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Detailed analysis of the Szolnok Television reception opportunities and the habits of TV shows viewing
113-117Views:119The treatise deals with the the views and preferences after the changes of Szolnok Television reception opportunities. With the using of the survey’s results, it publish general result about the technical options of the Szolnok Television’s reception and about preferences and views of the visible programs by comparing the hungarian large commercial channels’ datas. Based on its own calculation methodology prepare a ranking of the discretion for the test channels and make
statements the Szolnok Television connected further development opportunities. -
Research about marketing of public services including customer satisfaction, considering the appearing tendency of environment conscious consumers in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
164-170Views:132Our research is targei ng the supplier companies operate in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The defi nii ons of public service and public ui lity service will be described in this ari cle. We examine how the County supplied with public ui lity services so we can have a bigger picture about how pleased or even unpleased are the people of the region about the services. Finally we discuss the subject mat er of markei ng aci vii es of public ui lity service companies. Is the sai sfaci on of customers an evidence for the assumpi on that there is limited contest between the ui lity service companies?
The Introduction of the SES-SESAR System and its Implementation Process in Hungary
185-193Views:90This paper introduces briefly the essence and the goals of the Single European Sky initiatives and the background and the purpose of the SESAR ATM research. The author reviews some innovative air navigation research already implemented in Hungary.
Examination of the heavy metal contant in urban soils in district XI. in Budapest
76-83Views:139The soils contaminant content is influenced mostly in the cities by antrophogenic effects, such as building operations, vehicular traffic, inefficient saverage or drainage problems, when different materials add to the soil. These materials location and movements are changing continuously in soils. The pollution degree depends on the distance from the surface, the composotion of the soil, the effect rate, the thickness of soil, the composition and proportion of soil-forming minerals. In our study the heavy metal contant in urban soils was examined in district XI. in Budapest, based on different chemical and mineralogical properties of soils.