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  • Négy ablak – a Debreceni Egyetem és a reformáció: (Ünnepi megemlékezés – 2017. szeptember 27.)
    Four Windows – University of Debrecen and the Reformation (Celebratory Commemoration – 27 September 2017) The University – founded in Debrecen in 1912 – has always emphasised its roots attached to the Reformed College. The aim of the festive council held on 27 September 2017 was to recall the several centuries-old close connection between the Reformation and the traditions of the University and the city through the college’s foreign relationships. The crystal windows installed in the University Aula in 1938 picture the Reformed College and its historical relations, the important stations of the Debrecen students’ travels to foreign universities, namely Zurich, Utrecht, Wittenberg and Geneva. They also perpetuate the latin names of the four traditional university faculties: Jurisprudentia, Philosophia, Medicina, Theologia. In the commemoration high-ranking representatives of the three partner countries – that became important to the city of Debrecen, the University of Debrecen and the Reformed College based on the Reformation – commemorated about the more centuries-old protestant relationships between Debrecen and Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland. In the following, we publish two welcome speeches and two lectures heard in the celebratory commemoration.


    Károly Erdős (1887-1971) began his teaching and research career as a teacher of church history at the Reformed College in Debrecen. After the Faculty of Reformed Theology became part of the university, which began to function in 1914, Erdős became a teacher and later director of the Institute for the Training of Ministers of the Reformed Church. In 1929 he was appointed professor in the New Testament Department of the Tisza István University. As an university professor and pastor, he rendered great service to the city and the Church, both as a teacher and as a scholar. After 1949 he became a professor at the Reformed Theological Academy in Debrecen.


    In Debrecen, the cholera epidemic of 1831 caused great devastation, killing almost 7.5% of the population. The cure for the epidemic was not yet known, so preventive measures (closures, quarantine) were taken to stop the spread of it. Already the news of the disease caused anxiety among professors, who sought to get the latest news from the city. For a long time, they resisted closing the school, but when the epidemic began to take its toll in the city at the end of July, they were forced to act. Many of the students had left the school early, but those who remained were looked after by the professors. As the epidemic situation worsened, the city even considered converting the college into a hospital, but this was eventually abandoned following protests from the professors and the college's curator. School order was finally restored only in the late autumn. The start of the school year was only briefly postponed during the local epidemic of 1866.

  • Debreceni Református Kollégium teológiai oktatásának története 1850–1912. A Teológiai Akadémia a Kollégium oktatási rendszerében

    The History of Theological Education at Debrecen Reformed College between 1850 and 1912. The changes in the educational system of Theology at Reformed College of Debrecen were heavily influenced by the political-social events of historic Hungary between 1850 and 1912. The first date signals the introduction of arbitrary rule of the Habsburg monarch who suppressed the Hungarians during the War of Independence in 1848-49. The closing date is the emergence of a new state run university in Debrecen. The study throws light on how the Organisations Entwurf tried to modernize as well as Germanize the education system in the Habsburg Empire. As a result, the traditional education structure at the College was entirely restructured. It brought about the disintegration of humanity and art faculty into a grammar school thereby only the law and theological faculties were left intact for a while. The Reformed Church District strongly protested against the dismantling its more than 300 years old education system.  It is the irony of history what the oppressing Austrian could not achieve, it was realized after the Compromise by József Eötvös, the Hungarian minister of culture, religion and education. Needless to say that education at all levels needed to be modernized and standardized. It is clear that it had a positive impact on the curricula of Reformed theological education in the long run. The paper introduces briefly the life of theological professors, their career with a view to their studies abroad and finally their works at various departments of theology. 

  • Vilmos Haendel, Professor of Law the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1942/43.

    Vilmos Haendel was a lecturer for 14 years at the law academy at the Reformed College of Debrecen, then for nearly 30 years he taught political sciences at the University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen. Being a well-rounded person he stood out from among the teachers of the Law Faculty of the university before the World War II. He played an important role in the political, social and cultural life of Debrecen for decades. At the same time, his nationalism and anti-Semitism made him a typical figure of the public life of the city in the first Half of the 20th century. The study describes his way of life on the basis of such data which have not been summed up so far, and tries to show his teaching career and the events of the year when he was the Rector flashing his most important scientific works.

  • Jubileumi programok a 475 éves Debreceni Református Kollégium intézményeiben

    ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS IN THE INSTITUTES OF THE 475-YEAR-OLD REFORMED COLLEGE OF DEBRECEN. he Reformed College of Debrecen celebrated its 475th anniversary in 2013. he College is a unique and interesting institute of Hungarian school system. It is a national historical site, where the reformed heritage of the 16th century, the values of Puritanism of the 17th century, and the intellectual efervescence of the 18th century are commemorated. Anational historical site where the victims of the freedom ight for our independence in 1848–49 are kept alive and where the College’s mission to foster talent even during the turbulent times of the 20th century is remembered. Today teaching activities are present on all levels of public and higher education from the kindergarten to the university.


