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  • Management Standards for Competency Management

    Nowadays the knowledge-based economy and organizational development is intertwined with competence-based management. The creation and flow of individual and organizational knowledge elements are critical from this point of view. Knowledge management methods are available but there is lack of application. Based on my research and consulting activities, I have experienced that many organizations are unaware of the possibilities available to them, or are unable to utilize the advantages. In this paper I try to demonstrate that the requirements of the internationally used ISO 9001 standard provide a framework for knowledge-based development. Beyond the theoretical issues the paper summarizes
    the limits of practical application.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D83, M19

  • The role of dynamic relationship capabilities and loyalty in organisational relationships

    In this study we try to answer the question of how Hungarian organisations can be depicted in terms of relationship management in networked relationships, and how the nearly fouryear global economic crisis influences the perception of relationship capability and B2B loyalty in organisational relationships. First we review the theoretical background of dynamic relationship capabilities and B2B loyalty, then we show our empirical research results, and we try to identify the factors involved in relationship management and B2B loyalty. From our point of view relationship management has an effect on B2B loyalty, and we support the hypothesis that where relationship management is a conscious action, there are evolved procedures for this. These connected mechanisms have a positive impact on the evaluation of relationship quality and contribute to partners’ loyalty.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M10, M14, M31, M39

  • An analysis of services for general economic purposes and universal services in the European Union

    A topic in the focus on debates on the European social model has been to define the future role of Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). The European Commission launched a widespread public discussion on the public utility related objectives of SGEI, their impacts on the quality of life, on the environment and on the competitiveness of European firms, as well as on ways of organising and financing these services. This discussion has received an important input from rulings of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance in cases on Services of General Economic Interest. Although these court rulings lacked consistency in some cases, they still helped to obtain more accurate definitions of SGEI. Most member countries of the EU have started to elaborate the concept of universal services, but there are still serious loopholes in the field of monitoring, control, quality management and in terms of financing. To sum up, the EU member country level practice of universal services in the energy sector is still in the first phase of realisation.