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  • Salutation of Professor László Almádi on his 80th birthday

    László Almádi, the 80 years old professor at the Georgikon Faculty of Keszthely University, has a several decades long history in teaching. During this period, he taught a large number of students in agriculture with an up-to-date agrobotanical knowledge, and launched the career of or had a great impact on many field botanists working in nature conservation. His ability to identify plants is excellent, and he did pass this knowledge on. Besides his huge fascination for plants, his precision, broad and well-founded knowledge serve exemplary for us. Professor Almádi’s rich life is presented in this tribute paper based on his personal stories and written publications, and is supplemented with our own memories, experiences. We cordially greet our Professor on the occasion of his birthday!

  • Hybrid leopard’s bane (Doronicum ×sopianae) in the West-Mecsek Mts (SW Hungary)

    The hybrid of leopard’s bane (Doronicum orientale Hoffm.) and the Hungarian leopard’s bane (Doronicum hugaricum (Sadler) Rchb.f.) was discovered by Tamás Nendtvich in the Mecsek Mts over Pécs in the 1820’s. During the past two centuries several researchers confirmed the occurrence of this plant in the region. The occurrences of the hybrid ever known are concentrated in a relatively limited range, and the single currently known occurrence is on “Zsuppon-parlag”.  In this paper, I report a new occurrence, found on 16th April 2020, close to the village of Kővágószőlős, which is 8 km away from the single currently known locality. I found only one flowering specimen, as well as five vegetative individ­uals with leaf rosettes. The parental species grew only 50 cm away from each other. Here, I provide a detailed morphological description about the flowering individual, and a vegetation relevé of the ac­companying species in a 10×10 m quadrat around the hybrid plant.

  • Occurrences of Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis) in the South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    So far, only one herbarium data and one flora mapping data on Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis Rogow.) has been known from the Southern Nyírség. Since 2004, the species has been detected in 14 flora mapping quadrats. Its data were also collected in winter because its habitats are more easily accessible on ice, its overwintering shoots are more noticeable, and they are strikingly morphologically different from the great nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Typical habitats were willow carrs (Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinereae), reeds (Phragmitetum communis), rush-beds (Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae), tufted sedge communities (Caricetum elatae) and tall sedge meadows (mainly Caricetum acutiformis). The largest stocks live in reservoirs in secondary habitats. A significant part of the stocks is located in the wide valleys of the main watercourses in the area.

  • Critical review of the distribution of Equisetum × moorei and E. hyemale in the Nyírség (East Hungary)

    Confusing Moore's horsetail (Equisetum × moorei Newman) with rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale L.) is a known problem in many countries. In our paper, we review some of the features used for their identification concerning their usability. We examined Equisetum hyemale stands in the Nyírség reported in the literature and E. hyemale specimens of the Herbarium of the University of Debrecen that were collected in the Nyírség. We found that most of these stands and herbarium specimens are actually E. × moorei. The occurrence of E. hyemale was only confirmed in Bátorliget. We also report several new occurrences of Equisetum × moorei in the Nyírség. To better separate the two taxa, we recommend micromorphological examination of the surface of the shoots, which can be performed in the field, as well as observing the height of the leaf-sheath.

  • New occurrences of Ranunculus strigulosus in East Hungary

    The exact distribution of Ranunculus strigulosus Schur is poorly known in Hungary. Current occurrence data of the species mainly from Békés county and only one archive data from the Nyírség region, from the 1920s were known. This study presents eleven newly discovered occurrences in East Hungary. Populations were found in wet meadows, forest glades and poplar plantations. Nine of these populations are located at the southeastern edge of the Nyírség region and most of them are quite small. Three larger population were found in Nyírábrány, Álmosd and the Tócó Valley between Debrecen and Hajdúböszörmény. One of the newly discovered populations provides a new contribution to the flora of Bátorliget Marsh and Fen-wood NCA. Some morphological characters (hairs on the stem and the leaves, shape of the leaves developed before and after the mowing) are also discussed.