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Search Results

  • Short communications

    1. New localities of Fumana procumbens in the North Hungarian Mountains

    2. Strong populations of dwarf heliotrope (Heliotrop­­ium supinum) at Pentezug Wild Horse Reserve (Hortobágy, Great Hungarian Plain)

    3. New occurrences of Chamaecytisus rochelii on the Great Hungarian Plain

    4. Spontaneous occurrences of Daphne laureola in urban parks

    5. Occurrence of Lindernia procumbens and L. dubia in Budapest city (C Hungary)

    6. Confirmation of occurrence of Moneses uniflora near Kőszeg town (W Hungary)

  • Occurrences of Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis) in the South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    So far, only one herbarium data and one flora mapping data on Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis Rogow.) has been known from the Southern Nyírség. Since 2004, the species has been detected in 14 flora mapping quadrats. Its data were also collected in winter because its habitats are more easily accessible on ice, its overwintering shoots are more noticeable, and they are strikingly morphologically different from the great nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Typical habitats were willow carrs (Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinereae), reeds (Phragmitetum communis), rush-beds (Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae), tufted sedge communities (Caricetum elatae) and tall sedge meadows (mainly Caricetum acutiformis). The largest stocks live in reservoirs in secondary habitats. A significant part of the stocks is located in the wide valleys of the main watercourses in the area.

  • Data on the occurrence of sedge species (Carex, Cyperaceae) in and around South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    We provide floristic data on a total of 38 sedge species in the area of South Nyírség and its immediate surroundings. We also detected some populations of previously undescribed or rare species in the Hungarian Great Plain, such as Carex buxbaumii, Carex hartmanii, Carex umbrosa, and Carex paniculata. We report several new occurrences of species with little literature data from the area, such as Carex brizoides, Carex michelii, Carex pallescens, Carex elongata. However, during the last 13 years, we were not able to detect seven species previously mentioned in the literature. Herbarium data confirmed that some of the older Carex nigra occurrences for the area actually refer to Carex cespitosa. Based on herbarium data and the literature, we think that local data on Carex pairaei may largely refer to Carex divulsa subsp. leersii and/or Carex spicata. Contrary to many pieces of literature, Carex vulpina was not observed inside the sandy area.

  • Short communications

    1. Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce in the Buda Arboretum

    2. Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. in the West-Transdanubia (W Hungary)

    3. Yucca filamentosa L. in the South-Nyírség (E Hungary)

    4. New occurrences of Chamaecytisus rochelii (Wierzb.) Rothm. on the Hungarian Great Plain and corrections on its previous occurrence data

    5. Hybrid birch (Betula ×rhombifolia Tausch.) in the central part of Mátra Mountains

    6. A csipkés gyöngyvessző (Spiraea crenata L.) újabb temetői előfordulása / A new occurrence of Spiraea crenata L. in a Hungarian graveyard

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae XII.

    In this work, we report data supplementing the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary. Altogether 1325 data of 460 vascular plant taxa are reported as contributions to 149 quadrants in the Central European Flora Mapping grid system. The new stands of Phegopteris connectilis (NW foothills of the Vértes Hills), Sternbergia colchiciflora and Corydalis solida (Danube–Tisza Interfluve), Euphorbia angulata and Potentilla alba (Nyírség) are particularly noteworthy. In addition, new stands of numerous rare or scattered species are also listed: Allium paniculatum, A. sphaerocephalon, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Botrychium lunaria, Bulbocodium vernum, Clematis recta, Colchicum arenarium, Cyclamen purpurascens, Dianthus barbatus, Dictamnus albus, Doronicum hungaricum, Epipactis atrorubens, E. microphylla, E. tallosii, Equisetum hyemale, Hepatica nobilis, Hesperis sylvestris, Hordelymus europaeus, Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica, I. arenaria, I. sibirica, I. spuria, I. variegata, Jurinea mollis, Lilium martagon, Linaria biebersteinii, Linum flavum, Listera ovata, Lunaria rediviva, Lychnis coronaria, Melica altissima, Menyanthes trifoliata, Monotropa hypopithis, Muscari botryoides, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Orchis militaris, O. morio, O. purpurea, Ornithogalum brevistylum, Ornithogalum sphaerocarpum, Phlomis tuberosa, Primula veris, P. vulgaris, Pseudolysimachion incanum, Pulsatilla flavescens, Pyrola rotundifolia, Scilla vindobonensis, Scrophularia vernalis, Sedum urvillei subsp. hillebrandtii, Spiranthes spiralis, Stipa borysthenica, Stratiotes aloides, Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, Trollius europaeus, Veratrum album, Vinca herbacea, Vitis sylvestris, Wolffia arrhiza etc.


