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  • The imbedding of a new faculty into the region: A complimentary study for the 10th anniversary of the foundation of economics training in Debrecen

    The article describes the situation of the Faculty of Economics, comparing it with other schools in the country, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of economics training in Debrecen. It analyses the regionality of the application recruitment and the job possibilities of graduate students.

  • Economics or economic science? A XX. század legfontosabb eredményei

    The fundamental question of this article is: wether the economics is science, and if it is, then can it be viewed as an independent science? The answer is looked for starting from the most
    important economic results of the last century. The author came to the conclusion that the mainstream economic theories of our days can be traced back to the works of Ramsey, Neumann and Haavelmo. The results of mathematics and natural sciences, especially physics greatly contributed to that it became science. All these are proven by means of Roy E. Weintraub’s so called historical reconstruction and Imre Lakatos’ rational reconstruction methods.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: B23, C10, C20

  • Human Resources Management in the Changes in Hungary In the Light of Two Consecutive Cranet Researches: Két egymást követő Cranet felmérés eredményei alapján

    Management, including Human Resources Management, has undergone major changes in Hungary since the economic and political changes of 1989. This area is even regarded as a field of continuous transformation. This study makes an effort to compare differences and similarities of specific features of Human Resources Management in Hungary in the light of two consecutive surveys, Cranet 2005 and 2008 (Cranet is an established group of top business schools and academic institutions, all collaborating to provide unique and rigorous data on human resource management practices across the world). According to these analyses, the study compares typical characteristics and practices of Human Resources Management in Hungary with major trends and tendencies of this field in 32 countries, including 6 countries from the Central and Eastern European region as well.

    JEL classification: J24, M1, M54