
Working capital analysis of pharmaceutical companies in Central Europe

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Tömöri, G., & Horváth, R. (2024). Working capital analysis of pharmaceutical companies in Central Europe. Economica, 15(3-4), 1-13.

The pharmaceutical industry has huge market potential and investment opportunities, while pharmaceutical players also face a number of challenges, such as regulating the production and pricing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, protecting intellectual property and competing with other players. As a key sector of the Hungarian economy, the industry generates a significant share of GDP and has grown dynamically in recent years, the aim of our study is to compare the activities of Hungarian industry players with sectoral companies in other Visegrad countries, and thus to examine the similarities and differences in the liquidity management of the pharmaceutical industries in these countries. The analysis was based on the annual accounts of regional pharmaceutical companies for the period 2018-2022, extracted from the EMIS database.  The period covered included several globally significant events, and therefore our research also examined the impact of the coronavirus epidemic and the war in Ukraine on pharmaceutical companies and whether there were differences between the Central European countries. Overall, sectoral players in each of the region's countries were able to keep their indebtedness under control and, although Hungarian companies were able to manage the largest assets, by the end of the period the working capital efficiency of Polish companies was better than their regional competitors overall.

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