
Az uszodai infrastruktúra vizsgálata az Észak-alföldi régióban

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Kosztin, N., & Balatoni, I. (2020). Az uszodai infrastruktúra vizsgálata az Észak-alföldi régióban. Acta Medicinae Et Sociologica, 11, 110-125.

Swimming is one of the popular sports that can be done at any age in addition to it being a health-promoting form of exercise. Due to the physical inactivity of a significant proportion of our current society, researchers have been looking at how the population can be persuaded to exercise sports regularly, which also included examining the impact of built environment on sporting habits. In our research, we investigated 34 swimming pools in the North Great Plain region, using a telephone interview-based questionnaire method. We reviewed the dates when the swimming pools were inaugurated, the goals set during the establishment, and the number and length of the pools. We analyzed how sporting activities such as school swimming, residential swimming, physiotherapy, training, and competitions appear in the timetable, and how the opening hours affect the usage of the pools by the population. It can be stated that based on the health indicators of the counties concerned, it would be important to educate for a healthy lifestyle, and also to ensure the possibility of swimming. At the same time, the infrastructure currently available is scarce and as such the continuation of the swimming pool building program is of paramount importance.