
Measuring intellectual capital through a company example

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Váradi, L., & Hamad, M. (2024). Measuring intellectual capital through a company example. Economica, 15(1-2), 1-13.

Our research aims to examine the “invisible value” found at UPC Magyarország Kft. Since Vodafone Magyarország Nyrt. announced the acquisition of UPC Magyarország Kft. in 2020. Our research is aimed at using different methods to determine the invisible assets, intellectual capital, and added value, which cannot be determined directly from the financial statements of UPC Magyarország Kft. Since the financial statements prepared based on accounting principles follow the principle of prudence, many assets (mainly intangible assets) are not shown in the financial statements, so they only become visible after the moment of acquisition. Three different methods were used to measure intellectual capital, then the results were compared. The three methods use different points of view to measure intellectual capital and approach the concept of intellectual capital from other points of view. The CIV method shows us the lack of intellectual capital in relation to the industry or the surplus value; The EVA indicator explicitly shows us the intellectual capital size; and the VAIC method the efficiency of intellectual capital.

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