical activity: conflict of nature protection and nature use (case study of Dovine river catchment)

      S. Szegedi. Heavy metal loads in the soil of Debrecen

      D. Stone. Big plans and little plans: delivering land use change designed by landscape ecology

      P. Csorba. - R. Bodnár. The European Landscape Convention and tourism

Showing 26 to 34 of 34 Entries