
Netnographic study of the conscious internet appearance of hungarian and regional public transport companies

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Farkas, A. (2024). Netnographic study of the conscious internet appearance of hungarian and regional public transport companies. Economica, 14(3-4), 1-12.

There has been intense competition between companies in recent years to hire and retain employees. During the coronavirus epidemic, this competition intensified. In response to the changes in the labour market, this challenge on the part of employers requires new methods, and employer branding has increasingly come to the fore. With the reorganization of the communication channels, online appearance came to the fore, including the use of social networking sites for employers and employees. The subject of my study is the employer branding of companies interested in the public transport on the Internet, primarily on social media sites, including the popular Instagram site. The purpose of the study is to present the importance of employer branding in the online space, the topics that can be displayed on social media sites and the given reactions, and the effectiveness and impact of online appearance. In my research, I used the method of netnography to reveal the differences and similarities in the appearance of social enterprises, the subjects of my investigation were international and domestic transport companies. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that social enterprises are using social networking sites more and more widely and with increasing intensity in many topics, including employer branding, but effectiveness can be increased with a targeted appearance, since social topics and the display of content related to responsibility elicit measurable reactions. They also discovered that social media is a suitable interface for presenting company activities and creating an identity as a tool.

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