A digitális egyenlőtlenség vizsgálata a társadalmi kirekesztődés szempontjából
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My research, which is part of a doctoral thesis, was made in Bereg the most backward subregion of Hungary in 2017. I examined the risk of poverty and social exclusion concerning the children of the age of 14 living here. I looked at this risk from a new angle, the angle of digital inequality. I looked for the answer whether the usage of the modern multi-media devices and the internet can help in the development of this subregion, the future generation will be able to meet the exigencies of the time, find a job in the digitalized labour market. Or else, the lack of these devices and the disability of using them make their position worse. I unveiled the students’ sociodemographic, socioeconomical features, the degree of the supply concerning multi-media devices, the purpose of their usage, their attributes and the factors causing digital inequality. I scrutinized the degree of ICT usage at schools, the relationship between the usage of the internet and the school achievements, the students’ relationships and their future prospects. In this article I would like to introduce the first part of my research in which I examined the socioeconomical background of the degree of supply with multimedia devices.