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  • Applicability of Financial and Management Accounting Methods in the Practice of Corporate Assessment

    Corporate assessment features as an independent professional fi eld which in its operai on employs and integrates accouni ng, fi nance and marketing knowledge. THe globalisai on of the economy justifies the adopi on of applied methods, too. Having studied the methodology presented in international trade literature we can conclude that the work extends to several areas and its depends on several external factors. Whether its is possible to defi ne the value of a corporation accurately remains an eternal quesi on. Naturally, the answer is no; we can only give an estimate and aim to get as close to accuracy as possible.
    On the role of accountancy we can declare that Hungarian accouni ng methods are adequate to obtain the necessary fi gures; the data available in the system need only a minimum level of additional calculation.

  • The reasons of bee population’s decrease, its expected consequences, its effects on the environment

    Scientific studies prove that the bee population is showing regressive tendency worlwide. It is important to protect the bee families of the Hungarian bee masters together with the high quality bee products thereby protecting our environment and our lives. Preventing the problem is the most important objective. Already there are some taken actions to reduce or restrain the devastation of the bee population. A good example is the prohibition of some insecticides and seed dressings as well as the raising possibilities of the GMO vegetables in Hungary controlled by laws. Besides of this the right number of the quality bee pastures must be ensured. Using all the mentioned ones and the appropriate knowledge the growth of the bee population can be assured in the future as well. In my dissertation I’m looking for the reasions that could cause the reduction of the bee population, analyzing the possible effects and providing suggestions to find a way to balance the negative impacts.

  • Young Romani People in Higher Educatiton

    Are we prepared for the fact that young Romani people enter higher educati on in large numbers? Is the labour market ready for the recepti on of this newly appearing graduate group? Will these young people possess Romological knowledge acquired in higher educati on? Do we know what the Romani are like?