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  • Generációk közötti feszültségek okai, csökkentésének lehetőségei

    The author is trying to discover the causes of tensions between the young and the old. She highlights the fields of cogitation and personal development, the differences and similarities between the two generations, furthermore, she offers alternative solutions to reduce the tensions. She explores the difficulties of the conditions of the young and the elderly. The author would like to achieve that different age groups would get to know each other’s problems, and functions of life stages. By revealing this she hopes to decrease the generation gap. Further aim is to promote the prevention of ageism and the approach of generations.

  • Democratic values – discriminative practices regarding to the status of the elderly

    The scientific study of gerontology in Hungary has a short history. Perhaps that is why the
    meaning of gerontology is erroneously restricted to the type belonging to biology and medical
    sciences by many. The present study argues that human and social science gerontology does
    have reasons for its existence. We outline the specific areas of research done by philosophy
    and ethics in connection with the situation of the existence of people, especially that of the
    elderly and describe what their mission consists of. We analyse the history of Western
    philosophical thinking and the moral ideas and values formed by this thinking in thousands of
    years. The basic principles of modern democratic societies are constituted by these ideas:
    liberty, equality, justice, brotherhood, human dignity and human rights. In practice these
    rights are often violated, for example the elderly people are discriminated against their age,
    which violates their equality and justice as well as human dignity. Their disadvantageous
    situation is obvious in the economy, politics, culture, education and relations between
    generations. The task of ethics is the principle criticism of these practices along the Western
    values thus contribution to the formation of human conditions. The demographic crisis of the
    continent is viewed by the EU as based on modern age policy, aids, projects and classical
    Western values.

  • Action for smart healthy age-friendly environments

    Smart, adaptable and inclusive solutions can help improve and support independent life throughout the course of life, regardless of age, gender, disabilities, cultural differences and personal choices.
    A holistic approach that optimizes social and physical environments, supported by digital tools and services, allows to provide better health and social care, promoting not only independent living, but also equity and active participation in society. This approach follows the United Nations' line-up, with the Sustainable Development Goals (in particular Objectives 3 and 11), stating that sustainable environments for all ages represent the basis for ensuring a better future for the entire population.
    The challenges of different sectors, such as ICT, the building industry and urban planning and the health and social care, as well as those of citizens and their communities are interlinked. Responding to these challenges will foster awareness and support for the creation and implementation of smart, healthy and inclusive environments for present and future generations.
    From this insight, a new concept was developed and well received: Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). The by the EC approved Thematic Network of 2018 evolved into a Stakeholders Network of about 170 organisations and it is represented in several European projects and networks. COST Action NET4Age-Friendly brings together over 320 researchers from 46 countries. Capacity building to support the implementation of SHAFE is present in Erasmus+ projects.

    The presentation will give an overview of relevant development and insights to support the building of smart, inclusive societies.

  • Growing Ageing Population and European Policies

    Introduction to Social change due to aged population

    Increased elderly population in Europe has many factors, it took decades what is happening now. Europe’s low fertility rate, Europe’s migration from developing to developed country, high life expectancy and immigration laws. The developmental strategies of G20 countries are significantly interlinked with the economic and population development policies. The recognition of ageing population is followed by the Japan’s ageing population process which is also mentioned in most of the Eu data on comparison for the ageing population strategies. It is a visible change that social and economic developments causes higher life expectancy and better health in Europe.
    The average middle age is increasing, and it is predicted about 4.5 years by 2019 to 2050 it may reach 48.2 years as European middle age. In the most developed parts of the world, elderly population was discussed long ago, and serious steps were taken for global improvements for older people. As the life expectancy increases dependency increases that creates pressure to fulfil the needs of elderly for health, socially, and economically. Increasing number of elderly populations, is actual rise in social, cultural, and economic responsibilities for welfare systems, health care systems and individuals. More elderly people, more reliance needed number of old age homes, elderly rehabilitation centers and Palliative care centers are increased.

    Population ageing is not a sudden change in population, but it took decades to consider about the population phenomenon. The European social change has major cause of ageing population that may has dark impact to the future perspective. In current situation birth rate is low, mortality rate is also low and life expectancy is high which is creating a lot pressure on the economic growth and to run the economic cycle the labour force is insufficient, health care systems are updating each year since COVID pandemic and system failure was visible in many OECD countries as well in such condition there is a lot more pressure on the women to balance birth ratio at the same time women is considered as “Sandwich Generation” by some of the European researchers, women cares for the both younger and the older generation nowadays.

