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  • The Concept of Innovative Fiscal Policy: Theory and Empirical Evidence

    This contribution addresses the question of what are the main constituents of an innovative fiscal policy in the context of sustainability. We apply the concept of sustaining and disruptive innovation to fiscal policy. On the one hand, innovative fiscal policy is able to be sustaining whereby public finance will incrementally improve without leaving its decisive structure. On the other hand, innovative fiscal policy should be disruptive as well in the context of long term sustainability, whereby the structure of public finances can be profoundly restructured as a reaction to future challenges. By using the Finnish recovery in the early 1990s, we can refine our argument about the use and necessity of the mixture of fiscal rules and independent institutions in favour of fiscal sustainability. We also shed light on the key sources of the expansionary consolidation that emerged in the aftermath of the fiscal adjustment in the early 1990s. We emphasise that innovative fiscal policy with a mixture of legislated fiscal rules and independent fiscal anchor is more likely to be associated with sustainability if the economy has weaker growth potential which does not provide enough social trust towards the consolidation efforts of the government.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: E61, E62, Q01

  • The achievement of market orientation in SME’s – results of a cluster analysis

    The aim of this study is to examine to what extent Hungarian SMEs adopt market orientation and what effect it has on their performance. The results of the examination show that the great proportion of SMEs do not adopt a market orientated approach. Among those that do, the effect of market orientation cannot be shown directly through objective indicators of their performance. At the same time it does have an indirect effect on efficiency, which can be observed over the long term. According to our results, the extent to which small and medium-sized firms adopt market orientation plays a significant role in owner-managers’ subjective estimations of performance. Consequently, emerging market consolidation occurring as the result of efficient operation can lead to a satisfactory outcome.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: L20, M31

  • The Risks of Global Financial Markets and the Importance of Credibility: Implications for Hungarian Fiscal Policy

    The central issue in the controversy about the adoption of the euro in Hungary is the difficulties associated with the fulfillment of the fiscal criterion and the possible growth sacrifice it requires. In this paper the author examines the question whether the strategy of delaying entry into the euro-zone implies that fiscal consolidation can be delayed as well. In approaching the problem the paper considers the origins and history of the present-day global financial markets and argues that given the high degree of systemic risks individual countries face responsible macroeconomic policies are crucial in minimizing vulnerability to
    crises. Consequently in order to avoid excessive interest rates and speculative inflows (or currency crisis in the worst case scenario) fiscal deficits in Hungary would have to be cut and credibility of fiscal policy reestablished even without EMU accession. The overall conclusion from this overview is that delaying entry in order to delay fiscal adjustment is likely to increase the trade off between real and nominal convergence instead of mitigating it.

    JEL classification: F33, F41, H62