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  • Tracking the Tunnels of Szolnok Castle (Data to the history of a forgott en excavation)

    There was a recurring news in Szolnok that beneath the castle tunnels could be found. Finallythe Arti sts’ Colony of Szolnok (the Pólya brothers, Ferenc Chiovini, Lajos Jancsó director) initiated an excavati on in 1934 to clarify the situati on. It was reported at the end of May 1935 when the excavati on closed that remains of a 600-700 year-old church was unearthed in the castle parish garden and the supposed entrance of the tunnel could be the crypt of that church. However the parish-priest made the work stop because the parsonage wall was att ached to the church and he feared for damages. Presumably the documentati on of the excavati on was perished in 1944 with the documents of the Art Associati on. The amateur excavati on was not identi fi ed during the excavati ons in 1973 and today’s archaeologists in Szolnok do not know the bygone events. However data comparison shows that the two excavati ons
    touched two diff erent parts of the same archaeological object (the Ott oman mosque and the old gothic Christi an church), so thus they belong together. When the local media talks about the possible restorati on of Ott oman-Turkish buildings in Szolnok it is not needless to analyze that excavati on because the remains can easily conceal the oldest building of Szolnok.

  • Application of bioeffector soil inoculation method development in a pot experinment with tomato

    Fertilizers, pesticides, soil disinfectants and other agrochemicals enormously have increased the agricultural productivity recently. Beside the well-accepted positive yield-effects, however, the structural soil-degradation, acidification, decrease of soil life and soil health is also known. Alternative technologies are urgently needed to develop for the sustainable agri-, horti-, viti- and silvicultural productions. The beneficial microorganisms, used as biofertilizers, biopesticides and/or soil-vitality products can reduce those disorders; therefore their use is increasing simultaneously. Bioeffector (BE) products, containing vital strains of the beneficial microorganisms might improve the qualitative and quantitative properties of the plants. The effects of BE1 - Trichoderma harzianum T-22; BE2 - Pseudomonas sp.; BE3 - Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Rhizovital 42 F1 were tested in large-pot experiment of using tomato (var. Mobil) in 4 replicates. The BE-s were applied according to the instructions of the producers, in 1 step with the sewing. Before the emergence of the tomato seedlings the BE products was enhancing primarily the growth of the weeds, which is known to develop much faster, than the host. Among the tested bioeffectors, the BE 3, known to enhance P-uptake proved to be the most efficient, both as single and as combined inoculums. Result was comparable with the fertilizer (triple-superphosphate) addition. Study has shown, that the application of BE products might be accompanied more seriously with the used agricultural technology and the physiological properties of the living biofertilizer strains. A second inoculation after the seed emergence and/or the plantation could be highly suggested mainly with BE 3, which might mobilize the hardly available phosphorous in the soil.

  • Credit papers in Hungary. An overview

    The study focuses on the credit paper market’s revival and its development after the change in the political system. The bond appeared as early as the beginning of the 80s in the years of socialism. Its basic mission was to rearrange the household savings, making them available for the corporate and municipal sphere. These investments were basically risk-free. The change in the political system reshaped this market fundamentally. The government papers became dominant and, in addition to bonds, treasury bills entered the market. Its main function, even today, is to finance the budget and pay the instalments and interests in relation with the already accumulated debts. In 2010 perhaps a new age started: two corporate bonds entered the market. Both of the two corporations have realised another issue since then and they seem to have followers as well. The economic slowdown and the low rate of bank crediting may help to boost this market.