    Such ageing population determinants push the policy makers to design such policies and laws to combat this situation to secure future generations. Some of the EU policies to promote Active ageing and solidarity between generations, Silver Economy project to provide elderly jobs to decrease dependency ratio and Healthy ageing programs are running but still there is long way to show up positive results if migration policies will not be softened at certain points to keep achieving sustainable development goals in Europe.

  • The impact of some elements of digitisation and education for the elderly - before the quarantine situation

    Digitalisation is one of the most important elements of the changes of the 21st century. The study describes the social impact of some areas of digitalisation, especially for the older generations. Beyond the health aspects there are two areas - the supporting power of the community and the fight against loneliness - which give the core of the social importance of the innovative solutions in Hungary.

  • The questions of the living conditions of the elderly

    Ahhoz, hogy az időskor jövőjéről képet alkothassunk, fel kell tárni az adott jelen időben és
    helyen az időskor előzményeit, amiben s ahogy az egyén, a csoport, a társadalmi réteg az
    időskort elérte, eléri, valamint a jelenben azokat a feltételezhető társadalmi, gazdasági
    átalakulásokat a jövőben, amelyekre a trendek mutatnak. Az időskorúak társadalmát
    heterogén társadalmi rétegek alkotják, amelyekben azonos, többnyire közel azonos, az
    időskori lét általánosítható egészségügyi, mentális, a családi közösségi kapcsolatokban,
    hasonló állapot változások történnek, folyamatok indulnak meg. Ugyanakkor az időskorúak
    összességét számos elválasztó létfeltételi, vagyoni, ideológiai, műveltségi állapot tagolja,
    amelyeket tovább bont a nemek eltérő társadalmi aktivitása, közösségekben való részvétele.
    Az utóbbi évtizedben számos kezdeményezés indult, illetve erősödött fel az azonosságok és
    különbségek feltárására, elemzésére, az időskorúak életminősége, társadalmi aktivitása
    fejlesztése, a káros folyamathatások perfektibilis kezelésére, azonban az átfogó, minden
    rétegre kitérő megoldások messze nem érik el a kívánatos szintet, nem biztosítják az
    időskorúak korunkban megkövetelhető létfeltételeit, társadalmi aktivitását.

  • The Role of Elderly Generation in Generational Turnover of Family Farms

    One of the greatest risks of a family farm is the succession of the farm. It is also backed by the fact that 2/3 of the companies do not survive the generational turnover. However, several farm risk their survival by not planning succession. Predecessors play a major role in the succession process. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine the role of the elderly generation in generational turnover of family businesses based on earlier empirical research. The predecessors continue to play a symbolic role after succession and thus have a profound impact on corporate culture, values and performance. The predecessors have extensive farming experience but are inexperienced in succession. Several of them contemplate on retirement, but few actually get to action. In conclusion, the core benefit of family farms is that, ideally, they remain in the control of a family for generations, thus allowing tens of years of experience and knowledge to be concentrated in the leader. Therefore, we should not forget that the silver generation is worth gold!

  • About the questions of consumer protection of elderly people: Kerekasztal beszámoló
    Round table discussion on elderly consumer protection issues.
  • Elderly Service Officer Trainings

    Introduction One of the challenges that stands before the aging population is the integration and mental and physical wellbeing of the elderly, and building the culture of active ageing. Meeting this challenge requires the activity of professionals who, in alliance with the work and services of the local governments, will become able to organise programmes that meet the needs and demands of the older citizens.

    This objective is targeted by the Elderly Service Officer Trainings provided by Family-Friendly Country Public Beneficiary Ltd.

    Methods: Our goal is to enable future Elderly Service Officers to actively contribute and enforce lawful practice to preparing, organising and implementing local civil programmes that target active aging; to recognise the special needs of the older citizens; and to orient within the legal environment of the programmes for the elderly. They should become able to co-operate efficiently with local government officials and NGOs supporting active ageing.

    Training topics: 1. Active ageing and mental wellbeing, 2. Community development, networking, volunteering, 3. Environment for active ageing, 4. Planning and implementing elderly friendly programmes.

