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  • The Conception of the Philosophical and Social Scientific Trend of Psychology in Hungary in the 1900s

    In Hungary, the science of psychology separated early in the XX. century using three trends: the tradition of social science emerged from the philosophy, the psychoanalytic trend was born in the healing and the natural science in the children-experiments. Famous representatives of the philosophical trend were Szüts, Ribot, Pikler, Leopold, Kornis, Posch. We can recognise the concepts of the human inner processes, the cognition and the soul activity of the early psychology
    from their publications.

  • Facilitate for Talented Students in Higher Educai on by Counceling Psychology Methodology

    Personality development and learning support are the fi elds of the psychological counselling, which can help to every student in the higher educai on, and are pari cularly important for the talented young people. The unfolding of the genius means the complex development of the personality, the explorai on and the conscious and direci onal development of the strengths and weaknesses. This is not a trouble free process and it is also not a simply task to take on the
    external viewer posii on. The counsellor can help to the students and can produce the chance for the development to the genius young people with the method of the personality development and the learning support.

  • The Examination of the Factors Influencing the Tween Segment’s Consumer Behaviour and Attitude towards Advertisements

    The importance and the relevance of the topic based on consumption psychology and advertising psychology can be approached from several aspects. The actors of business life managed to achieve that young people have become one of the most important target markets. Namely nowadays children and youngsters have been the most preferred target market, they are the  future (consumers). Apart from this we live in a consumer society where goods are characteristically not only the tools of need fulfilment, but important influencing factors at the same time that form the basis of the formation of social status differences. In our present paper we examine that in 2015 in the web age how members of generation Z approach the subject of advertisements, what type of attitudes they have, and how these formulate their consumer behaviour or what are the motivating factors influencing nowadays’ teens when a customer decision is made. Hence our aim is to examine the consumer and media usage behaviour, the influencing factors, the motives, brand priority and attitudes towards advertisements of the tween segment living in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.