  • Distribution of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler in the Southern Nyírség (E Hungary)

    This study presents the current distribution of narrow small-reed (Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler) in the southern part of Nyírség (E Hungary). Beyond the efforts to confirm previously known occurrences, a high number of potential habitats were surveyed. Field work was carried out from late autumn to early spring taking advantage of the better perceptibility of dry foliage. The species was detected in 43 localities inside the boundary of 15 settlements, which considerably exceeded our expectations. Although most of the populations were quite small, in some cases their extent reached over 1000 m².  Populations around the settlements of Penészlek, Fülöp and Nyírábrány were the most frequent and the largest in size. The endangered status of the species is caused by the insufficient water supply of suitable habitats in the region. Besides habitat change, desiccation can also amplify the effect of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. ploughing, fishpond development), which poses a further threat to populations.

  • Fern (Pteridopsida) flora of South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    The study presents a number of new data on the fern flora of South Nyírség, and reviews all available literature and herbarium fern records from the area. A total of 19 Pteridopsida species were detected in the region. The hart's tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) and the soft shield fern (Polystichum setiferum) were hitherto unknown in the whole Nyírség region (flora district “Nyírségense”). The broad buckler-fern (Dryopteris dilatata), scaly male fern (Dryopteris affinis) and floating fern (Salvinia natans) are new records to the area of South Nyírség. Dryopteris dilatata has been found in a surprisingly great number of localities. Some morphological characters facilitating identification of this species are also discussed. The local pine plantations, fens, carrs and humid deciduous forests are important habitats for ferns. In some localities the co-occurrence of 5-6 fern species were observed. The increasing aridity in the last decade is posing a serious threat to ferns in the area.

  • Critical review of the distribution of Equisetum × moorei and E. hyemale in the Nyírség (East Hungary)

    Confusing Moore's horsetail (Equisetum × moorei Newman) with rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale L.) is a known problem in many countries. In our paper, we review some of the features used for their identification concerning their usability. We examined Equisetum hyemale stands in the Nyírség reported in the literature and E. hyemale specimens of the Herbarium of the University of Debrecen that were collected in the Nyírség. We found that most of these stands and herbarium specimens are actually E. × moorei. The occurrence of E. hyemale was only confirmed in Bátorliget. We also report several new occurrences of Equisetum × moorei in the Nyírség. To better separate the two taxa, we recommend micromorphological examination of the surface of the shoots, which can be performed in the field, as well as observing the height of the leaf-sheath.

  • New occurrences of Ranunculus strigulosus in East Hungary

    The exact distribution of Ranunculus strigulosus Schur is poorly known in Hungary. Current occurrence data of the species mainly from Békés county and only one archive data from the Nyírség region, from the 1920s were known. This study presents eleven newly discovered occurrences in East Hungary. Populations were found in wet meadows, forest glades and poplar plantations. Nine of these populations are located at the southeastern edge of the Nyírség region and most of them are quite small. Three larger population were found in Nyírábrány, Álmosd and the Tócó Valley between Debrecen and Hajdúböszörmény. One of the newly discovered populations provides a new contribution to the flora of Bátorliget Marsh and Fen-wood NCA. Some morphological characters (hairs on the stem and the leaves, shape of the leaves developed before and after the mowing) are also discussed.