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  • Ideas for Connecting Rural Communities

    People may feel alone, especially in the rural parts of modern countries. They may be unemployed or undereducated, or they can have a job and a family. One can find fewer entertainment or other cultural possibilities in a rural area. Connecting those who are disconnected can help them be better members of a community and of a church. The presenters represent two countries (USA and Hungary). It is evident that local USA communities have better internal connections than communities in Hungary. Helping people connect will help them feel important! Here is some useful advice and observations in order to improve the results of the rural communities: choose a logo or slogan (or both) for the community, survey local people, publish a local guidebook, promote local traditions, provide opportunities to participate and learn, provide „best practises”.

  • Tracking the Tunnels of Szolnok Castle (Data to the history of a forgott en excavation)

    There was a recurring news in Szolnok that beneath the castle tunnels could be found. Finallythe Arti sts’ Colony of Szolnok (the Pólya brothers, Ferenc Chiovini, Lajos Jancsó director) initiated an excavati on in 1934 to clarify the situati on. It was reported at the end of May 1935 when the excavati on closed that remains of a 600-700 year-old church was unearthed in the castle parish garden and the supposed entrance of the tunnel could be the crypt of that church. However the parish-priest made the work stop because the parsonage wall was att ached to the church and he feared for damages. Presumably the documentati on of the excavati on was perished in 1944 with the documents of the Art Associati on. The amateur excavati on was not identi fi ed during the excavati ons in 1973 and today’s archaeologists in Szolnok do not know the bygone events. However data comparison shows that the two excavati ons
    touched two diff erent parts of the same archaeological object (the Ott oman mosque and the old gothic Christi an church), so thus they belong together. When the local media talks about the possible restorati on of Ott oman-Turkish buildings in Szolnok it is not needless to analyze that excavati on because the remains can easily conceal the oldest building of Szolnok.