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  • Vocational Training, Labor Market and Immigration Policy in Russia

    In point of view of labour market the immigration has become the major factor in recent times. The main tasks of immigration policy: compensation of labour shortages in relation with demographic and aging population problems; to satisfy the long-term demand for labour in some business sectors; to ensure the labor supply of innovation-qualified investment processes; organizing of preparation of experts from requested profession; to limit the short-term unskilled
    labor immigration; creating the necessary conditions and broaden the opportunities for immigration for business use.

  • Transformation processes in the development of education in Russia

    This paper discusses the improvement of education in the Russian Federation in the period of transformation and modernization of the economy and social sphere and the direction of development of the resource potential, financial security and social and public administration in the learning domain. 

  • Vocational Training, Labor Market and Immigration Policy in Russia

    In point of view of labour market the immigration has become the major factor in recent ti mes. The main tasks of immigration policy: compensation of labour shortages in relation with demographic and aging population problems; to sati sfy the long-term demand for labour in some business sectors; to ensure the labor supply of innovati on-qualifi ed investment processes; organizing of preparati on of experts from requested profession; to limit the short-term unskilled
    labor immigrati on; creating the necessary conditi ons and broaden the opportuniti es for immigration for business use.

  • The Regional Features of Tourism in Russia: the Formation of Clusters

    In the present study we draw attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then we describe the current state and the specific features of the object of study. We expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer recommendations on the practical application of the expected results. The organizational model of the regional tourist cluster based on a two-element core, in the case of its practical
    application will improve the efficiency of the formation and development of clusters in a variety of service industries, and adapt them to the high variability of the environment. The improvement of scientific and methodological tools, the connection of economic and administrative resources provide a solid foundation for the development of the tourism sector, increase the investment activity of economic entities and increase the investment attractiveness of the economy at the regional level of government.