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  • Egyetemi legendárium – emlékek, töredékek a Debreceni Tudományegyetem történetéből
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    MEMOIRS OF LÁSZLÓ VINCE, PART I. László Vince started his career at the University of Debrecen in 1951 as a stenographer at the Lecture notes oice. After the termination of the oice, from 1952 he worked at he Regsitrar oice of the Arts Faculty, and in 1956 he was transferred to the Rector’s Oice where he worked as a unit director of external afairs (secretary of the rector) between 1972 and 1990, his retirement. During his oice years he gained extensive knowledge ont he history of the university. In 1950s he had contact with
    the oicers from the previous era. His detailed but rather subjective memoirs are published in two parts with extensive endnoting.

  • Lengyel-magyar hungarológiai kutatások. Polsko-wegierskie badania hungarologiczne: Tanulmányok a Jagello Egyetem Magyar Filológiai Tanszéke 30. évfordulója alkalmából
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    A lengyel és a magyar nép sorsa és barátsága régtől fogva össze-összefonódik: amint a történelmi, politikai és gazdasági kapcsolatok, úgy a kulturális, művelődési és nem
    utolsósorban az oktatási és főként egyetemtörténeti együttműködések is évszázados múltra tekintenek vissza.

  • Egyetemi legendárium – emlékek, töredékek a Debreceni Tudományegyetem történetéből II. rész
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    MEMOIRS OF LÁSZLÓ VINCE, PART II. László Vince was irst employed by the University of Debrecen in 1951, as a stenographer at the University Study Notes Oice. When this oice was dismantled, from 1952 he worked at the Registrar’s Oice of the School of Arts. In 1956 he was transferred to the Rector’s Oice, where, in 1972, he was promoted to head the department of international programs. his position, which he held until his retirement in 1990, was actually equivalent to the rank of rector’s secretary. During his
    years of employment he acquired an enormous amount of experience, which was partly due to the fact that in the 1950s he could still talk to the representatives of the previous political order. His detailed but strongly subjective reminiscences – supplemented with necessary footnoting pertaining to the sources used – is published here as the second part of two interrelated texts.

  • „Dabitur vobis in illa hora” – Kiegészítések Dr. Huzella Tivadar életrajzához
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    „DABITUR VOBIS IN ILLA HORA” – NOTES TO THE BIOGRAPHY OF TIVADAR HUZELLA. Certain data from the biography of Tivadar Huzella, the anatomy professor of the University of Debrecen, then later one of the Budapest University, are falsely transferred from one essay to another. he book by Imre Törő puts his birthplace to Nagyvárad, however his family was already living and trading in Budapest in 1886, when he was born. he other false information about him is the date of his death: he died on July 11, 1950 at a reserach station established in his property in Alsógöd. Mostly the right date is used, however Imre Törő, Professor of Anatomy and Doctor of Academy for an unkown reason propagates the date of 1951 through his writings about Huzella.

  • Mindenki vágyik a tudásra, de az árát senki sem akarja megadni: az oktatás financiális háttere a középkorban és a korai újkorban
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    Az ELTE Egyetemtörtneti Kutatócsoportja új kötettel jelentkezett 2019-ben, mely nem a már jól ismert és rendkívül értékes adatbázisokat tette elérhetővé a szakma számára, hanem az oktatás pénzügyi kérdéseivel foglalkozó tanulmányokat publikálta. A cikkek többsége közé pkori, kisebb részben kora újkori témával foglalkozik. A szerzők a téma nagyon sokféle szegmensét világították meg, rengeteg érdekes adatot közöltek az olvasókkal

  • Centenáriumi kalendárium
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    A CENTENARY CALENDAR. In the previous issue of our periodical the proceedings of the Opening Event of the Series of Centenary Programmes of the University of Debrecen were given a detailed presentation. he current assortment ofers a chronological introduction of the most important university events of the Centenary Year of 2012. he calendar can make mention of a wide selection of respective programme events: in addition to various festive commemorations, exhibitions and conferences there is a salutation of the university’s irst Olympic champion, further sports and festival events are also mentioned.

  • Tisza István emlékezete
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    The Remembrance of István Tisza. The statue of István Tisza was erected in October 2015 in front of the main building of the University of Debrecen. The text conjures up the memory of the onetime name-giver of the university by depicting the events of the festive occasion of the erection and by offering retrospective flashes pertaining to the history of the statue.

  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950-1990. III. rész
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    THE ARCHONTOLOGY OF THE KOSSUTH UNIVERSITY III.: INSTITUTE OF HUNGARIAN LITERATURE AND LINGUISTICS (1950–1990). he archontology of the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Natural Scienences, and of the so called central units of the University of Debrecen between January 1, 1950 – December 31, 1990 was written based on the personal data from the Rector’s Oice supplemented by the documents of the Department of Administration concerning the less documented 50s. he existing documentation is not full, therefore the archontolgy cannot really be compiled with a 100% accuracy. he third part provided the complete list of the teachers and staf of the Institute of Hungarian Literature and Linguistics including everybody from Head of the Institute to the oice administratiors.

