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  • Comparison of early maturity maize hybrids in function of the average yield in year 2012

    The main goal of this scientific paper is the comparison of outstanding hybrids of the three largest, world-leading maize hybrid seed developers and suppliers (Monsanto, Pioneer and Syngenta) in function of the average yield and grain moisture. The author’s investigations were executed on a 600 hectare farm in the south of the Békés County in the extreme drought year of 2012. The examined hybrids were the DKC 4590 (FAO 360), the P9494 (FAO 390) and the NK Lucius (FAO
    330). All three hybrids fall under the early maturity group (FAO 300-399).

  • Kunhalmok védelmének helyzete Békés megyében

    Cumanian mounds, „kurgans” have a great importance in the history of the Carpathian Basin from cultural and nature conservai on, landscape, archaeological, botanical and zoological viewpoints. The kurgans are more thousands years nai onal values heritages. In Hungary these appear with the highest number in the fi eld of Great Hungarian Plain. Their size and relai ve height about 1-12 m. Unfortunately, the diff erent agricultural aci vii es resulted in their coni nuous degradai on and their number also decreased over the past centuries. There were remarkable changes in agricultural regulai on concerning Cumanian mounds in the EU – and in Hungary too – in 2010. They were declared protected landscape elements therefore they became part of cross-compliance. In our research we will check the results of the new regulai on in relai on to the changes in the state of Cumanian mounds in Békés County.