The Analysis of Four Star Wellness Hotels’ Websites in Gyula
Copyright (c) 2013 College of Szolnok
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Nowadays people have been browsing the websites of accommodati ons before travelling to gather more informati on. A good website can be a good source of informati on and a good adverti sing tool if it is well-structured and easily understandable. That is the reason why resorts need to concentrate not only on their services but also on their own websites. My research study has two disti ncti ve parts. In the fi rst part I introduce the fi ndings of my questi onnaire-based survey focusing on the use of hotel websites by guests. Then in the second part I analyze and classify the websites of the four hotels in questi on. I also assess the
structure and the content of hotel websites; and fi nd out possibiliti es for their development and improvement.