  • Szoboravatás - Nyirkos István mellszobrának avatása
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    The Inauguration of the Bust of István Nyirkos. A memorable educator of recent decades has been the well-liked and popular Professor of Linguistics István Nyirkos (1933–2013), whose memory is enhanced by a statue erected on the sports ground of the Athletic Club of the University of Debrecen on October 5, 2016. In his inauguration speech, fellow professor István Bitskey conjured up Professor Nyirkos’s career, in which the harmony between sports and scholarship, intellectual accomplishment and physical culture not only complemented each other but may also have served as an example for members of the academic community. The outstanding athlete and the excellent linguist did not refrain from taking an active role in the management of higher education sports, which fact has been recognized by conferring the title of perennial president of the University Athletic Club upon him. His statue could not stand at a more appropriate location than the grounds of his third home.

  • Szabó Árpád klasszikus filológus, tudománytörténész életrajzi kronológiája Születése 100. évfordulójának tiszteletére
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    THE BIOGRAPHY OF ÁRPÁD SZABÓ CLASSICAL PHILOLOGIST AND HISTORIAN OF SCIENCE. his collection of data reviews the most signiicant events of the long career of Árpád Szabó (1913–2000), an internationally recognized classical philologist and historian of science. He worked as a university teacher at the University of Debrecen, later moved to Budapest, but due o his role in the 1956 hapennings, he did not get a chance of teaching in Hungary until the 1990s. From the end of the 1950s he was an associate at the Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Science, and during this period, against his political background, he had a compelling scientiic career. he chronology reviews his most important works, his lectures
    abroad and his role in the international scientiic circles.

  • A Debreceni egyetem nyolcvanéves Főépülete (Három rövid beszéd)
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    THE MAIN BUILDING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN IS EIGHTY YEARS OLD: THREE SHORT SPEECHES. The first speech was delivered by Tibor Fényi, Director of the Miksa Róth Museum, on February 3, 2012, in the State Assembly Hall of the Main Building, on the occasion of celebrating the restoration of the ornamental stained-glass windows of the Assembly Hall. hematically linked with the irst one, the second speech, given on March 15, 2012, by Tamás Gesztelyi, Professor of Latin Studies and Art History introduced a volume jointly produced by photographer József Hapák and Secretary-General of the University Mónika Rői, on the subject of the stained-glass windows, appreciating the windows from the angle of art history. he third speech was also delivered by Professor Tamás Gesztelyi; this speech was delivered on May 15, 2012, at the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition arranged by Professor of Geography Péter Csorba, entitled he spirit of the place: our main building is 80 years old.

  • A debreceni Tisza István-Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának közreműködése levente egészségügyi tanfolyamok megszervezésében – Jeney Endre professzor javaslata 1937-ből
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    THE INVOLVMENT OF MEDICAL FACULTY OF THE TISZA ISTVÁN UNIVERSITY IN THE ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL COURSES FOR PALADINS – THE SUGGESTION OF PROFESSOR ENDRE JENEY FROM 1937. At the end of 1936 Elemér Vargha, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, who was the city representative of the Hungarian Red Cross, contacted first the Faculty of Medicine of the Tisza István University to teach medical courses for paladins. Endre Jeney, the professor of economics prepared a detailed plan for two diferent age groups for 12–12 course periods. he detailed plan includes the description of course subjects, provides the schedule, the names of teachers and nurses. At the end, the course was not realized.

  • A Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetem első rektora: Kiss Ferenc (1862–1948)
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    Professor Ferenc Kiss Was the First Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen.Through delving into the relevant biographical data and publishing his salutatory oration of 1914, the author recalls reminiscences of Ferenc Kiss, the outstanding professor of theology, who was the first rector of the one-time University of Debrecen.

  • Adalékok Pap Károly tanári portréjához
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    THE PERSONALITY AND STAMINA OF KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE IN THE EYES OF HIS STUDENTS. he essay describes Károly Pap, the irst professor of literature at the University of Debrecen and a main representative of the positivist literature research, as a teacher based on the reminiscences of his former students. Among the literature researchers after 1948, he was considered – rather undeservedly – a negativ igure in the history of the University. Most of the people remembered him as cold and distant teacher with aristocratic behaviour. he essay demonstrates the professional taste of the wrongfully underestimated professor in literature, and draws a iner picture about the conlicting personality of Károly Pap.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 III. rész: Klinikák 2.
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    The Assista nt Personnel of the School of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 3: The Clinics 2. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the School of Medicine were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this third part, the assistant personnel of the following clinics is registered: Clinic of
    Internal Medicine, Clinic of Surgery, Clinic of Otolaryngology, Polyclinic of Stomatology; and other institutes: University Pharmacy, the X-Ray Institute, the Institute and School of Nursery.