    . A former alumnus of the Reformed College of Debrecen spent years in the Netherlands, preparing for his hoped job in Hungary as a professor of Philosophy in one of the Reformed colleges. Although he completed his study in Utrecht and in Groningen in Philosophy and Medicine with excellent results, he was never invited to a cathedra in Hungary. He was offered a job in Deventer which he accepted and became a professor of Philosophy. He married a Dutch woman – Elisabeth Slichtenbree – and started a new, fulfilling life in the Netherlands. After 12 years living in Deventer, he received an invitation to a post of professor of History, Ancient Greek, and Eloquence in Sárospatak, which he refused due to his engagements (job and family) in the Netherlands. A couple of years later he was invited to Groningen for a professorship, which he refused, too. His scientific work Cribrum Arithmeticum was published in 1811, and Csernák sent examples of it to Hungary and Transylvania. After his death he legated a huger amount of money to his Hungarian Alma Mater, which was used for public needs of the college.

  • Teghze Gyula jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1922/23. tanévi rector magnificusa

    GYULA TEGHZE LAW PROFESSOR, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1922/23. Gyula Teghze (1867–1939), the founder professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen, was the third Rector from the law faculty in the history of the university in the academic year 1922/23. He, as a recognized jurist and professor of international law and philosophy of law, spent time at a number of universities in diferent foreign countries. He was a lecturer at the Academy of Law of the Reformed College of Debrecen from 1910, and at the University of Debrecen for a quarter of a century from 1914. During this time he served once as rector and twice as dean.

  • An Undeservedly Forgott en Publication Series. The Studies of the Teacher Training Institute of the Reformed Colleges of Debrecen

    The Calvinist Teacher Training Institute of Debrecen was modelled after the Eötvös Collegium of Budapest. It trained teachers for Hungarian Calvinist secondary schools between 1925 and 1952 by means of supplementary courses. The students of the Institute got significant impulses for their academic research from their tutors. Many of them became determining figures of Hungarian culture and education by the middle of the 20th century. The publication series published their doctoral theses and other academic papers on the 3000 pages of the 28 volumes between 1936 and 1943. This study aims to present the circumstances of the beginning, the termination and the intellectual profile of the series titled „Acta Instituti Paedagogici Collegii Debreceniensis”.

  • Ferenc Balogh, the Supervisor Professor of the College Choir (Kántus) between 1880-1898

    Ferenc Balogh, the internationally renowned professor of church history served as the supervisor of the Male Choir (Kántus) of the Reformed College of Debrecen for nearly two decades in a period of crucial changes. He devoted his agile activity into two directions. He supported the permanent employment of first long-term conductor of the choir, Sándor Mácsai, and he founded the historical researches of the choir, also giving a historical perspective
    to its identity. He accumulated the necessary financial support for the teacher-conductor’s position through his beautifully composed ceremonial speeches for which his students admired him. These speeches
    also served as the referential points of confidence for the young singers. This essay analyses his speeches and presents the actions that followed the rhetorical masterpieces.

  • „Lássatok hozzá, és építsétek föl Istennek, az Úrnak szentélyét” (A Debreceni Református Egyetemi Templom építésének története)

    „Rise up and Build the Sanctuary of the Lord God, so that you may bring the Ark of the covenant of the Lord.” – The History of the Construction of the Reformed University Church in Debrecen. In this essay I try to find the answer to the question of what the main cause of the structure of the University Church was and which were the most relevant stages of the construction. After launching the university in Debrecen, the undergraduates, the professors and the local citizens established a claim to engender a place of worship where they could get an opportunity to inward edification. The negotiations about the church to be constructed began in the 1910’s, after all the quartercentenary of the Reformed College gave the handle for the church’s structure. The University Church was built in vicissitudinous ways and it came up against a lot of difficulties during the second half of the twentieth century. Consequently this fact encumbers the researching of the building’s history. However, the history of construction is trackable by the eight boxfuls of sources of the Archives of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District.


    The expulsion of the well-known Hungarian classical poet, Csokonai, has been studied and reviewed several times. According to the widely-accepted interpretation, the gifted young poet was unjustly dismissed after a show trial, while his talent was not recognised. But can we challenge the whole conception?This paper aims to present the facts and events merely from the point of view of jurisdiction, applying the results, methods, and aspects of modern criminal law, hoping that we can see a more varied new picture of the trial. Hopefully, it can also contribute to the literary discourse about a traditionally accepted figure of the Hungarian literary canon.

  • Lencz Géza teológiaprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1925/26. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    GÉZA LENCZ, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1925–26. He was born in Vámospércs. He completed his studies in theology in Debrecen, Vienna and Utrecht. He was a Reformed minister at Tápé, Tiszarof, and Mezőtúr, and in 1909 he was appointed professor of dogmatics and of the philosophy of religion at the heological Academy of the Protestant College. Later he became ordinary teacher of divinity and associated studies at the University of Debrecen, founded in 1914, until his death in 1932. He was the Rector of the university in the 1925/26 academic year. He was primarily interested in the history of Hungarian Protestanism of the 16th and 17th centuries, and in dogmatics history.

  • Papp Károly irodalomprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1924-25. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1924–1925. Károly Pap was born in Beregrákos, he conducted his university studies at Kolozsvár, and later in Budapest, where he earned a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and Latin, and later he received a doctor’s degree in Hungarian literature. In Budapest, from 1898 he was teaching at Veres Pálné secondary school for girls and from 1908 he became professor of Hungarian literature at the Arts Academy of the Reformed College. From 1914, until he retired in 1942, he served as ordinary public professor at the Department of Hungarian literature at the University of Debrecen. In the 1924–25 academic year he served as president of the university. His main professional interest was Hungarian literature of the 18th and 19th centruries, and he was regarded as a conservative historian of literature.

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