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  • Sopron−Fertő, as a priority tourism development area

    In 2016, the organizational management of tourism in Hungary has changed, the basis of which was defined in the CLVI. Tourism Development Act of 2016. The law puts the focus of tourism development on the tourist areas, which aims to make the destinations able to renew their competitive travel offers in the short term for both foreign and domestic guests who are looking for experiences or have higher specific spending. One of the five priority tourism development areas named by the Government until September 2017 is the Sopron-Fertő destination. Based on the 122 completed questionnaires, it can be stated that five towns (Sopron, Bük, Hegykő, Fertőd and Nagycenk) in the Sopron-Fertő priority tourism development area are known among households participating in domestic tourism.

  • Study of employee performance measurement, evaluation and management practices in tourism and catering companies in Szeklerland(with special reference to Harghita county)

    As a resource, people are one of the most important factors in the modern economy. From a subjective measurement approach, it can form the basis of business performance measurement. In this research, I am looking for answers to the question: what does business practice show, and how consistent is it with theoretical findings? The results of the research show that companies operating in the hospitality sector in Harghita County are consistently aware of the fact that employee performance contributes greatly to company performance.  For this very reason, employee guidance, performance monitoring and feedback are considered significantly important. Employee performance is measured and evaluated informally, often on a monthly basis. The standardised, formal form of measurement, on the other hand, is only done annually, from time to time when necessary. However, its frequency increases significantly with the size of the company. Companies are moderately satisfied with the current employee performance measurement and evaluation. They are therefore aware that there is room for improvement. In their opinion, the introduction of a performance management system in the future would make a significant contribution to solving the problems discussed in the research. In doing so, it would also contribute to the improving of the company's business performance at the same time. Our development objective could be to provide guidance in this area for the future.


    Both tourist service providers and tourism developers it is becoming increasingly important to take into account the generational aspects. Generation’s problem is classically related to the activity of human resource management as a factor for employees involved in providing personal services appearing an integral part of the supply. The second one, but not the secondary aspect is related to the generational characteristics of demand that should be reflected in the supply of services. Generational demand characteristics are identified by a primary, question-based method, and the supply was analysed by observation generations’
    specific tourist products. Comparing the obtained results leads to the conclusion about the adaptation to the generation needs.