  • Tombi Beáta: Tudomány és ismeretterjesztés a XVII-XVIII. századi Itáliában.
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    Hol lehet meghúzni a határvonalat tudományos és ismeretterjesztő irodalom között? Melyek azok a kritériumok, amelyek segítségével elválaszthatók egymástól a tudományos és az ismeretterjesztő szövegek? Ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ új könyvében Tombi Beáta, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Olasz Tanszékének oktatója, a kérdéskör ismert kutatója, melynek ismertetésére Pete László vállalkozik.

  • A debreceni KLTE archontológiája II. Matematikai Intézet (1950–1990)
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    ARCHONTOLOGY OF THE KOSSUTH UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN 1950–1990 2. PART. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS. he archontology of the Faculties of the Natural Sciences and the central units of the Kossuth University between January 1, 1950 – December 31 was prepared on the basis of the personal documents of the Human Resources of the Rectorate supplemented by the chronological documents of the Human Resource Department. he existing documents are not complete, therefore the archeontology cannot be drawn up completely. he second part introduces the teaching and administrative staf of the Institute of Mathematics in chronological order including everybody from the head of the institute to the administrator.

  • Egy kis egyetemtörténet anekdotákban
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    THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY IN STORIES. he writing remembers the teachers of the Reformed heological Faculty of the Debrecen University in anecdotes. he work and academic activities of the cited professors are commemorated through interesting stories and funny anecdotes. he author describes these professors amicably and amusingly as nice people who seem sometimes rigorous or eccentric, and who strived to maintain the high quality of academic work.

  • Egyetemi legendárium – emlékek, töredékek a debreceni tudományegyetem történetéből III. rész
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    Memoirs of László Vince, Part iii. László Vince was first employed by the University of Debrecen in 1951, as a stenographer at the University Study Notes Office. When this office was dismantled, from 1952 he worked at the Registrar’s Office of the School of Arts. In 1956 he was transferred to the Rector’s Office, where, in 1972, he was promoted to head the department of international programs. This position, which he held until his retirement in 1990, was actually equivalent to the rank of rector’s secretary. During his
    years of employment he acquired an enormous amount of experience, which was partly due to the fact that in the 1950s he could still talk to the representatives of the previous political order. His detailed but strongly subjective reminiscences – supplemented with necessary footnoting pertaining to the sources used – is published here as the third part of three interrelated texts.

  • Hírek a korabeli sajtóban a DEAC történetének legkorábbi időszakából
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    Az igaztalan trianoni diktátum esztendejében már több sportágban is versenyeztek a DEAC sportolói. Az alábbiakban, olykor az eredeti helyesírás szerint közölve, ábécé- és időrendbe szedve kerülnek bemutatásra az események. A hírek, információk fellelhetősége mindenhol feltüntetésre kerülnek.


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    A kötet nemcsak hiánypótló, hanem Szögi László életművének összegzése is. Több mint harminc éve kutatja a magyar diákok külföldi tanulmányainak nyomait. A könyvben bemutatott adatok a középkortól 1919-ig mintegy 101 ezer beiratkozó adatait dolgozták fel, és az adattárak és az abból létrejött számítógépes adatbázis egy Európában, de még talán a világon is egyedülálló gyűjtést tartalmaznak, melyek éppen az életpályák iránt érdeklődők számára fognak a jövőben is nagyon hasznos segítséget nyújtani.


  • Miskolci Csulyák István peregrinációs albuma
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    A láthatóan megszerkesztett kerek történet voltaképpen azt beszéli el, hogy az ifjú Szenci Molnár a peregrinációs albumába (a latin eredetiben: liber, libellus) valamely nevezetes
    személyiség bejegyzését kéri, és ő annak szívesen tesz eleget

  • A Pannoniakutató Járdányi-Paulovics István (1892–1952)
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    István Járdányi-Paulovics (1892–1952), Researcher of Pannonia. István Járdányi-Paulovics’s professional interest first turned to the study of the remains of Egyptian cults in Pannonia. His excavation work began in Intercisa, later he continued this activity in Brigetio and Savaria. In all three cases he produced memorable results despite the fact that subsequent excavations often failed to confirm his assumptions. In the case of Brigetio, he produced publications of enduring merit on the small bronze age and the analysis of the inscriptions of a law tablet. The most vivid interest was generated by the exploration of the excavations in the so-called Quirinus basilica in Savaria, which in the meantime has come to be regarded by more recent research as the palace of the procurator. His definition pertaining to the Capitolean Trias has been equally controversial. Between 1940 and 1952, at the University of Debrecen he invigourated the study of ancient history and of provincial archaeology.

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    Barta János könyvismertetője Péterffy Árpád-Péterffy Pál: Az erdélyi magyar orvosképzés és sebészet története című könyvről. A kötet négy érdemi fejezetet tartalmaz, kettőt közülük az erdélyi magyar orvosképzésnek, kettőt az ottani sebészet történetének szentelve.

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