    As regards to monitoring effectiveness, above activity indicators, we survey the changes of attitudes among trainees, and further activities of the Elderly Service Officers. The effectiveness studies are in progress.

    Results: Since May 2019, 16 study groups with 238 attendees have been launched (11 in Budapest és 5 on the countryside), and 12 groups have finished, yielding 144 certified trainees. We are planning a further set of 23 groups for 2021, in order to achieve the planned number of participants of 1000.

    Discussion: Further development of the training will depend on our future results.

    Supported by: Grant No. EFOP-1.2.6-VEKOP-17-2017-00001, „Family Friendly Country Project.


    L Patyán, JI Tóth, AM Tróbert, R Wernigg: Methodology to Aid the Community Inclusion and Person-Centered Care of Older Generations. Family-Friendly Country Public Beneficiary Ltd., 2019.

  • Ageless quarantine yoga - Escape to Yogaland in the time of pandemic

    Nowadays it is expansively recognised that practicing yoga can improve the quality of life by providing appropriate physical training exercises which can be performed by every age group. Yoga practitioners of the older generations beside maintaining their physical activity can heal  their sense of balance which decreases the hazard of off-balance and fall.

    During the years of my yoga teaching I met the representatives of every age group at my classes. I led kids yoga courses for preschool children, dynamic flow sequences for trained yoga practitioners, but I did have students over 70 years old who insisted to join an intermediate level hatha yoga class even if they had gone through serious illnesses and operations in the past and they were not able to hold each postures.

    I have experienced that the elderly people are very grateful for the healing that yoga gives them and for the careful attention whereby the yoga instructor tailors the yoga asanas and sequences according to the physical condtitions, state of health and capabilities of each individual.

    At the yoga instructor courses the contraindications of asanas and defining the anatomic and physiological backround of injuries and the physical limitations of each practitioner are emphasized intensively. This comprehensive teacher training and the continuous monitoring guarantee the safety. The instructor faces the mutations and the loss of physical and psychical balance in the the reality, at the yoga classes. Practice makes the master! It is more than true is yoga. Gaining practical experience the instructor can handle the special situations and needs with growing confidence applying yoga props (strap, yoga blocks, chair etc.), modifying the asanas, and using the power of words to motivate the students.

    Supported by my friends I created The Force Yoga Group Facebook site in April , where I have been leading yoga classes since then. It is a great place to meet my yoga practitioning friends, my family members, my elderly parents and in defieance of quarantine and lockdown to practice yoga together, at the same time. Our magical yoga carpet is a tranquil island to where we can escape from the raging pandemic, where we can start our inner journey in the time of the outer movelessness.

    The online practice team has already more than 100 members. It is an intercultural and intergenerational group. I knew I had no information of the health conditions, the perfection of yoga practice of each group member, and with many of them I had not practiced together in person (offline), so I had to call their attention to the rules of safe yoga practice constantly and acutely. At the beginning and at the end of the online sessions I dedicate some sentences to it, during practice I try to instruct precisely to protect them from the injuries. The verbal correction playes here a very important role.

    My online students can be informed about the topic from the scientific articles I share on our page from time to time.

    I am aware of the fact that an avarege home is not a well-equipped yoga studio, so  I show online how to use the furniture, fixtures and everyday objects as yoga props.

    A shorter, 30-45 minute Chair Yoga Class is the part of our weekly program as well, especially for those members who struggle with balance poses or get weak easily.

    In private messages the students send me their observations, remarks, questions  and requests. Some of them experience pain or tension in certain asanas, so we try to find out together the reason of it and to correct and to set the posture. A 75 year-old student of mine asked me to build a yoga sequence of simple breathing exercises and stretching asanas which can be performed by anyone.

    Many feedbacks speak about how big inspiration is to watch my everyday practice and my enthusiasm is pushing the spectators to their yoga mat. There are older practitioners who perform the breathing and warm up exercises sitting on a chair, and it means already 15-20 minutes of  physical training.

    During lockdown there are 4-5 online yoga sessions weekly, the videos are available anytime. The regular practice becomes a sure point in the life of the members, there is something to look forward to, even if there is no stimulus to receive from the outer world. In this online yoga space you can get new friends, through the comments you can share your ideas and suddenly you belong to a yoga community.

