
Analysis of the socio-economic impact of the war on local governments in transcarpathia

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Gábor, P. (2024). Analysis of the socio-economic impact of the war on local governments in transcarpathia. Economica, 15(1-2), 97-112.

Since 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian war has been a major focus of everyday life and scientific research. From a Hungarian perspective, it has had a significant impact on the national economy. However, it is also important to monitor the socio-economic effects on the indigenous Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, which have profoundly affected their existence. The scope for analysis is wide, but the present study combines an analysis of the impact of the war with an examination of the so-called "small regions" that have been created in recent years and the population living there.

First, I will present a literature review on the socio-economic impacts of war in general. Then, using a sample of empirical research, I will analyze the situation of three small regions along the border of Transcarpathia in the period 2021-2023.

As a result of the research, it can be concluded that the differences between the local government groupings are not only influenced by their economic strength, demographic framework, and other social factors, but also by the timing of the study - whether it was conducted before the war, immediately after its outbreak, or a year and a half later. It follows that there is a measure of war exhaustion in society, both economically and psychologically, affecting hope for the future. Therefore, it would be important to have the possibility of reconstruction as soon as possible after the degrading state of war.

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