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  • Is startup may be the solution for climate change?

    Today, unemployment is caused by environmental and economic changes are burning quite a problem around the world. With startups over the past 10 years, the economy is showing more and more increasing trend, so why not make it against the climate change fight, even while the young entrepreneurs also support the economy. There are many things to do, which is still untapped, including the use of geothermal and renewable energy resources, which not only
    reduced dependence on foreign countries, but also new jobs could be created using environmentally friendly methods. The innovative emerging entrepreneurs’ maybe will soon find a solution for climate change, because this phenomenon is certainly all the inhabitants of the earth directly or indirectly exercise influence.

  • The Study Contract from the Point of View of the Labour Market and in Legal Respects

    Nowadays labour market demands are more often satisfied by concluding a study contract at workplaces. This contract may generate a number of benefits for the employer and the employee as well. Taking into consideration the above mentioned, the author strives to summarize the necessity and the advantages of the study contract from the point of view of the labour market; furthermore, the present paper explores how the study contract is regulated in the Hungarian
    Labour Code. The Code stipulates fewer provisions on the study contract compared with the former labour law regulation, so parties have a greater freedom of choice to conclude contractual provisions taking their special employment relationship and labour market demands into account. In order to avoid legal disputes among the parties concerned the author tries to pay attention to the more important questions which should be regulated in a study contract.