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  • Data to the flora of Heves–Borsod Plain I. Distribution of forest, forest steppe and steppe elements

    This paper reports new floristic data of 159 taxa (158 species and one hybrid) from the Heves–Borsod Plain (5 micro-regions between the Mátra and Bükk Mountains and the Tisza River valley). The data were collected between 1999 and 2018 and supplemented with collected specimen (altogether 93 herbarium sheets). This study is the first part of a thematic series that analyzes the distribution patterns of forest, forest steppe and dry grassland ‘steppe’ species, beyond reporting floristic data. The data were derived from 51 flora-mapping quadrats (CEU), based on 5.395 field collected data records. Some indicator species of the three species groups have been assessed in detail (with the addition of distribution maps of 25 species). I have also tested two East-West direction ‘lines’ (the 100-meter isoline and the Csörsz Ditch) for the possible existence of North-South chorological gradients in the area. True forest species (mostly Querco-Fagetea elements) show a dispersed pattern, their representatives can be linked to forest blocks appearing in the landscape. Streams from the adjacented hilly areas (even if they are strongly modified) are very important in the dispersal of the forest species. Their significance and role are decreasing towards the South. For some steppe and forest steppe species (e.g. Brachypodium pinnatumCampanula bononiensisClematis rectaElymus hispidusLychnis viscaria, Ranunculus illyricusSanguisorba minorStipa spp., Teucrium chamaedrysTrifolium alpestreVinca herbacea) the examined lines indicate a regional area boundary, while for other species (e.g. Phlomis tuberosa, Thalictrum minus) gradient-like distribution differences were not observed. In the distribution of many species an additional southern gradient running along the northern boundary of the former Heves Floodplain was detected. Southwards to this line, the representatives of the selected species are already very sporadic, occurring only in synantropic habitats (e.g. Vincetoxicum hirundinaria).

  • Flowering phenology and distribution pattern of Lizard Orchids (Himantoglossum)

    Hybridization is very rare between the species of Himatoglossum genus, despite the fact that it is common in other orchid genera. The reasons for this can be the lack of overlapping distribution areas or the different flowering period of the species. In the paper distribution and flowering data of Himantoglossum species are presented from herbarium sheets or references (sources paper-based or internet). We collected 1001 precisely dated flowering records of 12 species. In case of 6 species (H. adriaticum, H. caprinum, H. comperianum, H. hircinum, H. jankae, H. robertianum) we had sufficient records to calculate the average flowering day and blooming length. According to the collected data the distribution of the species are overlapping except for H. formosum, H. galilaeum and H. metlesicsianum. Studying 55 species pairs, insignificant differences in blooming time were only at 21 species pairs, among them only 5 (H. comperianum - H. caprinumH. montis-tauri - H. comperianum, H. hircinum - H. adriaticumH. montis-tauri - H. caprinum és H. jankae - H. calcaratum) have overlapping distribution area. Data on hybridization could be found only at three species pairs among them. From the results we can conclude that in the case of Himantoglossum genus the rarity of hybridization is mostly due to the phenological isolation.

  • Results of floristic and phytogeographical research in the Velence Hills (Hungary, Transdanubian Mts)

    A recent floristic mapping of the Velence Hills has clarified the local distribution of many plant species. This study presents records of 219 phytogeographically significant or sporadic/rare taxa (216 species/subspecies and 3 natural hybrids). The local distribution of some species representing typical regional distribution patterns (Alyssum turkestanicum, Artemisia austriaca, Bupleurum pachnospermum, Doronicum hungaricum, Hypericum elegans, Lathyrus sphaericus, Minuartia viscosa, Ornithogalum comosum, Scabiosa canescens, Sedum caespitosum, Sternbergia colchiciflora, Vinca herbacea) are shown on maps. More than fifty taxa previously unknown from the area were recorded during the floristic mapping, including phytogeographically significant ones, such as Bassia laniflora, Brassica elongata, Bupleurum praealtum, Centunculus minimus, Hypericum elegans, Orlaya grandiflora, Phleum bertolonii, Silene dichotoma, Stipa tirsa, Tordylium maximum, Trifolium diffusum, T. ochroleucon and Valeriana dioica. In terms of phytogeography, the Velence Hills can primarily be characterised by the co-existence of continental and sub-Mediterranean elements as well as species of acidophil and strongly basic habitats.

  • Astragalus vesicarius and other new taxa to the flora of the Vértes Mountains (Hungary, Transdanubian Mts)

    A conservation survey on the condition of steppe and forest-steppe habitats in the Vértes Mts revealed several plant species from the flora of the area that have not been reported before. From a phytogeographical point of view, the most important is Astragalus vesicarius, whose small population in the Vértes fits very well into the native distribution pattern of the species in Hungary. Another important steppe plant is Stipa dasyphylla, which is found in two locations in the Vértes Mts. Besides other taxa of conservation interest (Orobanche teucrii, Phelipanche purpurea, Rosa hungarica), some under-recorded species (Cerastium tenoreanum, Stellaria pallida), and some spreading weeds (Elymus elongatus, Euphorbia lathyris) enrich our knowledge of the flora of the area.

  • Ceratocephala testiculata (Crantz) Roth and further data to the flora of the foothills of Bükk Mts.('Bükkalja', NE Hungary)

    This paper reports new floristic data of 367 taxa (365 species and two hybrids) from the foothill region of Bükk Mts. ('Bükkalja', NE-Hungary) based on 5470 field collected data records. The data was collected between 1997–2014 and supplemented with herbaria (altogether 344 herbaria sheets). Data evaluation was based on the comprehensive Bükk Flora of András Vojtkó and further papers. Altogether 45 species were registered as previously unreported from the area, whereas three species had old data (Acer negundoElaeagnus angustifoliaXanthium strumarium). Out of the newly registered species six native species inhabits natural habitats (Carex flaccaCeratocephala testiculataGlycerrhiza echinata, Gypsophila paniculataKochia lanifloraMarrubium vulgare), whereas five species represents the weed flora (Anthemis ruthenicaChenopodium ficifoliumEragrostis pilosaSenecio vernalisXanthium strumarium). The majority of the newly observed species are adventives. Five species were also regarded as recent introduction regionally, although they are native in the country (mostly lowland species: Crypsis alopecuroidesLimonium gmelini subsp. hungaricumSalsola kaliScirpoides holoschoenusTrifolium angulatum). Typical threats observed are landscape and habitat degradation by invasive alien species out of which 11 are newly added. Mass occurrences were detected for the following invasive alien species: Bidens frondosaImpatiens glanduliferaPhytolacca esculentaXanthium italicum. 43 species are also registered, which did not have recently published data from the area. These species include more native elements representing different habitat preferences (dry grasslands, wet meadows, forest and weeds). In case of 65 species the unravelled new occurrences increased significantly, thus contributed to the clarification of their distribution pattern. It was found that the floristic data accumulated on a decade-scale are not sufficient for the analysis of floristic trends, but could serve as a good basis for surveying floristic gradients between the mountainous and lowland areas.