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  • The Evolution of Sporting Consumption Habits among Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children and Adults

    In the manuscript, grounded in secondary research, I present literature reviews and statistics outlining the benefits and constraining factors related to the engagement in sports among socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals. Sports serve as a highly effective tool for facilitating social integration and ensuring equal opportunities. It is crucial to examine the sporting consumption habits of the disadvantaged target group and identify inhibitory factors to assist decision-makers in supporting measures for promoting equal opportunities. To alleviate social disparities, it is essential to establish conditions that guarantee long-term participation for everyone in economic and social life. Recognizing and promptly addressing disadvantages that manifest early in life are key factors for success in later life. Providing support to needy children, expanding their opportunities, and reinforcing a comprehensive system of child protection and well-being are fundamental for their successful integration into society.

  • The Problems of Adaptive Tourism’s Development in Russia

    In the article the problems of development of tourism for people with disabilities. Special attention is paid to the organization of transportation and accommodation services. Integration into society of persons with disabilities is part of the implementation of social responsibility of the tourism business.

  • Is there a Way out? Assessment of the Situai on of the Hungarian Poultry Sector?

    The topic of our presentai on is the assessment of the current situai on of the Hungarian poultry sector. According to a forecast issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), of all types of meat, poultry meat produci on may expand to the greatest extent over the period of 2011 to 2020. The quesi on is whether it is possible for Hungary to take advantage of this favourable situai on. We will outline the history of the poultry sector since the transii on period, the impact of the accession to the European Union and the current situai on and the problems of the sector. We will discuss the sector’s compei i ve disadvantages (drop in exports, growth of imports, technological backwardness, lack of sector strategy, underdeveloped integrai on etc.). We will also include other factors that make the situai on of the sector harder (energy prices, feed prices, tax system, black economy, etc.). Finally, we will examine the possible strategic steps to improve the situai on of the sector.


    The proportion of people with disabilities and changed functional work capacity has in-creased not only in the EU, but also in Hungary, with parallel studies showing an increasing trend. In our research, we examined the sporting habits of 8-18 year old children (N = 283) living with disability in the North Great Plain region, and asked about their experience with the supply elements of accessible sports facilities and integrated sports programs.

  • Examining the Leverage and Capital Structure of the Quasi Fiscal Sector in Hungary

    As regards the selection of the tasks of the municipality sector, the local authorities have freedom both according to the former and the current legislation. The advantages of performing tasks through companies owned by the municipality include the flexible adaptation to market conditions and integration into the relation network of the economy. Some research works have proved, however, that their operation is rather risky. In the frames of the research I reviewed the reports of companies and compared the indices formed, evaluating primarily the profitability, indebtedness, asset structure and solvency. In regard to the liabilities of the examined companies, the dominance of short-term liabilities, increasing receivables and the profitable management were clear phenomena in most cases within the sample.