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  • 25 years in the geroeducation: Facts with subjective background

    Több mint 50 éve kezdtem orvosi hivatásom gyakorlását. Az orvos a teljes értékű
    gyógyításban az emberrel, mint bio-pszicho-szociális egységgel kell foglalkozzék, azaz
    holisztikus szemlélettel kell megközelítse az egészséggel kapcsolatos problémákat.
    Tevékenységem mindennapi gyakorlata rávezetett erre – a ma már sokat hangoztatott, de a
    valóságban kevéssé megnyilvánuló – mentalitásra. 35 éve, amikor egy főleg időseket ellátó
    kórházi osztály vezetője lettem, egyértelművé vált számomra, hogy ez a szemlélet különösen
    érvényes az idős korosztály kezelése során. Az is evidenssé vált, hogy nem a már a
    megbetegedett, elaggott idősnél kell kezdeni az odafordulást, hanem amikor még fiatalabb,
    egészségesebb és még tud tenni azért, hogy teljesebb életet éljen, gondoljon a későbbi testi,
    lelki bajok megelőzésére és így majd később és kevésbé elesett állapotban igényel komolyabb
    kezelést. Ebben a folyamatban kiemelkedő szerepe van az ismeretek bővítésének, szorosabb
    (egészségügyi, idősödési tanácsadás), és tágabb értelemben (aktivitást találni időskorban)

  • Meaning for the years – thoughts about the social and human science gerontology

    The study consists of a theoretical and a practical part. Relying on the relevant literature and
    the practice of the world’s developed countries, the theoretical part outlines the social
    problems arising as a result of the increasing life expectancy. At the same time it seeks to find
    possibilities of solutions to these problems. It clarifies the notions of ageing and retirement
    age, Life Long Learning, and within this, the beneficial health effects of language learning. In
    addition, this part of the study introduces useful forms of activities that make sense and have
    meaning late in life. The empirical part describes the results of a survey made in Miskolc
    before the conference of gerontology in November 2017.

  • Idősoktatás felsőfokon

    Regarding active aging, this paper aims to reveal University related platforms of gerontoeducation in Hungary. Some aspects and specialties are reviewed, which can play a role in founding and operating a Senior University as well as to present new directions for the coming years to operate in a satisfactory way.

  • The impact of some elements of digitisation and education for the elderly - before the quarantine situation

    Digitalisation is one of the most important elements of the changes of the 21st century. The study describes the social impact of some areas of digitalisation, especially for the older generations. Beyond the health aspects there are two areas - the supporting power of the community and the fight against loneliness - which give the core of the social importance of the innovative solutions in Hungary.

  • Changes in digital skills of seniors during and after covid-19

    Since 2014, the Senior Academy of Pécs helps people over 60 with tools for active and successful aging. The activity of the academy was cut short by the COVID-19 epidemic, our work was relegated to the online learning space. Our research examined how the digital skills of our seniors changed during and after the quarantine, in 2021 and 2022. The study was carried out by online questionnaire (n=118, n=123). The survey revealed that the digital skills of 45% of the respondents improved, mostly in online shopping and administration. Most of the seniors learn ICT knowledge from their family members or friends. During the quarantine our students spent their time mainly reading and learning online, watching TV takes only 4%. 10% of them clearly experienced the epidemic situation as a loss: "the daily rhythm is missing". 6% of the respondents considered the current situation to be an advantage: their attitude towards learning improved, they were more forced to self-directed learning. The advantages of online education: flexibility in space and time, participation is safe, lectures can be watched any time. The most typical negatives are: the lack of community and discussion, and the fact that online education does not reduce loneliness.