
Effect of harvesting time on the vitamin C content and yield of chili pepper


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Silva e Souza, C., Agyemang Duah, S., Pék, Z., Ráth, S., Helyes, L., & Daood, H. (2023). Effect of harvesting time on the vitamin C content and yield of chili pepper . Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 1, 101-104.
Received 2020-11-23
Accepted 2023-05-15
Published 2023-06-05

For thousands of years, chili pepper has been used in cooking intensifying the aroma, colouring, and even flavouring with its pungency. Today ,it is also of interest for the various food and pharmaceutical industries due to its intrinsic characteristics. These characteristics of pepper and its yield can be affected by both the variety and the temperature fluctuation throughout the harvest period. The current work's objective was to investigate the effect of harvest time on vitamin C of different varieties of chili pepper C. frutescens and C. annuum cultivated in Hungary, as well as the yield of pepper in different harvesting periods. Vitamin C was determined by HPLC protocols. The differences between harvest times and varieties were analysed using Tukey post hoc test at 5%. All varieties showed fluctuation of vitamin C level, depending on the given harvest date. At the last harvest, all varieties had higher vitamin C content. All varieties had the same yield trend throughout the year but with different yields between each. Variety Hetényi Parázs had the highest vitamin C content and yield: 3720.53 µg g-1 vitamin C and 18.63 t ha-1 average yield, respectively.

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