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Search Results

  • Situational picture of the employment of Roma people residing in settlements in Nyíregyháza

    In our study we present the employment situation of people residing in the Husar and Eastern settlements which can be found in Nyíregyháza. This study is focussing on one aspect from the many dimensions examined by the research into the life quality of Roma people residing in settlements. As expected, our results revealed that the residents of these settlements are at a huge disadvantage in employment. The extent of employment is mainly influenced by low education, the high number of children and their attitude towards working. According to our results, 70% of the respondents have been unemployed before and 49.8% of them are unemployed at the moment.

  • Roma employment – disadvantaged situation - labour market insecurity

    The problems faced by disadvantaged social groups are complex and require a multidimensional, interdisciplinary approach. In our study, we present the employment-related results of a 2021 survey of a predominantly Roma local community living in a settlement conditions across several dimensions of quality of life. In addition to the employment characteristics of the target group, we explore their employment attitudes, work value preferences and related gender and social roles. Our results show a positive change in the employment situation of the local society, although general labour market insecurity remains to be seen.

  • Practice oriented training from the business sphere’s aspect

    The aim of our article is to analyse the relation between higher education and the labour market with special regards to a newly developed way of education: dual education. In order to serve the changing needs of the labour market, higher educational institutions need to pay more attention to how their programs can better meet the expectations of future employers. The development of practice based skills in higher education is not only an expectation from the future employers but from future students as well. With the help of a questionnaire we mapped the opinion and assessed the needs of different companies in connection with their employed labour force. We analysed their experience gained in dual education, and we also investigated whether they were opened to play a role in dual training by providing employment for students doing their practice. By providing places for practical training, a growing number of employers could join the operation of higher education.

  • Income situations, income conditions among the residents of two settlements

    The monthly net income of settlement residents is much lower than in the town of Nyíregyháza or nationwide. Poor employment stands in the background, which naturally stems from the education level of settlement residents. Almost 80% of them completed 8 grades of primary school only or even fewer, while the number and rate of those who gained any qualification is very low. When examining income disparities in Nyíregyháza, it can be seen that the majority of settlement residents, 76.6%, belong to the 2 lowest deciles, and the rate of income poor also exceeds what is measured in the town or across the country. Considering the 60% of median income, 78% of the residents are poor. Regarding the costs of living, housing expenses cause the biggest trouble and many households have been struggling with arrears.

  • Income situation, income conditions and income inequalities among the inhabitants of those living in settlement conditions

    In the studied impoverished neighborhood, the incomes are significantly lower than the incomes typical of the national and the Northern Great Plain region. The low income is due to unfavorable employment, low educational level and household size. The national average is 2.3 people per household, however, here there are 3.2 per household. A significant part of the population finds it very difficult to live only from their income. In terms of livelihood-related expenditures, expenses related to houseing is the biggest problem for inhabitants. Typically, they are not able to pay their bills and deferring payments usually for rent and utilities is common. At the same time, income inequality exceeding the national average is found int the neigborhood. This is primarily due to the very favorable situation of the top 10%of those living there. this top 10% are characterized not only by the net amount of their income, which is significantly higher than in the neighborhood and also to a lesser extent higher than the national average. Not only are their incomes higher but they have smaller households and are fully employed.

  • Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary

    Gypsy communities have been known in Hungarian majority society for half a millennium. However, sources are poor and only provide information on a few aspects of their lives. Some scholars have attempted to define this sporadic, small group of people when their numbers have increased significantly. In the second half of the 20th century, archivists and ethnographers began to investigate their origins, their common history, the origin of their names, and the specific characteristics that shape their way of life, language, culture and beliefs. Their findings have led to their being defined as a minority, but they are now estimated to number between 10 and 12 million in Europe.  There are naïve researchers and advocates of Gypsy/Roma history who believe that the glories of the past and the persecutions of the past are to be found, but in scientific research, the view is becoming increasingly accepted that the communities of the past centuries in Europe and Hungary, known by their collective name of Gypsy/Roma, cannot be described as homogeneous, undifferentiated entities, either historically, ethnographically or sociologically. Throughout history, Roma/Gypsy people and communities have not been made Roma/Gypsy by the same criteria, and therefore they must be understood primarily in terms of their social situation, so that their integration can be made possible and the national and EU programmes of schooling, compulsory employment and the dismantling of Roma settlements can open up real paths to social advancement.

  • Határmentiség – hátrányos helyzet – munkaerőpiaci bizonytalanság

    In recent years, we have witnessed favourable labour market developments, with an increase in employment and a decrease unemployment since 2013. This is roughly the time when the domestic economy recovered from the financial crisis that unfolded in 2008. However, these favourable labour market developments do not affect the regions of Hungary or individual groups of workers uniformly. And although the relative position of Roma workers in the previously disadvantaged areas of the North-East and South-West has improved, their gap and lack of opportunities remains significant compared to non-Roma people.

  • A külföldi munkavállalás hatása a sportolási szokásokra

    Earlier research on foreign employment has shown that the target country not only offers benefits, but can also pose risks to people that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The question in this matter arises concerning the importance of being aware of the role of regular exercise in the health of the people working abroad and whether the frequently occurring illnesses observed among them may be correlated with the possible lack of regular exercise. During our research, we asked Hungarians working abroad - in Germany - about their sporting habits. 60 respondents, in contrast to expectations based on data from previous studies, reported higher levels of regular physical activity during their stay abroad than before (in Hungary). The combined effect of a number of factors can affect the concerned individuals in this respect, mostly the social and built environment. This validates the need for the nation-wide development of a health-conscious lifestyle in Hungary.

  • The skill-developing effects and potential implications of storytelling in the Hungarian higher education – initial domestic research results

    In the Hungarian higher education, innovative pedagogical methods are needed to prepare students for the challenges of employment. Storytelling offers a multi-faceted, learner-centred method. This paper aims to investigate which skills storytelling improves, and whether it can be used in the Hungarian higher education. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted and thematically analysed. Based on these results, two pedagogical experiments were conducted, observed, and analysed. Results include that storytelling can be realized in many ways, and the method can contribute to the improvement of skills which are currently needed in the labour market.

  • The impact of the support system on people living in segregated areas

    The Quality of Life Panel Research
    in Nyíregyháza (2008-2018) has been examining the
    changes in allowances. Similarly to the national data, there
    is a decrease in household allowance, the allowance for
    economically active people, and the number of people getting
    allowances. This study examines whether these tendencies
    are the same in two segregated areas, the Husar and
    Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza, since here the residents
    are in a more disadvantageous position which stems from
    their education attainment, housing conditions, employment
    and related financial situation. Although the rate of those
    who live and get allowance is higher than that of the city
    dwellers, despite being entitled to allowances fewer people
    have applied for them. In this study we examine the underlying
    reasons by analysing our sample through social and
    economic characteristics, and along their changing attitude
    towards allowances.