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Search Results

  • Social Exclusion of Pervitin Users

    The article is based on a qualitative study using narrative interviews with 13 South Bohemian Pervitin users who visit the drug advisory centre. The goal of the article is to describe how social exclusion is subjectively experienced by Pervitin users. The data were processed with the help of grounded theory. The respondents feel to be excluded in a number of normal life areas: they are rejected by their family, friends, and also by public institutions - particularly by the police and by health care facilities. Social exclusion is accompanied by feelings of guilt and remorse for the users. They are also ashamed of their situation, feeling sorrow and disappointed themselves. In some cases, the users are angry with themselves, in other cases with their surroundings for rejecting them. In both variants, exclusion may constitute an important factor in reducing the users' chances of abstinence.

  • Career preferences of Roma young people

    The study presents and analyses the career preferences of young Roma people who have graduated or are currently graduating, and draws on quanti-tative and qualitative data from a comprehensive national survey to identify the patterns that characterise the Roma graduate population under study. The results of the questionnaire-based research will show the correlations bet-ween the qualifications, field of study, gender, age, place of residence, future plans, and the Roma linguistic/cultural group of the respondents in order to illustrate their career preferences. The qualitative research findings show that the experience of Roma identity plays a crucial role in young Roma peoples 39; s career preferences and future plans. Irrespective of their Ro-ma community affiliation, the main dimensions of the career preferences of the sample are exclusion, prejudice, self-perceived discrimination and the marginalised situation of the Roma communities.

  • Az inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igény lehetséges kontextusai egy nemzetközi kutatás tükrében

    Tanulmányunkban az iskolai inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igénye (a továbbiakban: SNI) összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk egy nemzetközi kutatás keretében. Az elméleti részben vázoljuk a szegregációtól az integráción át az inklúzióig tartó folyamatot, mely alapján vitatott az egyes fogalmak használata. Az iskolarendszerben az integráció a fogyatékossággal élő tanulók szegregált oktatásával szemben kialakult megközelítést és gyakorlatot jelenti, melynek célja az elkülönített oktatás felszámolása volt. Az SNI nem diagnosztikus, hanem iskoláztatási fogalom, és a gyógypedagógiai és a jogi fogalomhasználat sem esik egybe. Kutatásunkba ukrajnai (kárpátaljai, 280 fő), lengyel (271 fő) és magyarországi (552 fő) tanulók kerültek. Az iskolai befogadást és a társas támogatást az iskolai sikerek alakítják, növelik. A sikerek képesek a tanulási problémákkal küzdő tanulók önbecsülését is növelni, ami együtt jár a társas támogatás növekedésének és a kirekesztés csökkenésének a szubjektív észlelésével.

  • The chance of digital education among students in a disadvantaged settlement

    The study has researched the adherence of full-times tudents’ into digital study in a disadvantaged region The 240 participants consisted of 165 elementary school students, 51 secondary school students and 24 college/university students. The publication shows that part of the questionnaire that deals with the condition of the adherence, infrastructural endowment and the reasons of absence. The study carries out the survey along factors that cause digital and social exclusion, seeking after significant correlations. The furtherresults of the survey – which deal with the methods of education, successfulness, advantages, disadvantages and the improvement of digital education - will be discussed in another publication.

  • A digitális egyenlőtlenség vizsgálata a társadalmi kirekesztődés szempontjából

    My research, which is part of a doctoral thesis, was made in Bereg the most backward subregion of Hungary in 2017. I examined the risk of poverty and social exclusion concerning the children of the age of 14 living here. I looked at this risk from a new angle, the angle of digital inequality. I looked for the answer whether the usage of the modern multi-media devices and the internet can help in the development of this subregion, the future generation will be able to meet the exigencies of the time, find a job in the digitalized labour market. Or else, the lack of these devices and the disability of using them make their position worse. I unveiled the students’ sociodemographic, socioeconomical features, the degree of the supply concerning multi-media devices, the purpose of their usage, their attributes and the factors causing digital inequality. I scrutinized the degree of ICT usage at schools, the relationship between the usage of the internet and the school achievements, the students’ relationships and their future prospects. In this article I would like to introduce the first part of my research in which I examined the socioeconomical background of the degree of supply with multimedia devices.