    The stress relieving classes I close with  Yoga Dream (yoga nidra) relaxation which is an at least 20 minutes of visualization, an imaginery journey interlarded by positive affirmations while body and mind are calming down.  Such a mini meditation does not require any intensive physical activity but breathing. I could mention many other positive increments that occured creating The Force Yoga Group, but quoted the great yoga master, B.K.S. Iyengar:

     “Words cannot convey the value of yoga – it has to be experienced.”

  • A Sóstó-Gyógyfürdők Zrt. kínálata az idősödő generációknak

    Analyzing the age pyramid of Hungary, we can see that we live in an aging society, due to which the older generations are becoming more and more important in the medical tourism sector. The largest group of medical tourism is the elderly over the age of 60, who most often visit spas with musculoskeletal disorders. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is especially rich in spas, the Sóstó Spa, which is our spa of international significance, also stands out. The aim of the Sóstó Spa is to play a role in maintaining and improving the health of health tourists, in developing a bathing culture, and in spending a pleasant and useful leisure time.

  • Social security and safety of older adults in Poland

    Poland’ population will be ageing at a fast rate in the coming decades. It is projected that in 2070 the Polish ratio between people aged 65 and over and those aged 15-64 years will be 62.6, the highest among EU-27 countries. Population ageing appeared in the public debate in Poland as a separate subject in the 1990s, following a negative natural population increase and the looming impact of the massive withdrawal of baby boomers from the labour market on the pension system. One of the reasons for older persons’ growing interest in retirement was pension system reforms planned by successive governments.

    The announcement of the year 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations (decision no. 940/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2011) contributed in Poland to the emergence of a senior policy from a social policy and initiated major legislative, institutional, and organisational changes at the national, regional and local levels of government. It also inspired the redefinition of measures used hitherto in line with the evolution in the perception of older people from social care recipients to active members of their communities entitled to education and economic, social, civic and political activity. In 2013, the Senior Policy Council was established as a consultative and advisory body to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and then similar councils supporting regional and local authorities were organised.

    In order to encourage greater activity among seniors, a special governmental programme was created in December 2013, which grants funds on a competitive basis to projects concerning social activities, education, and intergenerational cooperation submitted by informal and formal groups of seniors.

    The national government’s key documents on senior policy, one for the period from 2014 to 2020 and the other spanning the years until 2030, are Resolution 238 of 24 Dec. 2013 by the Board of Ministers on the Adoption of Long-term Senior Policy in Poland for the Years 2015-2020 and Resolution 161 of 28 Oct. 2018 by the Board of Ministers on the adoption of Social Policy Towards the Older Persons 2030. Security-Participation-Solidarity. In 2015, the Polish Parliament passed the elderly people act, which requires institutions in charge of the well-being of older persons to monitor and report on their situation. The reports submitted by the institutions are used by the Ministry of Labour to compile and present an annual evaluation of the status of the older population in Poland.

    The regional governments’ senior policy is reflected in their social policy strategies. The strategies’ operational goals started to address needs specific to older people since 2002, focusing in particular on improving their quality of life, developing round-the-clock care services, at-home care services, and rehabilitation services, and on reducing social exclusion and marginalization of seniors.

    Social security and the safety of older adults are progressively improving in Poland, but the greatest progress has been made in the area of active ageing. Social care services for the elderly still require improvement, because the predominant family care model is inefficient in many ways due to:

    • limited financing of care services by public institutions,
    • the growing proportion of single elderly persons,
    • the increasing number of people aged 85+ (the so-called double population ageing),
    • social insurance disregarding long-term care to an elderly family member as an insurable risk,
    • a lack of legislation allowing employed people to seek a long-term leave to give care to an older family member,
    • the informal expectation that women who retire at the age of 60 years will take care of the oldest family members.

    While neither the scale nor the quality of home care services given to older persons is regularly surveyed in Poland, it can be presumed that the scale of care services is insufficient and that they excessively burden families with a member in need of care. Between 2010 and 2018, the number of persons aged 65+ increased in Poland by over 1.5 million, the number of the users of attendance services and specialised attendance services by 29,000 (from 99,000 to 128,000), and the number of residences in homes and facilities providing assistance to aged persons by 7,000 (from 20,000 to 27,100.)