Controller szerepkör és szaktudás változása az Ipar 4.0 hatására
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The aim of my publication is to introduce the foundation and development of controller’s role in respect to the recent changes in the last 10 years due to implementation of Industry 4.0. This is connected to the exponential development of information technology, what made possible to store, proceed and analyze much more data (Big Data) than ever before. The new business information (BI) systems help reporting and analysis processes with interactive dashboard-based reports. New possibilities opened also in forecasting, due to more available data and higher computer capacities, where forecasting algorithms can be run rapidly and so more frequently, and more accurate forecasts can be prepared. The changes of course influence the requested professional skills and the role of the controllers in the companies, what I demonstrate in more details in my paper. At the end of my publication, I introduce the results of my empirical questioner based research about requested IT knowledge of controllers and their connection with automatization of company’s controlling processes.
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