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  • An Agro-Economic Investment of Apple Orchards in Vojvodina

    There is a big tradition of apple producing in Bácskertes (Vojvodina, Serbia), but this cannot be declared for the intensive production. I have chosen the economic investments of the intensive apple plantation as the topic of my thesis, because of the later profitability of our family business that deals with apple producing as well. The establishment of the intensive apple plantation is the most extensive investment among the fruit types the return of which depends on several factors. In my thesis I deal with the economies of a plantation planted with the help of investment support. I carried out the research with the help of the producers’ data and special literature. In addition to it I did some research about the customers’ needs in the nearest market. As regards profitability I examined the plantation in the following respects: the NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), DPB (Dynamic Payback Period), and PI (Profitable Index).

  • Analysis of the ways of efficiency enhancement of transportation services in tourism

    Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing fi elds of the world economy. Owing to the relai vely low-cost capital investment necessary to set up and develop tourism business, high levels of payback rates, constantly rising magnitude of demand for tourist services, tourism business has recently been drawing the at eni on of not only its poteni al customers, but also of entrepreneurs. 

  • An economic study of a solar collector investment project with specific aspects of energy saving

    The energy saving properi es of an exisi ng solar collector investment has been assessed based on factual data and stai si cal methods. The seasonality of electricity, water and gas consumpi on has been determined. The number of guest nights, the electricity and gas consumpi on showed a strong and a moderate correlai on. The costs saved did not live up to the expectai ons, which makes the return indicators signifi cantly worse. The discrepancy may be due to the system being designed to be bigger than reasonable or the great energy loss as well. The lat er may be because of the distance between the collectors and the hot water containers. The system may have calibrai on problems as well. The whole area brings about saving an amount of energy that equals to HUF 851000, which translates into 8788 m3 of natural gas. The decrease of CO2 emission should come to 16.26 t. on an annual average.

  • Trends in the Construction Industry and in Building Public Utilities

    If one hears the word construction industry, one probably associates it with building a house, but the concept of construction industry covers a much larger area and can be divided into colourful periods. Architecture is the transformation of the built environment. On the one hand it is one of the branches of arts (applied arts), on the other hand it is one of the branches of engineering and technology disciplines. Nowadays, more and more environment-friendly technology is used in the construction industry, and already in the design stage a considerable emphasis is put on the use of renewable energy resources, in particular the use of solar cells. To measure the trends in the construction industry and in the building of public works we have also prepared a questionnaire which was filled in by 100 managers of enterprises.