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  • The Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Employees Green Performance: An HRM Perspective

    The rising concerns of the influence of human actions on the environment has resulted in a growing focus in the field of management science, particularly Human Resource Management (HRM). The right direction of going green must be directly linked with Environmental, Economic, and social performance Also, the field of Green Marketing has recently gained significant interest from researchers and practitioners in the realm of consumer behavior. Marketing and HR are fundamental departments in any organization, and their collaboration is essential for the success and resilience of a business, especially if the focus on sustainable development. This research aim to identify the impact of GM on employees’ green performance (GP). Also, to enhance research efforts, and improve the search process for other researchers seeking relevant paper and future research. The research problem has been formulated with the question: Can green marketing impact employees’ green performance by adapting, implementing, and promoting environmentally conscious behavior and corporate sustainability. This article provides a systematic Literature Review of existing research as a methodology. This research found that business can use GM strategies to impact the employees GP. Therefore, promoting and encouraging environmentally conscious practices in the workplace and incorporating a “sustainable culture” will help employees feel healthier, more motivated to finish their work, easily communicating their ideas about best green practices, and more satisfied with the company.

  • To test the environmental load of the diesel engine with the use of fossil and alternative fuels

    The aim of this contribution is to define the effects of a new alternative diesel fuel mixture. Comparative measurements were carried out, by using normal diesel fuel, and alternative mixture. Vegetable oil and normal diesel were used to fabricate the new oil mixture. In this study the measurements and the analysis of the results will be presented. To compare the effect of the two fuel, diagrams were used.

  • The effect of the sporulated bacillus to the increase of the tomato and its yield

    Tomato contains high concentrations of lycopene and vitamin C that is important elements of healthy foods. In intensive production, many biotic and abiotic stress-factors are affecting the tomato, and they might be harmful also to the environment. Due to these pollution problems people are highly interested nowadays in the limited use of the agro-chemicals. Among the beneficial microbes, bioeffector (BE) microorganisms are used frequently in sustainable crop production. Bacillus strains can mobilize the hardly available phosphates in the soils, and therefore they can reduce the harmful effects of abiotic environmental stress factors. A bioeffector, containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 strain was used with tomato test plant (Solanum lycopersicon Mill. ’Mobil’) in pot and in field experiments. The length and weight of shoots and the weight and number of tomato fruits were tested in a biweekly periods. The treatment had positive effect on the length of shoots, the size and biomass of fruits both in the field and in the pots. Less beneficial impact was realized, however at the diverse ecological field conditions than at the controlled light chamber. Application of the Bacillus bieffectors can be helpful for the organic production of the tomato.


    The devastating impact of COVID-19 extends beyond health concerns; the coronavirus outbreak has rapidly transformed into an environmental, social and economic emergency. The global pandemic has prompted businesses to adopt innovative business models and re-strategize corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to cope with the global challenges triggered by COVID-19. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are hit the hardest as they lack adequate resources to strive in these difficult times. This paper is a review article that uses secondary data to analysis COVID-19 pandemic and the CSR of MSMEs' in Nigeria. The study concludes that COVID-19 has a significant effect on MSMEs' CSR. Therefore, the study recommends that CSR projects should be compatible with government policies and plans to have a wider and even more sustainable effect. CSR engagement would be more fruitful if MSMEs embrace collective corporate social responsibility.